ABSTRACT: This study investigate the Impact of Teacher’s Quality On Secondary School Students Academic Performances In Financial Accounting. The four research questions and four research hypotheses guided the study. The Survey design was used for the study. The design was suitable because of studied large population through a representative sample in order to find out and described the existing phenomena in the population. The population of the study of 4,800 students in public secondary schools in the study area. There were total of 10 public secondary schools in the area. Ten (10) public secondary schools in the study area through simple random sampling technique. Two hundred (200) students were chosen for the sample size for the study. The data for this study was collected using a questionnaire. It was called Impact of Teacher’s Quality on the Students Academic Performance Questionnaire. It had 15 items.
Impact of Teacher’s Quality On Secondary School Students Academic Performances In Financial Accounting
The respondents were expected to respond to either Agree (A) or Disagree (D) to each statement in part B of the questionnaire. The data obtained for the study was analyzed using t-test formular. This test statistic tested all the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha levels. Based on the findings, it indicates that the qualities of teachers are very essential in attaining the teaching effectiveness in schools which in turn impacts on the academic performance of the students.
1.1 Background to the Study
A teacher is a person who provides education for pupils and students. He is someone who facilitates education for an individual and may also be described as a personal tutor. According to Mbise (2015) a teacher is an expert who is capable of imparting knowledge that will help learners to build, identify and to acquire skills that will be used to face the challenges in life. The teacher also provides to the learners knowledge, skills and values that enhance development. A teacher is the person who is capable of creating behavioural change in terms of cognitive, psychomotor as well as affective domain (Senge, 2016). An educated person is capable of utilizing the available opportunities in both private and public sectors. The educated person can easily secure employment as well as having life skills that will enable him/her to interact well in the society.”
Good performance/achievement in schooling could be the partial contribution of several factors such as teacher, students and school variable among others. Adodo (2017) argued that one key overriding factor for the success of students’ academic performance is the teachers. In the same vein Ibrahim (2010), believed that teacher charts qualification and exposure can go a long way to bring about student’s high academic performance. It is probably for this reason; Ibukun (2019) asserted that no education system can be rise above the quality of its teachers. Considering the assertions it implies that teachers role in the preparation of pupil’s to successes in examinations cannot be undermined.
Grave stock and curator Greenleaf (2008) states that the explanation for good or poor pupil’s academic performance have been quite exhaustive yet controversy still exists among scholars as to what contribute single or jointly to pupil’s poor performance.
Be that as it may the important role of the teachers in learning is unquestionable. Teachers have a lot of influence on the classroom practice. Teachers should have and apply specific abilities without which their influence may not be reflected for pupils to be able to make connection between what is taught in school and its application in problem solving in real life, the teacher has to be effective in their teaching.
In his study Adeogun (2015) opine that the quality of the educational system depends on the quality of its teaching. Staff and that a school without human resources may not be able to achieve the goal and objective of the educational system, Adesina (1980) also noted that teachers are the major indication and determinate of quality education. Highly professional teacher who are dedicated are needed in schools. It has been established accounting to correlation between what teacher knows and what they teach. Thus the ability to teach effectively depends on the teacher’s knowledge and knowledge occurs in a variety of forms. Teacher effectiveness is impeded if the teacher is unfamiliar with the body of knowledge taught. The implication of this for teacher is that they must thoroughly understand the content of what they teach.
Usman (2003) argued that shortage of qualified teachers is responsible for the poor academic performance observable among the pupils while Ademulegun (2001) argued that pupils taught by more qualified and experience teachers in terms of knowledge of the subject matter performs batter then those taught by less qualified but experienced teachers.
Impact of Teacher’s Quality On Secondary School Students Academic Performances In Financial Accounting
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Among the many problems facing the educational system in Nigeria is the poor quality and quantity of professional teachers. A personnel audit carried out by the National Primary Education Commission in (2012) suggested that there was a short fall in the supply of qualified teachers of both the primary and secondary level to the tune of 22% and 8% respectively (Nwideeduh 2003).
The above trend results in recruiting individuals with little or no quality characteristics into teaching profession. Joshua (2019) and Akiabote (2017) has examined not only on the effectiveness and efficiency of the teachers but also the willingness and readiness of the learners to imbibe the knowledge, skill and precepts taught by such teachers.
Lack of professionalism among most of the teachers had resulted in a display of behaviour that discourages the students from learning under them. These days, most teachers exhibits poor teacher students relationship, leadership, lateness and absenteeism from work. Lack of mastery of the subject matter etc. has been observed by Isyoku (2016), as being the cause of poor academic performance among students such attitude may be held responsible for the readiness of the students to learn under such teachers. Hence, lack of academic discipline among the students. Based on the above observation, this study is carried out to examined the impact of teacher’s quality on secondary school students’ academic performance in Financial Accounting.