Birth Order And Academic Performance In Mathematics Among Primary School Pupils

Birth Order And Academic Performance In Mathematics Among Primary School Pupils
Birth Order And Academic Performance In Mathematics Among Primary School Pupils

Birth Order And Academic Performance In Mathematics Among Primary School Pupils

ABSTRACT: This study examines the influence of birth order and academic performance in mathematics among primary schools pupils in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area. Two research question and hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. The population of the study was all the teachers and primary six (6) pupils which was about nine thousand six hundred and eight pupils (9608) and two hundred and thirteen teachers (213) and a sample size of hundred and ten (110) respondent were used making up of ten (10) teachers and one hundred pupils (100). Instrument used for the study was a questionnaire and mathematics Achievement test (MAT). Two sampling technique was adopted for the study which were purposive sampling for teachers and random sampling for pupils. The design used for this study was an expose-factor research design. The data generated for the study was analyzed using chi-square and simple percentage statistical method. From the analysis, it was revealed that Birth order via first born children, and middle children significantly influences the academic performance of primary schools pupils in mathematics in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area.



1.1         Background of the study

According to salmon (2007), birth order refers to the Child’s position in the birth of a particular family. It means the way in which the child are placed or arranged in relation to one another. He further mention to include first born, middle children and last born or only child which can be a male or female in the birth ranking. The first born naturally are leaders, cautious, focus, ambitious and responsible, Dele   (2002). He further asserted that there was more significantly outstand in the academics performance among first born children. He also noted that first born     are two to three times more intelligence than the middle and last children whether male or female. He concluded by advising parent/guardians to nurture their academic ability to manifest when they are older.

Salmon (2007) in his book, “the secret power of middle children opined that the middle child or children do not have the right of the oldest or the privileges of the     youngest child. Accordingly, the middle children      experiences difficulty in finding a position of privilege        and significance in the family because they never have the opportunity to monopolizes parent’s attention.               Thus,they constantly fight to stay ahead of their younger sibling.

Although, it is observe that some of the first-born children and middle born are unable to meet with the demands of what is expected from them by the parent, and the society at large. Specifically in the educational sectors and other stakeholders. Some are hundred from reaching their optimum level in academic pursuit due to some negative factors arising from the such as death, ill health, poor finance and divorce on the part of the parents etc. Hence there is need to examine the influence of birth order and the academic performance of pupils because pupils achievement in the educational sector is not encouraging. The study seek to examine to what extents dose birth order via first birth, middle and last born or only child influences the academic performance in mathematics among primary school pupils in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area.

1.2         Statement of the problem

The academic performance among primary school    pupils is very poor and challenging and have been a serious issue in the educational sector and have greatly gotten attention of all stakeholders. These challenges are teachers related factors, government related factors, and parents related factors. And pupils related factors. It is an established fact that majority of   the people do not believes that the way the child is born and place in the family has much influences on the academic performance of pupils. In the light of the above, this research focuses on birth order and academic performance in mathematics among primary   school pupils in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area.

1.3         Purpose of the study

The main purpose of the study was to examine the influence of birth order and academic performance in mathematics among primary school pupils in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area.

1.4         Significant of the Study

The study will be important to educationists, academicians especially guidance and counselors in our school since it will expose aspect of birth order and academic performance of pupils in mathematics. The parent especially the educated ones will find the study useful because it can afford them to know that birth order are not myths and that they are not just fascinating thus it will help them to study their children and ensure all are academically sound irrespective of whether it is first born, middle children, last born and only child or children. Apart from the fore mentions, this project is another academic contribution to scholarship.


Originally posted on July 20, 2021 @ 3:04 pm

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Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.