ABSTRACT: This study titled “School location and students’ academic performance among junior secondary school students in Integrated Science” was conducted to investigate the influence of school location on the academic performance of students in Itu Local Government Area. The population of the study consisted of all JSS III students in all the secondary schools in the area. The sample size was 400 students randomly selected from eight secondary schools out of the twenty three (23) private and public schools in the study area. Three research questions and three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The design for the study was survey research design. Integrated Science Achievement Test (ISAT) and a 14-item questionnaire was used for data collection. Data was subjected to t-test statistical analysis. The findings of this study revealed that there was no significant difference in the academic performance of students in urban and rural schools in Integrated Science. Thus, it was recommended among other things that: libraries, laboratory and other facilities should be provided and distributed equally among locally and urban located schools; teachers should be evenly distributed such that experienced and qualified teachers are posted in a good number to both urban and rural schools.
1.1 Background to the Study
The quest by teachers and educators on factors that can help improve students’ academic performance has been on the high side for many decades now following the realization of education as an important instrument for national development. Most researchers have directed their studies on factors such as socio-economic status of parent (Ekanem, 2001); parents literacy level (Akpan, 2004), teachers qualification and experience (Udo, 2000) and lots more. Inspite of these good researches and recommendations made, remarkable variation still persist in the academic performance of students in various school locations making it difficult for teachers, counsellors and the likes to have a firm stand on the type of school to recommend to parents when such need arises.
Besides teachers, students, school and parental related factors, it is believed that the location of a school may play a significant role in the way a student performs academically. Schrander (2013) maintained that school location is as important as every other factor that can promote learning and should be considered first before approving the take–off of any school. School location in this context refers to the place or the geographical area where a school building is sited for teaching-learning processes and other educational activities. In Akwa Ibom State, education has been made not only free but compulsory to every child thus; hardly would any Local Government in the state exist without a school. Some of these communities especially in the rural environment are faced with poor road network and other social amenities while the urban environments are characterized by industries and other commercial centres, which jointly constitute factors that may influence academic performance of students. Poor road network, epileptic power and water supply, inadequacy of teachers and dilapidated school facilities mostly characterize the rural area and has been observed to be a strong factor that influences teachers’ choice during posting. On the other hand, the urban schools though witnessing mass exodus of teachers and students into it are also faced with its own challenges due to its location which is the noise. Noise produced by heavy trucks, plants, engines, factories, industries and other forms of automobiles mostly characterized urban schools.
Again, the high population of humans in urban areas makes market and even churches to constitute a source of noise to urban schools. However, school located in the outskirt of urban areas happen to be at intermediary point as it experience little of the urban and rural features put together. The above features mentioned which characterizes schools in a given location are expected to have it effect on academic performance of a student thus forming the bases in which this research is conducted.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Akwa Ibom State has witnessed a tremendous increase in the number of schools built in different localities and locations in the state. Although the intention is to make education more accessible, this in a way could be as a result of the fact that some school owners are seeing it as a very lucrative line of business and as such do not mind whether the location will support adequate learning or not. Some school owners turn their bedrooms for this purpose while some go as far as sharing a building used in marketing and other businesses making the whole situation more confusing to parents and educators. Observation have shown that while most parents will want to send their children to urban schools, some others choose the rural schools for their wards with the belief that it has a conducive learning environment compared to those at the urban areas. The researcher having noted this state of confusion decided to investigate the impact of school location on the academic performance of students among Junior Secondary school students in Itu Local Government Area.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study was to investigate the place of school location in the academic performance of students. Specifically, the research objectives were;
- To determine the differences between the academic performance of students in urban and rural schools.
- To determine if gender is a factor in the academic performance of students in urban schools
- To determine if gender is a factor in the academic performance of students in rural schools.
Originally posted on June 2, 2021 @ 1:25 pm