School Variables and Academic Achievement in Mathematics among Primary School Pupils

School Variables and Academic Achievement in Mathematics among Primary School Pupils
School Variables and Academic Achievement in Mathematics among Primary School Pupils

ABSTRACT: This aim of study was to School Variables and Academic Achievement in Mathematics among Primary School Pupils. A survey research design was used: three thousand, three hundred and two primary five pupils from fifteen primary five pupils from fifteen primary schools formed the population of this study. From this, three hundred (300) primary five pupils were drawn from the fifteen selected primary schools and used as the sample size of the study using simple random sampling technique. Review of related literature was carried out on the area relevance to the study. The instrument used for data collection was the test called “Mathematics Achievement Test” (MAT). Data collected from the instrument was analyzed using an independent t-test method. While the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The results obtained from the analysis indicates that school variables has significant influence on academic achievement in mathematics among pupils in primary schools.

School Variables and Academic Achievement in Mathematics among Primary School Pupils



1.1     Background to the Study

As the foundation on which subsequent levels of educational systems rest, Primary Education occupies a major position in the educational system in Nigeria. The success or failure of the other levels depends on the primary level. Educators like Anikweze (2005) asserted that the quality of primary Education determines the quality of both the secondary and tertiary levels. Therefore, the type of knowledge, the kind of experiences children are exposed to and the attitudes they acquire through the educative processes are vital for their survival and for substainable national development (Akinsola, Lawal and Oyelokun 2007).

In recognition of the potential role of primary education, the national policy on Education (2004) has spelt out the goals of primary education to include: inculcation of permanent literacy and Numeracy and Ability to communicate effectively, to lay a sound basis for scientific and Reflective thinking to develop in the child ability to adapt, to develop in the child changing environment. Consequently, mathematics forms the foundation upon which science and technology education at higher levels of secondary and Tertiary education is built. Mathematics education like science and Technology Education induces a lot of activities.

Bulus and Jwakdak (2006) posited that no matter how good and well planned curriculum may be lack of interest and lack of adequate knowledge of the subject matter as well as lack of instructional resources to work with can militate aquarist its successful implantation. Inspite of all the measures taken by government to improve science technology and mathematics teaching and learning, pupils do not perform well because to them science and mathematics seem unreal, vague, uninspiring and meaningless.

It is therefore on this background that the researcher intends to further examine whether school variables such as teachers’ qualification instructional materials, class size or teaching methods could be responsible for academic achievement among pupils in mathematics in schools in Uyo Local Government Area.


School Variables and Academic Achievement in Mathematics among Primary School Pupils

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Many research scholars in the past have made several attempts in finding solutions to the issue of poor status of school variables in relation to academic achievement of learners at various levels of education particularly in primary schools in Nigeria. A research work of this magnitude is only an addition to the volume or research already carried out on the topic.

It has been observed that over the years several primary schools pupils performed poorly in mathematics especially in public examination such as National Common Entrance (NCEE). Consequently this situation has adversely affected the volume of student’s enrollment into secondary schools especially the famous Federal Unity College in Nigeria. The researcher also observed with dismay the level of inadequacy or outright lack of modern instructional material for teaching and learning of mathematics as well as lack of qualified teachers in most primary schools in Uyo Local Government Area wholesome of these schools also labour dilapidated classroom block and teachers offices.

Worried, by these pupils poor outage in public examinations, the researcher is quality in terms of educational qualification or instructional material or teaching methods could be responsible for this downward surge in pupils Academic Performance. Hence, the researchers intends to investigate into School Variables and Academic Achievement in Mathematics among Primary School Pupils in Uyo Local Government Area with a view to making recommendations based on research findings on the issue.

Originally posted on October 27, 2021 @ 6:00 pm

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Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.