E-learning facilities utilization and teaching of Biology in secondary schools

E-learning facilities utilization and teaching of Biology in secondary schools
E-learning facilities utilization and teaching of Biology in secondary schools

ABSTRACT: The study was conducted to investigate E-learning facilities utilization and teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. The main objective of the study was to examine the E-learning facilities and utilization in the teaching of Biology in secondary school in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. Specifically, the study sought to determine the extent of availability of E-learning facilities in secondary schools and determine the extent to which the utilization of E-learning facilities improve the teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. Hence a descriptive survey research design was employed for the study; it helps to highlight useful information from the existing respondents in the study. The sampling techniques employed by the researcher was simple random sampling techniques used in selecting (36) respondents from the total population of teachers in secondary schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government.

The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire designed by the researcher on E-learning Facilities and Utilization and Teaching of Biology (ELFTB) conversely, simple percentage employed by the researcher in analysis of data and also answering of the two research questions the findings shows that students will enjoy lessons if E-learning facilities are available and utilized for the teaching Biology in secondary schools and their academic performance will improve.

E-learning facilities utilization and teaching of Biology in secondary schools



1.1 Background to the study

The role of E-learning facilities in teaching and learning has become one of the most important and widely discussed issues in contemporary education policy. E-learning is an important factor in this information age so that when properly adopted and applied holds a great promise to improving teaching and learning in educational institutions. It is an important instructional tool to facilitate the transfer of many types of information and an effective means of communication in schools and colleges Okoli and Osuafor (2013). E-learning or Internet-based instruction has been manifested in one-to-one (teacher-to-student), one-to-many (teacher-to-group) and many-to-many (group-to- group) approaches to instruction (Webb, Jones, Barker & Schaik, 2004).

E- Learning is the application of a whole range of technologies involved in information processing and electronic communications, such as computers, internet, e-mail, computer software, satellite,  mobile  communication  gadgets and other allied electronic devices for dissemination of knowledge and information. It involves the application of computer and information technology in teaching and learning. According to Adesoji (2012), E-learning comprises computer and ICT materials and applications, which aid information collection and dissemination, research and global exchange of ideas that are critical for advancing meaningful, educational initiatives and understanding issues related to global development. The introduction of e-learning facilities to the education systems is aimed at improving educational delivery and preparing students for a role in an information age Ajayi (2008).

E-learning in education is the wholesome integration of modern telecommunication equipments, particularly the internet into the education system. E-learning as an aspect of ICT is relatively new in Nigeria’s educational system. It is a departure from the conventional approach in curriculum implementation. The main purpose of e-learning is to transform the old methods and approaches to curriculum implementation and not to silence the curriculum or to erase the content of the curriculum Ayebi-Arthur (2011).

Application of e-learning facilities provides productive teaching and learning in order to increase people’s creative and intellectual resources especially in today’s information society and gives ample and exceptional opportunities to the teachers and students to develop capacities for high quality learning and to increase their ability to innovate Aduwa-Ogiegbaen & Iyanmu, (2005). The question now is, has the situation improved? In spite of the obvious advantages of e-learning, it is not certain whether the facilities for its implementation are now available and utilized in schools especially in secondary school where the qualitative educational objective is dependent. It is therefore on this background that the researcher sought to investigate on the extent of availability and utilization of e-learning facilities for the teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.

E-learning facilities utilization and teaching of Biology in secondary schools

1.2 Statement of the problem

According to Ajayi (2008), the effective utilization of E-learning facilities in teaching and learning depends on the availability of these facilities and teachers competence in using them. Observation has shown that there are no functional ICT facilities in most secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State (Nsit Ubium Local Government Area inclusive) and this hampers the teacher’s ability to use them for teaching and learning thereby dwindling student’s academic performance.

The call for application of e-learning in teaching of Biology in secondary education is to infuse and inject efficiency and effectiveness in curriculum implementation. The role of e-learning in education is recognized by the Nigeria national policy on education (FRN,2004,P53) where it started that, “the government  shall provide facilities and necessary infrastructures for the promotion of ICT and e-learning.” E-learning facilities will prove beneficial in improving educational system and giving students a better education. A technologically advanced workforce will lead to ICT growth in Secondary schools, with the potential to improve educational performance, lack of adequate E-learning facilities, irregular power supply and inadequate funding are another set of obstacle militating against effective utilization of E-learning facilities in teaching and learning of Biology in secondary schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. As such, there is need to investigate on the effects of E-learning Facilities Utilization and Teaching of Biology in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.

Originally posted on October 24, 2021 @ 4:22 pm

About Peter Lawson 2732 Articles
Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of onlineproject.com.ng. A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.