ABSTRACT: This study examined Teaching Methods and Learning of Quantitative Reasoning among Primary School Pupils. The population for the study consisted of all the quantitative reasoning pupils in all primary school in the area of the study. The work also reviewed related works of other authors as it relate to the topic of the project. The simple survey design sampling technique was used to select 100 quantitative reasoning pupils from 10 selected primary schools in the area of the study to determine the effect for the teaching methods in learning of quantitative reasoning. The null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 levels of significance. Quantitative Reasoning Achievement Test (QR4 T) was also formulated as instrument for data collection. While the t-test method was used to analyzed data collected.
Teaching Methods And Learning Of Quantitative Reasoning Among Primary School Pupils
Findings reveals that there is no significant differences existed between pupils taught under different teaching methods of teaching and learning quantitative reasoning in primary schools in the area of the study. Also there is no significant difference on the sex of the pupils, but there is a significant relationship between the pupils, teacher, subject and method of teaching. It was therefore recommended that government and related agencies should make effort to ward pro viding faculties that will promote teaching and learning qualitative reasoning in the area of the study. Teachers should also adopt appropriate teaching method related to any topic taught in quantitative reasoning. When these are done, the teaching and learning of quantitative reasoning on primary schools will be enhance.
1.1 Background to the Study
Teaching is the process of imparting knowledge, skill, and attitude to achieve certain goals and ends. Some goals are to be achieved through effective teaching. The teacher who is at the center of transferring ideas to learners must adopt appropriate strategies, approaches and methods that suit the subject or the lesson Ayeni (20 11). In order to achieve the goals and objectives of education as stated in National policy on education (NPE, 2004) by the federal government of Nigeria, serious effort must be made to actualized effective teaching process that takes place in the school. this implies that conducive learning environment must be put in place, also appropriate methods of teaching and techniques must be adopted (Olisamaka, 2001).
According to Sidhu (2005), the goals of teaching quantitative reasoning skills are accuracy, logical thinking, reasoning power, analytical thinking, critical-thinking, ability of making decision, scientific attitudes, find and verify results, technique of solving problems, ability to analyze, drawing inferences and generalizing. Methods of teaching are device (ways) in which teachers used in teaching. Strategies are the methods and techniques in which teachers adopt to explain lesson to learners. It is used to set the guidelines for the pattern of behaviours expected in any learning environment.
Different teaching methods are adopted by the teachers in teaching different subjects and lessons. Therefore, the importance of having a variety of methods is to enable the teacher to change his/her teaching method as a mean of relating with each learner in the class as well as developing learner’s knowledge and understanding to the maximum. Such methods includes; dramatization, play-way, demonstration, discovery/inquiry, lecture, field trip methods among others.
Among these methods of teaching, some are best suited especially when the teacher intend to drive the lesson down in the mind of the learners (Udo, 2006). Methods such as play-way, demonstration, questioning/inquiry methods encourage retention and more of interest in the learners. It helps feeble minded pupils to learn so well.
Children love to play and it is their natural instinct. The play- way method was conceived by Froebel (2007), according to Froebel, play is the work of the children. Play-way method of teaching and learning is informal and natural to suit the child’s interest. It rejuvenates the children in their learning, enhance their learning abilities. It also gives free reign to a child’s curiosity and helps a child to grow and bloom (White 2000).
Toys can sometimes become the source of learning quantitative reasoning skills. Series o activities like songs, puzzles, free play, magic squares and building blocks could be use in teaching and learning of quantitative reasoning. It makes teaching and learning a memorable experience for both the learners and the teachers.
Children generally remember 90% of what they say as they perform the activity. Newcomb et al (2004). During teaching-learning periods teacher engages the pupils to perform an activity that will clarify the lesson that is being introduce to them. This helps them learn and work independently and harmoniously with other pupils in the class. It offers chances to the learners to express themselves and gain experiences simultaneously.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Method of teaching and learning is the most important tools that can either hinder or enhance any learning situation. In quantitative reasoning, the major problem is the ineffective strategies, approaches and method of teaching and learning of quantitative reasoning (QR). Teaching method has to be used based on the lesson at hand.
Educational authorities often attend to the organizational and administrative problem than method of teaching and learning and establishing necessary resources in this case, the aim of teaching which has to do with the desire change in learner’s attitude and behaviour has been defeated. This is because teachers spend a lot of time talking and chalking which has a little or no impacts on the learner’s but it rather create avenues for the pupils, to play and busy with other things. This dearly shows that so many teachers are not applying the effective and appropriate method in explaining lessons to the learner’s during class presentation.
Therefore, this act gave way to the ineffectiveness of the learner’s and helps them to loose interest in the lessons. In view of the above findings the researched undertake this research to investigate the teaching and learning method in quantitative reasoning.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to examine how teaching methods affect the learning quantitative reasoning among primary schools pupils. Specially, the study aims at:
(i) Examining how method of teaching affects learning of quantitative reasoning among primary school pupils.
(ii) Ascertaining how sex difference influence learning of quantitative reasoning among primary school pupils.
(iii) Determining the relationship that exists between the subject, method and the teacher in teaching and learning of quark among pupils.
Teaching Methods And Learning Of Quantitative Reasoning Among Primary School Pupils
1.4 Significance of the Study
This study is greatly vital since functional education depend solely on the effective and efficient instruction approaches given by the teachers who are the centre of implementation of the school curriculum, educational policies and programmers.
More importantly, it could also guide counselors and supervisors who would advice the teachers on the choice of appropriate method for the teaching of quantitative reasoning in primary and nursery schools.
The result of this work would enable the educationalists to advice a new methods of learning quantitative reasoning.
To this end, this research project shall be significant in the following way:
> It shall be significant to the educational authorities on the need equip the teachers with information about techniques and methods in teaching and learning of quantitative reasoning in the learning environment.
> This research project will help teachers to adopt the different method that are suitable for each lesson so as to develop pupil’s interest and promote retention in the learners.