Availability Of School Facilities And It Utilization In Teaching In Secondary Schools

Availability Of School Facilities And It Utilization In Teaching In Secondary Schools
Availability Of School Facilities And It Utilization In Teaching In Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT: This study investigate Availability Of School Facilities And It Utilization In Teaching In Secondary Schools in Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area. The population of the study comprises of all the Senior Secondary two (SSII) and three (SSIII) estimated about Nine thousand and fifty five students in the study area. Three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Three hundred and twenty (320) students of (SS2 and SS3) were selected from four public and four private (4) Secondary Schools to form a sample size through a simple random sampling technique.  The study adopted a quasi-experimental design, three hundred and twenty (320) students were randomly selected for the study. Students Economics Achievement Test (SEAT) was used as the Primary instrument for data collection. The Data generated was subjected to independent t-test statistical method.

The findings of the study revealed that school facilities significantly influence student to perform higher in school and also boast their academic performance in learning economic in secondary school, based on the findings of the study, it was conclude that school facilities is essential instrument for student academic performance in learning economics in secondary school. It was therefore recommended among others that government should allocate funds to secondary schools within the state to rehabilitate the dilapidated structures and facilities.


Availability Of School Facilities And It Utilization In Teaching In Secondary Schools



1.1 Background of the Study

Education in every human community is an indispensable instrument for human progress, empowerment and affecting national development, this suggest that a nation lacks a sound educational culture and philosophy stands the risks of delay, whereas a nation that sees to the development of its education is bound to achieved great success.

School facilities have been observed as a potential factors to qualitative education. The important to teaching and learning as the provision of adequate facility and utilization for education cannot be over-emphasized. The diction that teaching is inseparable from learning but learning is separable from teaching in that teachers do the teaching to make students learn but students can learn without the teachers. According to Akande (2009) learning can occur through ones interaction with one’s environment. Environment here refers to facilities that are utilize to facilities students’ learning outcome. It include books, audio-visual, software and hardware of educational technology, so also size of classroom, setting position and arrangement, availability of tables, chairs, chalkboard, shelves on which instrument for practical’s are arranged (Farrant and Faronbi 2011).

According to Oni (2010) facilities and it utilization constitute a strategies factor in organizational functioning. This is so because they determine to a very large extent the smooth functioning of any social organization or system including education, he further stated their utilization, availability, adequacy and relevance influences efficiency and high productivity. In his words Farombi (2009) stresses the wealth of a nation or society could determine the quality of education, stresses that a society that is wealthy will establish good schools with quality facilities, learning infrastructures with these students will learn with ease thus bringing about good academic achievement and it utilization as those facilities which enable the learner to develop problem-solving  skills and determination in learning contribution.

Ayavl and Ogunyemi (2010) stated that the availabilities of school facilities and it utilization will not limit students interest in learning but will enhance their academic skills motivation to learn and quick in understanding of the subject matters in his study on facilities and utilization as correlates as students learning achievement, Faronbi (2013) found that the classroom learning environment in some schools was poor, he cited examples as school without chalkboard absence of ceiling, some roof not in place, windows and doors removed in respect to the view of Tribune (2014) in caption says that mass failure will continue because of it adequate funding of schools lack of good facilities for learning and insufficient building to accommodate students.

Hallak (2007) stated that availability of school facilities are as the potent factors contributing to academic achievement in the system, they include: the classroom accommodation, school building, the library, the laboratories  and other relevant equipment. Students’ academic achievement will be poor due to lack of school facilities therefore he concluded that the effect of school activities on students academic achievement is more felt in pure learning of economics.



Availability Of School Facilities And It Utilization In Teaching In Secondary Schools

1.2 Statement of the Problems

The aim of every learning is to achieve the desire goal sets for in terms of teaching and learning economics in secondary schools. School should be well equipped with the necessary facilities. Suleman (2007) stressed and identified the significance of schools facilities in teaching and learning spheres then prove that absent or poor land deteriorating quality of educational facilities can affect academic performance of student, it is observed that there is rampant failure and how academic performance in examination. This is one of the challenges that students can’t avoid schools which tend to operate in low academic qualities is observed to produce a wayward and clumsy students due to lack of essential facilities for teaching the general influence which leads to some of these problems was poor funding of schools by government and educational stake holders. It is observed that inability for students to perform well in some school can be as a result of poor facilities in school.

The level of failure among secondary students in Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State have become a growing concern. It  admits that poor performance have long standing disease. Therefore, this research work was to investigate the effect and the impact of school facilities and utilization in the learning of economics with proffering effective methods for addressing this problem.


1.3 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to investigate availability of school facilities and it utilization in the learning of economics in secondary schools in Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area. Specially, the study seeks.

  1. To find out if the availability of physical and materials facilities in school enhance proper learning of economics in secondary schools. Depends on adequate supply of school facilities and it utilization which will enhance proper teaching and learning process within a conducive environment.
  2. To determine if the utilization of physical facilities like library and resource centre will produce the desire outcome in teaching of economics in secondary schools.
  3. To determine how learning facilities like textbooks, chalkboard and other facilities will interest students in learning of economics in secondary schools.

Originally posted on May 25, 2021 @ 4:22 pm

About Peter Lawson 2732 Articles
Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of onlineproject.com.ng. A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.