1.1 Background to the Study
A drug is any chemical substance used on organisms for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease. It may be natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic substances. It can alter or change body functions physically, psychologically or both. It is so much abuse of drug has becomes persuasive issues in recent decants. It is imperative to be acquainted with the facts that throughout history, almost every society has used psychoactive substance for medical, religious or recreational purposes they posit that the desire. To enhance pressure or performance and to alter size’s consciousness, with psychoactive substance or by other means appears to be intrinsic and possibly psychologically based on human needs.
According Peterson (2017) asserts that the use of some of these psychoactive substances like chewing the leaves or smoking the alkaline base from of local plane had been documented before the 6th Century A.D. The effect of drugs has become endemic in our society to the extent that secondary school students here also indulged themselves in drug abuse because of peer group influence and also initiation of parents who are themselves drugs addict or ex-addict. Students become stubborn or obstinate and also abuse their parents. They become unruly and recalcitrant as they grow in the society.
Effect Of Drug Use And Abuse On The Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
Drug abuse is the taking of drugs or a deliberate use of drugs for the purpose other than it intended purposes without the supervision of physician or a medical practitioner. Lewinsohn (2019) defines a drug as any product other than food or water that affected the way people feel, think, see and behave.
It is a substance that due to its chemical nature affects physical, mental and emotional functioning. Drugs are important to human being because they perform certain functions during medical treatment, these substance relieve inner feeling and anxiety or tension of the mind and body. The use of drugs has created complex problem to many people who have abused the drug. The problem is unambitious to the establishment of many breweries and pharmaceuticals firms has caused up-surged increased in the production of alcohol and drugs.
The alarming evidence in the presence of drugs abuse, the effects and consequences of substance abuse among students has call for concern and challenge to all helping professions to merit strategies of equipping youths with skills of having devoid of substance abuse. Nowadays, the consequence of substance use are diverse, including acute and chronic health, social as well as psychological problem. There is a disruption of interpersonal relationship particularly within the family, marginalization, criminal behaveiour, school failure vocational problems and failure to achieve normal adolescent male stone, yet these adolescent are expected to be the leader of a country in the future when they do not even have any focus for the future.
According to Obramou (2013) found out that students and growth of easy virtue in the community are involved in cannabis abuse and stimulant such as amphetamines and cannabis. The consensus of opinion therefore seems to be that youths are also seriously involved in substance abuse. Drug abuse has become such a problem of great concern to all well meaning Nigerians and particularly the Federal Government to the extent that an agency has been established to combat the social disease with a view to reducing that spread of drugs abuse to the barest minimum or eradicating it totally.
In recent times, student have been carried out by (Monti 2015) that, drug abuse causes poor academic performance since student have been missing classes, difficulty in keeping up with academic responsibility because some of the students when drinking and smoking during the lecture period they will not be able to attend the classes which will resulting in missing classes which will take them long approaches to understanding such the concepts most intensively alcohol and smoking may here some detrimental affects a student cognitive abilities, for substance by deceasing their ability for shifting individuals resource away schooling.
Additionally, it may undetermined student progress by making up with their student. Based on the aforementioned background, the study was conducted to investigate the Effect of Drug Abuse and Academic Performance of the Students in Government in Secondary Schools.
Effect Of Drug Use And Abuse On The Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The academic performance of the student in secondary schools in Government and other subject in both internal and external examination has been on the decline over the years. It has been a known fact that, there has been a world explosion of drug abuse addition for more than a decade.
However, in Nigeria, drugs are freely available and therefore, open to abuse. Abuse of drugs has become a cankerworm that seems to have eaten deeply into the fabrics of students in secondary schools. There is no day that drug abuse in press, radio and television.
Today, student drugs for a number of reasons, which include mode fixation in the case of pelvic or to receive tension, bored and anxiety. Some simply use drugs out of curiosity and to open the mind to new sensation. Other also use drugs to control appetite and to relaxation. Success on its own comes with lots of meanings and these meaning varies across individuals. However, cross definition of success determines how one dreams and works towards achieving it, nevertheless, academic success in the primary and the major step are will likely take in this race. Because it is when one is educated are have a degree that he/she will work in a company that some given level of happiness. Students engage in academic activity spend their precious time in alcohol and this lead to class mises, failing of test, rape, unwanted pregnancies vandalism, drunk, drinking and other types of crime.
The study therefore, seek to investigate on the Effect of Drug Abuse and Academic Performance of Students in Government in Secondary Schools
Originally posted on October 11, 2021 @ 9:17 pm