ABSTRACT: This study set to investigate the impact of rodents’ infestation on public health in Nsit Atai Local Government Area. To guide the study, three objectives were set thus: To determine the extent of rodent infestation in the area under study; to determine the health consequences associated with rodent infestation; and to determine the control measures of rodent infestation. Research questions were also formulated based on the set objectives. Related literatures were reviewed to ascertain people opinion in the study and were supported by Kurt Lewin’s behavioural theory. Simple random sampling technique was used to select twenty (20) villages and stratified random sampling technique was used to select ten (10) house owners from the selected villages. The instrument used for data collection was a researcher’s structured questionnaire. Data obtained from the respondents were analysed using simple percentages and presented in tables. Findings reveal the extent of rodent infestation, health consequences and measures to curb the menace of rodent infestation.
Impact of Rodents’ Infestation on Public Health
1.1 Background of the Study
Rodent infestation has long been associated with risk of Lassa fever epidemics and the transmission of many serious diseases including plague, pulmonary syndrome, murinetythis, rat bite fever, salmonella and leptospirosis. The synergistic health and economic consequences of rodent is resulting to the use of home pesticide for their control, a situation that increases indoor pesticide residue (Artian, 2012).
A disproportionately high incidence of pest infestation occurs, arising from poor hygiene and poor storage of and disposal of waste (Bradman et al, 2015, Wang et al, 2014, Bamigboye, 2016). Poor housing conditions provide ample habourage for pest infestation due to insanitary stacking of food items as well as congestion of rooms with variety of articles (Majkoduomi, 2012; Onyido, 2014).
Rodents are an important vector for zoonosis (disease transmitted from animals to human), and can act as reservoirs for more than sixty different diseases which can affect people. Rodents have caused human disease outbreak in the past and they will undoubtedly continue to do so in future. We do know that rodent disease problems are worsening. However, rodent pest population is increasing with increase in human population. Clearly, we need better information about rodent disease problems.
That adverse housing condition in homes is strongly associated with increased add of rodents infestation is not in doubt.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Rodent infestation may cause several problems, including contamination of food, damage to property and disease transmission. Rats can produce twelve to sixteen milliliters of urine and up to fifty faecal droppings in a twenty-four hour period. Gnawing of electrical cables is one example of property damage that might result from the presence of rodents in buildings. Contamination of stored food by rodent faeces or urine can transmit disease to both humans and pets and can increase spoilage and render foods inedible. Rodent like mites and fleas can also infest other animals and, occasionally people.
Impact of Rodents’ Infestation on Public Health
Rodents have also been implicated in the transmission of several other helminthes and scores of backeral, rickettsial protozoal and viral infestation in Nsit Attai Local Government Area. Control of rodents and elimination of infestations should reduce the chance of exposure to the above problem and minimize the risk of infestation with the aforementioned agent.
1.3 Broad Objective
The project will find the impact of rodent infestation on health and provide remedial strategies for combating rodents’ diseases.