ABSTRACT: This study examined Learning Habits and Academic Achievement in Business Studies among Junior Secondary School Students in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area. Three objectives and three research questions were formulated to give the study guide. The survey research design was adopted The population of the study comprised 748 junior secondary two (JS2) Students who offer Business Studies in the Study Area. A sample size of 330 students was used for the study. The Instrument for data collection was a Questionnaire. The data generated from the study were analyzed using Frequency counts and Simple Percentages. The results showed that learning habits affects academic performance of students in Business Studies in Junior secondary schools in the study area.
Learning Habits and Academic Achievement in Business Studies among Junior Secondary School Students
1.1 Background to the Study
In the field of education & psychology, learning has been discovered all over the world to be a highly complex problem. Several researchers have tried to explain it differently and the description of each is partially true. Over the years, researches on factors that influence academic performance of students have attracted the interest of not only researchers but concern of teachers, counselors, psychologists, and school administrators as well. Learning method is the knowledge and application of effective learning skills or techniques by students. The term learning habit refers to the way in which students’ study or learn either systematically, efficiently or inefficiently. In line with what has been said above, it could deduce that good learning habit will definitely yield positive academic performances and achievement and also inefficient or poor study habit leads to academic failure.
In every school setting, students are perpetually in search of academic success, the success of academic performance is their ultimate goal. Academic achievement can be expressed in the form of good scores and prizes as a result of hard work and exceptional performance in classroom tests, assignments and examination (Robinsonm, 2001).
Since the teacher is the custodian, the catalyst or facilitator of the learning process. He provides the necessary husbandly without which learning cannot flourish. The teacher will expose the students to the appropriate learning habit that would enhance their academic performance. (Denga, 2002). However, techniques are first form at home, such as that of neatness, respect for elders, honesty and friendliness and so on, being taught by parents. When a child moves into the school more techniques are being taught by the teachers such as seen in skills ad methods of drilling children into desirable techniques as spelt out in the curriculum.
Nwegbu (2000) asserted that habit saves time and saves effort. It is through the help of techniques that we carry out daily routines. Therefore, good learning techniques are important ingredients in the life of a successful student in his course of study. Since it helps students to accomplish task effectively and efficiently. Denga (2001) is of the opinion that such student should choose his suitable learning techniques from the various techniques because of individual differences, since according to him, each student has his own goal in life and possesses his unique ways of pursuing these goals. A close examination of the factors that influence the academic performance of students manifest and sacrifice are required for academic performance.
In Nigeria, Akwa Ibom State in particular, many factors have been highlighted to influence the ability of students to cultivate effective and efficient learning habit. Such factors include; state of health, motivation, anxiety and state of mind, conducive and suitable environment for studying, availability of textbooks and well equipped libraries. In a research carried out by (Nuthana & Yenagi, 2009) the causes of poor academic performance among Nigeria students were thoroughly examined. In which some of these factors identified include; low student’s intellectual ability, achievement motivation, lack of goals, low self-esteem, low socio-economic status of the family, poverty and poor study habit as a major factor.
A survey was carried out in some selected schools in Nigeria to identify some major causes of low academic performances in students. Some of the problems identified include inadequate teachers, problem of inadequate facilities in the school, problems caused by poor parental background, unfavorable government policies and low educational sector funding (Ajila and Olutola 2007). Likewise, Ichado (1998) also dispute environment from which the student comes from play a major role in influencing learning habits which invariably affect academic performance. The concept of learning habit is broad as it combines nearly all other sub-topics under it such as learning attitude, learning method, and learning skill. In a research conducted by Allport (2000), it was argued that attitude toward learning by drafting a good study pattern can greatly contribute to students’ academic performance. Successful learners all over the world are said to have adopted positive attitude towards learning and are time conscious over what they have to do.
