Abstract: This research work examine availability and utilization of computer-based resources and biology teaching in secondary schools in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area. Two research questions were raised to guide the study. The population of the study comprises all teachers teaching Biology in secondary schools in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area. 10 teachers were selected from public secondary schools in the study area with two from each of the schools. The instrument used in the study was computer based resources availability and utilization questionnaire (CBRAUQ) and checklist to elicit information from the study.
A survey design method was adopted for the study. The findings revealed that computer based resources that are available are not utilized by teachers in the teaching of Biology due to lack of computer based knowledge. Recommendations were made at the end of the study. Government should organized training, workshop, seminar, symposia and conferences for Biology teachers in secondary schools to update their knowledge on how to use the computer based resources during Biology teaching.
Availability and Utilization of Computer-Based Resources and Biology Teaching in Secondary Schools
1.1 Background to the Study
Since the inception of formal classroom based introduction, a fundamental aspect of teaching Biology has been the kind of resources adopted, and the way the teacher arranged the classroom environment, so that student can interact and learn effectively. The ability of existing educational approaches is to impact knowledge, skills and appropriate values to the young leaners.
More so, in the teaching and learning of Biology in secondary schools, computer-based resources play a key role in promoting the intellectual and skills development of the students. However, many of the productivity gains in the developed word including Nigeria economics over the past two decades are attributable to the impact of I.C.Ts, especially computers. Information and communication technology have a direct role to play in teaching and learning of Biological concepts if appropriately used, can bring more benefit to the teachers and the students, as well as educational sector (Osodo, 2013).
Considering the assertion of Mkpolo and Bednarz (2014),computer based resources provides the Biology students new opportunities for teaching and learning including offering opportunity for more students centered teaching, opportunity to reach more learners, greater opportunity for teacher to teachers and student to students communication and collaboration, greater opportunities for multiple technologies delivered by teachers, creating motivation in learning amongst students and also offering access to wider range of courses.
According to Wabuyele (2015), computer has been identified as the most efficient stand alone technology, which is able to make teaching and learning of biology situation meaningful and fruitful than it has been before.
Again Arnong (2016) argue that many schools are facing escalating demand on access to finite computer resources; including computer suites and lack of access to computers at required time often discourage Biology teachers, as well as, the students from using computers. Nevertheless, Alexander and Geissinger (2014) pointed out that they are relatively few opportunities for continuing professional development in the use of computers in teaching of Biology. By the way the definition, computer, according to Wersh (2013), is a tool, a vehicle for combining motor skills, language, images and symbolic manipulation through practical activities.
In recent times, according to Nwosu and Nzewi (2014), the facilities that are advocated for effective teaching and learning of Biology as a science subject include the use of computer-based strategy of learning. Udemeobong (2014) revealed that these strategies are activity and interactive oriented. Thus, it helps learners of Biology to develop appropriate skill, current information, for better understanding of scientific concepts in the classroom of learning. Similarly Nworgu and Dalal (2014), added that, the utilization of computer resources make the students to build their creative abilities, improve their self esteem and make them to be active participants in the classroom.
Atalonu (2015)supported that the availability and proper utilization of computer-base resource in teaching and learning of Biology in secondary schools will not only help the students to learn and retain information alone, but also have positive effect on students attitudes towards studying science subject. Karper (2012) and Jenk (2014) remarked that, education is one of the most important elements responsible for the development of the society. Therefore, its adaptation to the changes brought about by today’s information age is very significant.
Similarly, Jegede (2015), confirms that in order for this adaptation to be successful, it is also very important to introduce the teaching models based on the use of information system resources. More so, the instruction uses computer as an environment in which learning occurs, which enhance the learning period and students motivations, and can be useful for students because of their different learning speeds.
Many science teachers, educators and researchers have proposed to employ computer-based instructions in Biology teaching. However, as pointed out by Handelsman and Basturk (2012), the availability and proper utilization of computer based resource in teaching and learning will promote participation among the teachers and the students as well as reduces the difficulties in the concept, thereby making the learning meaningful to the learners.
Availability and Utilization of Computer-Based Resources and Biology Teaching in Secondary Schools
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Having realized that most students especially in some secondary schools across the state specifically in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area do not have access to computer based resources talk less of using it in the teaching and learning of Biological concept. According to Johnson (2016) Computer based resources hold the key factor to better achievement of both the teachers and students in schools, over which teaching and learning of Biology is being influenced by many ways of learning resources such as computer based resources, traditional based resources, school resources, and laboratory equipment among others.
These factors mentioned become the problem that enhance effective teaching and learning of Biology, especially in selected secondary school. With the realization of the fact that, national policy on education recognizes Biology as one of the core subject in secondary schools “which its role cannot be over- emphasized, effort is not made to assess the level of the teaching and learning of Biological concepts in schools. There are also some evidence of poor attainment in both teachers and the student in the subjects of external examination like WAEC and NECO over the years.
Nevertheless, although the condition under which the teaching and learning of Biology differ from time to time and from place to place, it does not foster the academic attainment. In order to understand these conditions, we must understand the relation that holds between computer-based resources and teaching of Biology, so that any intelligent behaviour is possible. Based on these facts, therefore the researcher seeks to find out the degree of relationship among computer-based resources and teaching of Biology among secondary school in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.