Abstract: This research work analyses the corrupt practices in Wole Soyinka’s The Road and Chris Egharevba’s The Labourer’s Blood. From chapter one to five, the study has shown that corruption is the use of power by government officials for illegitimate private gain. In the same vein, the misuse of government powers for other purposes such as repression of political opponents and general police brutality is considered as political corruption affecting our Nigerian society. The novelists have also shown that most economic political and social problems in under developed societies like Nigeria emanate from our corrupt and selfish leaders who exploit the poor without consideration. Some of these problems include lack of accountability, diversion of public resources to private ownership, different types of discrimination, ethnicity, lack of competence, inefficiency etc.
There are many causes of political corruption such as ineffective political processes, ineffective political financing and poverty. the study also show that the different forms of corruption and disorders and also what other writers have said and done to see that in some way people will see the evil of corrupt practices in African society and it effect and what it can do to the human body, causing it to be both psychologically and socially disordered. The authors also analyze in their novels by bringing out the effects and consequences of corruption and suggesting ways of eradicating the monster of corruption and to make the entire Nigeria society to see to it that corruption is totally and completely wiped out of the country and Africa in general.
Corrupt Practices In Wole Soyinka’s The Road And Chris Egharevba’s The Labourer’s Blood
1.1 Background to the Study
Two major concepts presently bedeviling the Nigerian society today, these include corruption, violence and social vices. These two concepts through independent seem to always generate conflict in the society. Therefore, political corruption is the use of power by government officials for illegitimate and private gain. This point is seen in Chinua Achebe’s The Troubled with Nigeria he said
There is nothing wrong with the Nigerian character…but, that Nigerian’s problem is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to rise to their responsibilities (5).
He further maintains that, the Nigerian leaders are corrupt … and this consequently makes the corruption easy…and corruption is difficult to practice, the Nigerian atmosphere will be convenient for the masses. Based on Achebe’s views on The Trouble with Nigeria it is clear that nothing is wrong with the Nigerian character.
In Soyinka’s The Road and Egharevba’s The Labourers Blood, these writers believes that, Africa generally and Nigeria in particular have been portrayed simultaneously as a failed continent and a failed country, betrayed by rulers who have mismanaged its economy and destroyed its political ethics. In the bid of getting into power at all cost, writer like Kenneth Harrow maintains that;
The nation state in African today is in crisis misrule….. and corruption have danced across the land provoking widespread skepticism towards the mechanism of government and a sense of resignation over the inevitable indifference of the wealthy and powerful to the enormous social problems at hand. Globalization and Aids has spread their pandemic effects, war and economy have gained the terrain, so that walking down town or driving at night have become risky under taking in many areas one has merely to mention the words southern Sudan or eastern Congo to elicit a shrug of despair (33).
The above has shown that, the consequences of the loss of predictable political power in any society is one thing, at the national level but they are quite different.
Corrupt Practices In Wole Soyinka’s The Road And Chris Egharevba’s The Labourer’s Blood
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Corruption affects the way countries and the leaders are ruled. It is a disease, a cancer that eats into the cultural, political and economic fabric of the society, and destroys the functioning of vital organs. The attempt to create a common understanding has led to the research of this project.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this work is to analyze the corrupt practices with reference to Chris Egbarevba’s The labourer’s Blood and Wole Soyinka’s The Road.
1.4 Significance of the study
This work will be significant to the government to look into this issue of corrupt practices and how the masses are disillusioned without care of favour. The study will also serve as a good material to students and researchers on the issues of corrupt practices in our contemporary African societies with reference to the two plays in this work.
1.5 Objectives of the study
The study intends to:
(i) to investigate the causes and consequences of corruption in Nigerian society.
(ii) to examine the corrupt practices in the two plays in this research project.
(iii) to proffer solution to this problem of corrupt practices that have devoid the Nigerian societies
1.6 Research Methodology
The main source of this research is a textual analysis of Egharevba’s The Labourer’s Blood and Soyinka’s The Road. The secondary materials are from the texts, library, magazines and some African prose works for more information.
1.7 Scope and limitation of the study
The scope of this work will be limited to the novels of Chris Egharevba’s The Labourer’s Blood and Wole Soyinka’s The Road.
Originally posted on May 2, 2021 @ 11:08 am
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