In Nigeria, Akwa Ibom State in particular, many factors have been highlighted to influence the ability of students to cultivate effective and efficient learning habit. Such factors include; inability of students to partake in classes lessons, failure to comprehend with not-taking strategy, inability to do their class work, homework and assignment, insufficient time allocated for class lessons among other psychological factors such as; anxiety and state of mind, non-conducive and suitable environment for studying, unavailability of textbooks and unequipped libraries. In a research carried out by (Nuthana & Yenagi, 2009) the causes of poor academic performance among Nigeria students were thoroughly examined. In which some of these factors identified include; low student’s intellectual ability, achievement motivation, lack of goals, low self-esteem, low socio-economic status of the family, poverty and poor study habit as a major factor.
Likewise, Ichado (1998) also dispute environment from which the student comes from play a major role in influencing learning habits which invariably affect academic performance. The concept of learning habit is broad as it combines nearly all other sub-topics under it such as learning attitude, learning method, and learning skill. In a research conducted by Allport (2000), it was argued that attitude toward learning by drafting a good study pattern can greatly contribute to students’ academic performance. Successful learners all over the world are said to have adopted positive attitude towards learning and are time conscious over what they have to do.
In a more recent meta-analysis, Crede and Kuncel (2008) found that non-cognitive factors like learning habit, learning skills and learning motivation, among other attitudinal constructs, accounted for incremental variance in academic performance beyond standardized tests and previous grades. Moreover, a literature review by Nagaraju (2004) pointed out that, for good academic success, good learning habits are important. Hence, it is imperative and desirable that a probe into the pattern of learning habits of students be made.
Learning Habits and Academic Achievement in Business Studies among Junior Secondary School Students
1.2 Statement of Problem
The problems associated with learning habits might have a major effect on a student’s academic achievement, it is believed that everyone has a different learning habit and it is important to find out the best personal way to study. Learning with friends has a long way to go in student’s learning habits, it has a positive influence in which they discuss what have been read together but also has a negative effect in which they might not read but discuss throughout the stipulated time for reading which boils down to time wastage.
The ability to study effectively is important for student’s success in any of the school subjects. Many capable students at all grade levels may experience frustration and even failure in many subjects, not because they lack ability, but because they do not have adequate study skills. Good study skills such as listening and reading, note-taking, managing time, taking tests, etc are not only capable of improving their academic performance, but also increasing their feelings of competence and confidence in their chosen subjects as they learn.
In recent time educators in Nigeria have been increasingly concerned about the need to improve on the academic performance of students (Akubuiro, 2008:1). In the same vein Akomolafe (2009) asserted that parents, teachers and society in general are worried and apprehensive about the best way to improve academic standards, achievement and performance. Consequently, the decline in the academic standard of students in Nigerian secondary schools call for a serious concern.
In our secondary school most students can only read and write but cannot think and reason logically and rationally. Some can only minimize and write in examination what the teacher has taught them. Some of the students do not have the required text books and writing materials. However, the students spent most of their time playing in the class, some discussing or distracting others when the lesson is going on some are busy planning on what to do at home while in the classroom while others do not attend the class at all. Other students are unaware of various learning techniques, like group discussion, time allocation and other factors that could enhance their academic performance.
Students poor performance in Business Studies in junior secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State, Etim Ekpo Local Government in particular has continued to pose a serious concern to education ministry, government agencies, parents and the students themselves (Essien 2004, Akpan 2006 and Usoro 2007). Most previous studies had tended to attribute this problem to factors that are extraneous to the learner, such as poor physical facilities, school environment etc. Various strategies adopted by different governments and agencies tend not to address the problem substantially. There is therefore further need to research into other possible factors or variables underlying students’ achievement in Business Studies, since behaviour is a product of environmental and psychosocial variables.
It is as a result of this poor performance experienced in the classroom by the researcher that gingered the researcher to carry out the present study which sought to ascertain learning habit and academic achievement in business studies among junior secondary students in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
Originally posted on October 24, 2021 @ 5:35 pm