1.1 Background to the Study
Ready-to-eat food is not a nominated food or class of food within Standard. This Product group is defined as: Food that is ordinarily consumed in the same state as that in which it is sold and does not Include nuts in the shell and whole, raw fruits and vegetables that are intended for hulling, peeling or washing by the consumer (NSW, 2009). Although it is extremely difficult to pinpoint the precise beginning of human awareness of the presence and role of microorganisms in foods, the available evidence indicates that this knowledge preceded the establishment of bacteriology or microbiology as a science (Jay et al. 2005).
Some ready-to-eat foods also are regarded as ‘potentially hazardous’. Such foods can support the growth of pathogenic (food poisoning) bacteria and must be kept at certain temperatures to minimize the growth of any pathogens that may be present in the food or to prevent the formation of toxins in the food (NSW, 2009).
There is a wide variety of ready-to-eat foods. Examples include, but are not limited to, Sandwiches, kebabs, sushi, takeaway foods and bakery products (NSW, 2009). Ready-to-eat foods usually include a number of ingredients which may or may not be cooked. Due to the variety of ready-to-eat foods, the interpretation of microbiological results obtained from testing must account for the method of processing and the individual components of the food (NSW, 2009).
To assist with interpreting the microbiological analyses of such foods as part of our monitoring and surveillance program (i.e. surveys), the NSW Food Authority uses criteria that are based on interpretive guides published by the United Kingdom’s Health Protection Agency and by Food Standards of Australia, New Zealand (FSANZ, 2001; NSW, 2009).
Because human food sources are of plant and animal origin, it is important to understand the biological principles of the microbial biota associated with plants and animals in their natural habitats and respective roles (Jay et al., 2005). Although it sometimes appears that microorganisms are trying to ruin our food sources by infecting and destroying plants and animals, including humans, this is by no means their primary role in nature (Jay et al., 2005). In our present view of life on this planet, the primary function of microorganisms in nature is self-perpetuation.. The microbial spoilage of foods may be viewed simply as an attempt by the food biota to carry out what appears to be their primary role in nature (Jay et al., 2005).
Food borne illness is defined as diseases, usually either infectious or toxic in nature, caused by agents that enter the body through the ingestion of food (WHO, 2007). Governments all over the world are intensifying their efforts to improve food safety in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and rising consumer concerns (WHO, 2007). “Food borne illnesses account for about one of every 100 U.S. hospitalizations and one of every 500 deaths” (Buzby et al., 2001).
Food borne diseases are known to contribute to both human morbidity and mortality as well as to health care costs (Campbell et al., 1998). Most food-related illnesses have historically been attributed to one of five major groups of pathogenic bacteria (Mboto et al., 2012). These five groups are Salmonella, Shigella, Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, and Staphylococcus aureus. These have been joined by the emerging pathogens such as Yersinia enterocolitica, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogens, and Campylobacter jejuni (Mboto et al., 2012).
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The major problem of the prepared beans are potentially hazardous such foods can support growth of any pathogens that may be present in the food or to prevent the formation of toxins in the food (NSW, 2009). To also make finding the causes of microbial growth, and to know the effect and symptoms of consuming beans prepared with potash as well as the composition of potash.
To know the effect of consuming contaminated food in regard to the scope of the scope of this work. The following problems prompted the investigation on assessment on the potential of potash on microbial activity of cooked brown beans. And as such there is need for these questions to be answered.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The main objective of this study is the Effect of Potash on Microbial Activity on Cooked Brown Beans. Specifically, the objective of the study can be itemized as follows.
- To identify the micro-organisms responsible for beans spoilage.
- To assess potash as a suitable preservative
- To evaluate the effect of consuming contaminated cooked beans to humans
1.4 Research Question
- What are the micro-organism responsible for beans spoilage?
- Is potash a suitable preservative?
- What is the effect of consuming contaminated cooked beans to human?
1.5 Significant Of the Study
This study has the following significant.
- This research will be beneficial to the population at large in the dangers associated with consuming contaminated brown beans.
- To enlighten the community of the potential of potash as a preservative and idea for preserving cooked brown beans.