ABSTRACT: This study examined the effectiveness of teacher development programmes on the work performance among teachers of Government in secondary schools in Etinan Local Government Area. The descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population of the study comprised of all Government teachers in the eleven (11) public secondary schools in the study area which amounted to 66 teachers. Stratified sampling technique was used to select six (6) schools for the study, two (2) each from the three (3) districts, this are (Etinan urban, Northern Iman, and Southern Iman) which makes up Etinan Local Government Area. 24 teachers’ were randomly selected, four (4) in each of the six (6) secondary schools which constituted the sample for the study. The instrument used for data collection in this study was a structured questionnaire titled “The Teacher Development programmes Assessment Questionnaire” (TDPAQ) two null hypothesis were formulated to guide the study and tested using pearson product moment of correlation (PPMC).The result revealed that there is a significant relationship between teachers who attended seminars, in-service and effective work performance among teachers teaching government in Etinan Local Government Area. It was concluded that attending of seminars and in-services training has a significant effect on teacher’s work performance in Etinan Local Government Area. It was therefore recommended that, amongst others, government should regularly organize seminars and in-service training for teachers so as to improve their work performance effectively.
1.1 Background to the Study
Effective implementation of any programme, especially that of improving the performance of teachers depend on continuous development and update of teachers’ knowledge.
However, to achieve sustainable development in education, there should be an opportunity created for teachers to improve on the existing method of teaching and learning by providing innovations that can be useful to the entire school system. Continuous development programme is required because the knowledge and skills that teachers acquire during their initial traijing are unlikely to last them through their entire career (Bassey, 2008).
In recent years, a variety of teachers development programme have been fashioned out to upgrade the serving teachers in secondary schools. Some agencies, such as Ministry or Education, Teaching Service Commission, State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) and professional organizations run workshops, conferences etc for practicing teachers. Many teachers across the country have seized this opportunity to acquire more experience and upgrade their teaching qualifications. During the development programmes, there would be exchange of ideas among teachers through which they acquire authentic learning experience which according to Lare and Blenger (2010) allow students to genuinely engage in processes which can lead to meaningful and long lasting learning for sustainability.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The issue of falling standard in education and poor academic performance of students have become a source of concern to many Nigerians. Most often, when these issues are raised and discussed, teachers are mostly blamed for the decline in the educational sector. The contention has often been that teachers do not effectively perform their jobs; some adduce poor teaching job performance to the lack of qualified teachers in secondary schools. There is therefore, the need for an analytical examination of the influence of teachers’ development programmes on teachers’ effective work performance.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The key element of teachers’ quality is the provision of adequate opportunities for personal growth and professional development, therefore, the main purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of teachers’ training programmes on the work performance among teachers of Government. So, the following specific purpose were developed to guide the research:
- To assess the influence of seminars on work performance of teachers of Government in Etinan Local Government Area.
- To examine the influence of in-service training on work performance of teachers of Government in Etinan Local Government Area.
Originally posted on June 8, 2021 @ 2:07 pm