Abstract: This research examined Parental Styles and Academic Performance of Junior Secondary School Students in Uyo Local Government Area. Three null hypotheses was stated and tested at 0.05 level of significant and was analyzed using independent t-test statistics. The result obtained reveals that parenting style such as: democratic and permissive home, high parental and low parental home background, joint and broken homes have significant influence on the academic performance of secondary school students in Home Economics in Uyo Local Government Area.
Parental Styles and Academic Performance of Junior Secondary School Students
1.1 Background of the Study
Parenting as stated by Brooks (2010) is a lifelong process. This process begins with the child lives at home, and will continue as the parent getting older and the children become parents. The process of parenting goes on within a family system, which make up the environment to which the child is raised. It is generally assumed that family or home environment plays a major role in developing a child positively or negatively.
Ekanem (2004) believes that the home influences the child at the most earliest possible time of his life, at a time when his mind is most receptive. It provides the first impression, which may last through the whole life of the child. Parent’s style or involvement in a child’s education along with environmental and economic factors may affect child development in areas such as cognition, language, and social skill. Studies have demonstrated the important of family interaction and parent’s involvement and styles as one of the numerous factors that affect student’s performance.
In the study of (Hill, 2001; Wynn 2002) findings have shown that a continued effort of parenting involvement (or style of leadership) throughout the child’s education can improve academic achievement. Winds (2003) identify four types of parenting styles as it affects the children both at home and in a classroom environment. Authoritarian parent; parent with extremely strict, controlling, demanding, and unforgiving. Authoritative parent; parents with high control and rules but also high in warmth and support. Indulgent parent; parents that fails to set any standard for their children. Neglecting parent; parents who do not involved either in controlling or love their children. They are completely absent.
Since home (family) have a major role in determining academic achievement of students, and parent being the immediate mentors/ teachers to which a child looks upon, the positive or negative attitude exhibited by a child depends on the type of parental involvement or style in the affairs of their children. On the forgoing, the down trend in the performance of students have being blamed on so many factors which create a dilemma in the choice of educational researchers as to which factor really affects academic performance of students. Hence, this study aimed at investigating whether parental styleaffect academic performance of secondary school students in home economics.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The differences in student’s academic performance of today compare to what happen many years ago might diminished our state specifically Uyo to a zero level in terms of academic performance. In the past 20 years for instance, school leaving certificate holder can write letters or agreement for their illiterate parents, but today the case is via versa to our present secondary school graduates. In view of this, many suggestions have been made that may account for this short coming; such as lack of supervision, parental involvement, parental style of leadership, home background and many others.
Parental Styles and Academic Performance of Junior Secondary School Students
In Uyo Local Government Area where there is broken homes, poor families, the parent are busy making ends meets and a child hawks from school closure to may be 7.00-8.00pm returning home warn-out end very tired. Also, a child’s parenting style in Uyo may be so authoritarian, authoritative indulgent (permissive), or neglecting in native. This influence to a great deal the academic performance of students negatively or positively in economic in Uyo Local Government Area. However, there is agitation among the teachers and parents, hence the academic performance of junior secondary school student in Uyo Local Government Area.