20 Differences Between A Library And The Book Shop

20 Differences Between A Library And The Book Shop
20 Differences Between A Library And The Book Shop

20 Differences Between A Library And The Book Shop

  1. A library is a building where books are kept for people to use or borrow.  Whereas, Bookshop”is where you buy books.
  2. The fundamental difference between the two is that the book shop is interested in “sales”, while the library is interested in “Service”. Most of the libraries follow a certain classification and cataloguing codes., and to which ever library you go, where the same systems are adopted, you can locate the needed book easily. While each book shop has its own method of displaying.

20 Differences Between A Library And The Book Shop

  1. The library is a place where it allows or permits you to have access on books, as a reference and reading them at that same place while a bookshop is a place where you acquire or have access to the books by paying for the material.
  2. Books and materials in the bookshop are arranged for commercial purposes while, books in the library are acquired and processed, stamped, accessioned, cataloged, classified, and made readily available to patrons to freely use.
  3. The library environment is organized for convenient studying and search, while in a bookshop, provision is not made for such.
  4. Library are usually more spacious than bookshops.
  5. The furnishing of the library provides for sitting while the bookshop cannot afford the luxury.
  6. The Library is usually staffed with competent professionals in the field, the bookshop employs sales personnel.
  7. Books in the library can be borrowed by the users for a specific period of time, while books in the bookshop cannot be borrowed.
  8. Books are sold in Bookshops while you can only borrow a book, study or do your research in a library.
  9. Libraries are usually bigger than most bookshops. Because they have chairs and tables for study and large shelves containing old books. Most bookshops are small.
  10. You might find other items in a bookshop. For example, you might find pencils, math sets and other stationeries for sale but most libraries do not have them. If libraries own these things, you would not be required to pay for them.
  11. Libraries require a pass or card while you can go in and out of a bookshop as you please.
  12. Libraries have comfortable tables and chairs for research and study but bookshops do not have.
  13. Most libraries also come with free internet and computers for research. Bookshops do not.
  14. Any salesperson can work in a bookshop but libraries employ trained Librarians and Library assistants.
  15. Books in the library are acquired and processed, stamped, accessioned, catalogued, classified, and make it readily available to patrons to freely use, while books in the bookshop, on the other hand, are arranged for commercial purposes.
  16. Bookshops close in the evenings but most libraries are open 24/7.
  17. Libraries are really quiet because everyone is expected to put their phones on silent and keep conversations at a minimum. Bookshops are not.
  18. There are usually more books and study resources in a library than a bookshop. 20 Differences Between A Library And The Book Shop
About Peter Lawson 2732 Articles
Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of onlineproject.com.ng. A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.