Impact Of Resource Utilization On The Teaching And Learning Of Chemistry In Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT: The study was carried out to investigate the Impact of Resource Utilization on the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry in Secondary Schools. In order to achieve the purpose of the study three (3) specific objectives were drawn which aided the formulation of three research questions. The research design used was a descriptive survey design. The population of the study consists of all forty-two (42) chemistry teachers in eleven (11) public secondary schools. A sample  size of fifteen (15) were chosen from five (5) public secondary schools out of the eleven (11) public secondary schools through a simple random sampling technique. The instrument used for data collection was a checklist and questionnaire assessing the availability and utilization of learning resources in secondary schools. Data generated were analyzed using frequency count and simple percentage. The result of the findings showed that learning resources are available for teaching of chemistry in secondary. The findings also indicate that chemistry teachers make use of availability learning resources for teaching of chemistry in secondary schools. Based on the above findings, it was recommended among others, that the state government and principal of secondary schools should ensure adequate provision of relevant and modern learning resources for effective teaching of chemistry.


Impact Of Resource Utilization On The Teaching And Learning Of Chemistry In Secondary Schools



1.1     Background to the Study

The responsibility of the class teacher is to help students attain maximum academic achievement    in their learning task. Some level of competency is expected of the teacher in order to achieve this goal, and one of these competency levels include: ability to use appropriate instructional strategies in teaching. Chemistry as a branch of science is highly important in modern societies because of its requirement as a prerequisite to the study of many other science related courses. Bagley (2017) defined Chemistry as the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances, and how substances interact with energy. It appears that for a nation to develop in science and technology, the teaching and learning of Chemistry need to be improved.

It therefore, becomes pertinent that academic performances in Chemistry and in sciences generally, should be at excellent. However, this seems not to be the case in Nigeria because students’ academic performances have not been encouraging (Ajeyalemi 2013; Bojuwoye, 2015; Adeyegbe, 2013). There are several attempts through the use of carefully planned instructional strategies and models to improve the status of Chemistry teaching and learning.

However, researchers have found that teaching practices are often underpinned by a set of inter-related believes and values (Pratt, 2012; Fox 2013). Teaching is the process of inculcating moral values, abilities, skills by an experienced person to an inexperienced person in order to ensure positive change in behaviour useful in developing oneself and the society (Kember, 2007; Fox, 2013). The teaching and learning of Chemistry is an activity whose success is determined by host of factors among them is utilization of necessary resources and also the teacher factor.

In similar terms, learning is a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of experience and increases the potential for improved performance (Ambrose, et al 2010). The change in the learner may happen at the level of knowledge, attitude or behaviour. As a result of learning, learners come to see concepts, ideas, and/or the world differently. Learners build knowledge as they explore the world around them, observe and interact with phenomena engage with others, and make connections among new ideas and prior understanding. Abayomi and Olukayoda (2006) emphasized that learning is not something that is done for students; rather it requires students’ direct involvement and participation. In literature, learning is seen differently from motivation and needs.

Ibe-Bassey (2002) believed that learning is an altered disposition in an individual as a result of instruction. Therefore, science education such as Chemistry induces individual students to learn by involving themselves in critical thinking and participating actively in a given task. However, Ibukun, Akinfolarin, Alimi (2011) posited that student’s learning outcome is not likely to be known or observed without using the appropriate resources effectively and appropriately.

The idea that utilization of resources in an organization is as important as the achievement of goals and objective is attributed to Ibukun, Akintolarin, Alimi (2011). Thus, teaching and learning in school environment may not be achieved without the use of appropriate resources. Ehinola (2009) defined resources in education as the total sum of everything used directly or indirectly for the purpose of education and training to support, facilitate or encourage transmission and acquisition of knowledge. He pointed that school resources includes the physical, human and financial resources.

Resources relative to Chemistry may include: laboratory, furniture, school compound, lighting, books, equipment and apparatus, libraries, among others. Okorie (2001) correlated students learning outcomes in Chemistry with the availability and appropriate utilization of related resources. He asserted that students acquire skills using these resources.

On the contrary, there seems to be missing link between availability and utilization of these acclaimed resources in the classroom delivery of science instructions. The dividend of the print media such as textbooks, journals, encyclopedias, bulletin, electronic materials like overhead projector, VCR, oleograph, radio, television, computer, internet facilities, laboratory equipment, reagents and other apparatus. (Colayiwola, 1996; Brewton, 2002; Onyegebu, 2001) which have been seen as useful resources for science teaching but seem not to be outstanding. It is against this background, that this study attempted to keep science teachers generally and Chemistry teachers abreast of what they ought to embrace about utilization of resources for effective classroom teaching and learning of Chemistry.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

There are many important resources to be utilized in achieving educational goals and objectives. Qualitative education is no doubt a function of availability and appropriate utilization of teaching/learning resources. The availability and utilization of human and non-human resources determine the efficiency of the school system. However, there are concerns that schools not only lack adequate resources to meet the educational requirements of their students, but that schools, however, suffer gross under utilization of available resources with which to provide instruction to the students.

Many schools in our society suffer lack of qualified science educators in the field, insufficient material resources for training, inadequate funding and lack of qualified researcher. This could be the essence to which Ayeni (2005) decried poor learning outcome of students in science subjects. This is despite the fact that the schools enroll students with comparable entry behaviour and receive comparable funding from the government and other stake holders. Therefore, this study intends to investigate how resources utilization are impacting on the teaching and learning of Chemistry in secondary schools.

Impact Of Resource Utilization On The Teaching And Learning Of Chemistry In Secondary Schools

1.3     Purpose of the Study

This study is carried out to investigate the impact of resource utilization on the teaching and learning of Chemistry in secondary school. The study specifically seeks to:

  1. determine the effect of utilization of ICT resources on the teaching/learning of Chemistry in secondary schools.
  2. determine the effect of utilization of laboratory resources on the teaching/learning of Chemistry in secondary schools.
  3. determine the effect of utilization of library resources on the teaching/learning of Chemistry in secondary schools.

Originally posted on October 18, 2021 @ 3:50 pm

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Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.