This research work is concerned on corrupt practices in Chinua Achebe’s a man of the people and Festus Iyayi’s violence. From the two selected novels under investigation, the study has revealed that the political and socio-cultural conflicts in our Nigerian societies is as the result of misleading and corrupt practices of some political leaders in our contemporary African societies. The study also portrays that African societies are faced with different cultural problems, corrupt leaders and political oppression because of mal-administration, dictatorship and excessive socio-political conflicts in the society. The study therefore recommends good literature novels with good moral lessons to be exposed to the learners on the effects of corruption and socio-political conflicts in our Nigerian society and Africa at large.
Corrupt Practices in Chinua Achebe’s a Man of the People and Festus Iyayi’s Violence
1.1 Background to the Study
African literature is proactive and it is used to change a bad situation like, corruption, exploitation, dehumanization, disillusionment and slavery. African writers such as Chinua Achebe and Festus Iyayi are not alone in the fight against corruption, exploitation and bad governance as African and Nigerian scholars. Moreover, corruption is a manifestation of bad governance that result to poverty and this has been identified as the bane of our society, Nigeria. All these bring about economic hardship, poverty and suffering that have sterilized the hope of many Nigerian youths.
In Achebe’s A Man of the People, the author lampoons the negative effects of corruption, exploitation, deprivation, oppression and infrastructural decay. While Iyayi’s Violence, reflect on the socio-economic and political milieus that characterize the post-colonial Nigeria. He also revealed the inherent structural contradictions in Nigeria how the upper class exploits the lower class in the novel. He pictured the pains of the poor as victims of their society, touches the reader making him sympathize with these wretched of the Nigerian society inequalities, injustices, exploitation, dehumanization of the poor in the society.
Essentially, the above inherent discussion on exploitation, oppression and dehumanization of the poor masses in Nigeria paints a critical picture of the background to this study research study.
Corrupt Practices in Chinua Achebe’s a Man of the People and Festus Iyayi’s Violence
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Both Chinua Achebe and Festus Iyayi have used their novels to suggest the need for a change corruption, violence in the socio-economic and political system in Nigeria. The two novelists have the vision of transforming Nigeria from its present state as portrayed in two novels respectively to eradicate corruption, oppression and exploitation free in Nigerian society.
They desire of Achebe and Iyayi is to see Nigeria as a place where the institutions of governance can guarantee good health, housing, food, quality education, fairness, justice and security. They want to see Nigeria as a place where there are proofs of good governance such as social and economic development as well as political stability; a country that can boast of bright opportunities for its citizens.
Originally posted on October 27, 2021 @ 4:01 pm