The Influence Of Teacher Student Relationship On Academic Achievement Of Biology Students

The Influence Of Teacher Student Relationship On Academic Achievement Of Biology Students
The Influence Of Teacher Student Relationship On Academic Achievement Of Biology Students

 ABSTRACT:  This study was carryout to investigate The Influence of Teacher Student Relationship on Academic Achievement of Biology Students in secondary schools. Three (3) research questions and hypotheses were formulated to guide the study based on pre-stated objectives. A literature review was carryout on the previous studies, views and postulation of authorities and    scholars. The study adopted a survey research design. The population of the study comprises of 1063 SS2 Biology students for 2017/2018 academic session. The selected consisted of one hundred (100) students randomly selected from four (4) schools in the study area.

A structural questionnaire titled “Teachers’-Students’ Relationship Questionnaire (TSRQ) and Biology Achievement test (BAT) were used for data collection. Data collections were analyzed using Pearson Product Movement Correlation (PPMC). The result revealed that Teachers’-students’ interaction, teachers’-guidance and teachers’-mentoring significant affect or influence academic performance of students in Government in secondary schools.


The Influence Of Teacher Student Relationship On Academic Achievement Of Biology Students



1.1 Background to the Study

Teachers in the school system can be seen as foster parents to students at school in the process of acquiring formal education. Apart from their peers which the children easily mingle with; make friends, play together and sometime learn together; the role   of a teacher in the life of the learners or students is very important. The students depend on the teacher for the acquisition of knowledge, skills, morals and values.

Thus,  the personality of the teacher, his/her attitude towards the teaching activities, the students and types of relationship that exist between the teacher and students play an important role in influencing the teaching- learning process.

The outcome of the teaching –learning process is usually measured in terms of the academic performance or achievement of the students. It is obvious that there are  many factors influencing the academic performance of students,  there include home background, peer group, school facilities, personal characteristics of the learners and teacher’s attributes, etc. Although enormous factors are associated with students’ academic performance, it can be argued that related to the teachers has a greater effect on the academic performance of students. This is because the teacher is the one who impacts the knowledge, while the students learn. It is the teaching-learning process that brings the teachers and students more close or together in order to achieve educational objectives.

Hence, teachers’-students’ relationship is seen as a very important factor in students learning and academic performance. Corroborating the above assertion, Essays (2013), sate that one of the most important aspects of teaching is building relationship with students. Teachers’-students’ relationship influence how a student’s develops.

The manner of understanding or cooperation that exist between the teacher and the students and this go a long way in influencing how students learn and perform in a particular subject. Llanillo (2018) observed that successful teachers are those that have the ability to maximize the learning potentials of the students in their classes; believe that developing positive relationship between a teacher and student is a fundamental aspect of quality teaching and students learning.

Teachers’-students’ relationship influence students in a wide range of school adjustment outcome including; liking school, work habits, social skills, behaviour and academic performance (Essays 2013).

Pordes (2015) noted that the relationship between a student and teacher is from the teachers perspective’s a professional one; especially as teacher’s job is to ensure that the students learn and make progress in the field. A good relationship has advantages for both teacher and learners. For instance a good relationship produces a good environment within the classroom, which can be vital to be success of both the teacher and students. One the other hand, a bad or negative relationship between teacher and students can hinder effective teaching and learning in the classroom.  Pordes (2015) opines that positive teacher –students relationships promotes a sense of school belonging and encourage students to study and success in a friendly environment.

Good relationships between the students and the teacher enable the teacher to motivate the student’s sets goal for them, and students can conveniently turn to their teacher for advice and guidance. Previous studies have shown that teacher-students relationships have a significant influence on students learning and academic performance (Hattie, 2009, and Gehldach 2006).

In the teaching-learning process, the teaching method and materials used by the teacher play a great role in the successful achievement of instructional objectives.

It is therefore imperative, that the teacher should get to understand the learners very well; know their level of understanding previous knowledge and learning styles so as to aligned instructional strategy according. It’s believed that the more the teachers know their students and related with them, the better the interaction the teacher has with them, the more likely they are to learn and improve their academic performance. Therefore, teacher –students relationship is work becomes recommended and accept look and this research therefore, carried out to examine teachers’-students’ relationship and of its effect on the academic performance of students in Biology in Okobo Local Government Area. Students in the local Government Area have been performing poorly in Government, both in internal and external examinations.

Recent studies have been conducted on teachers’ variables, home background factors, school variables and students characteristics, while teachers’-students’ relationship has been error.

Consequently, the research is motivated to investigate the teachers’-students’ relationship and academic performance of students in Biology in secondary school in Okobo Local Government Area.

The Influence Of Teacher Student Relationship On Academic Achievement Of Biology Students

1.2     Statement of the Problem

It has been observed over the  years that secondary school students in Okobo Local Government Area have been performing poorly in Biology examination; both internal and external. This poor performance of students in Government has generated worries in the minds of educational stakeholders including parents, teachers, public administrators and student as to whether who could be the problem or cause of the low level of performance among students in the subject. Common observation in the area shows that most of the students have academic problem which manifested itself in the form of poor result or scores in test and examinations.

Students in the area don’t consult their teacher where they have learning difficulties or problems due to fear of punishment or the barriers placed by the teachers on them. Many of the teachers feel that students should respect them with restrictions. Furthermore, many parents restricts their children especially the female ones from having any relationship with the teachers even the fear of sexual abuse. All the cause does not encourage teachers’ – students’ relationship.

Having a good relationship with a teacher can make students free from tension, worries, etc. they will be getting a very good guidance from teacher and the teacher can always help them understand difficult topics or concepts, thereby enhancing their academic performance in the subject. Hence, the focus of this study is carryout to examine teachers’-students’ relationship and the academic performance of student in Biology in Okobo Local Government Area. 

Originally posted on August 31, 2021 @ 11:15 am

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Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.