Abstract: This study investigated Audio-Visual Materials Availability and Utilization in the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools. Ten (10) Biology Teachers formed the sample of the study. The instrument used for data collection was tagged “Availability and Utilization of Audio-visual Materials Questionnaire”. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentage. Findings revealed that there is high percentage availability of audio-visual materials and high rate of usage of audio-visual materials of Biology teachers in the study area. Based on the finding, it was recommended that school administrators should ensure good stand by power supply to secondary schools for the effective utilization of audio-visual aids.
Audio-Visual Materials Availability and Utilization in the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
1.1 Background of the study
Audio-visual materials are teaching aids through which information can be heard and seen simultaneously. Teaching aids that only utilizes one sense at a time might be bearing or seeing is audio or visual aids. Audio-visual according to Dike (2013) do not only increase, they add clarity to the topic taught and make teaching more interesting. Visual instruction encourages the use of audio-visual aids to make abstract ideas more visible or concrete to the learners.
Educators have come to realize the most effective teaching that take place when an individual has direct experience with the subject understudy, in other words, learners learn but by doing. It is only the use of instructional materials such as audio-visual that teaching can be offered the chance or opportunity to teach by doing experiments. This is because motivation, attention, concentration and retention of facts are enhanced through the use of this materials Ode (2014).
Teaching processes are very important at all levels of educational development. If well planned and directed, they are key to success and progress of an individual. Therefore, best approach or methods have to be used in order to enhance effective teaching. Consequently, there is a need to employ the use of teaching aids like audio-visual materials to enhance effective teaching of Biology.
According to Anzaku (2013), the terms audio-visual materials are commonly used to refer to those instructional materials that may be used to convey meaning without complete dependence upon verbal symbols or language. This according to Anzaku’s definition, a textbook or a reference material does not fall within this grouping of instructional materials but on illustration in a book does. Anzaku (2013) stated that audio-visual materials include materials and equipments alike, that materials are considered to be system or body or content of potential value when put to work while equipment often referred to as hardware components are the means of presenting such content.
The importance of audio-visual materials in the teaching process cannot be over emphasized. Below are some of the roles of audio-visual materials, basing learning in sense experience, encouraging serve as a source of information. Individualize instruction (Ngozi, B. O; Samuel, A. O and Isaac, O. A; 2013). Despite the place of Biology as a science subject in national development. It appears that the quality of the subject is lagging behind. Various views have been expressed in the media as to whether or not the standard or education is falling. A number of factors could be responsible for the apparent decline in the standard of science education.
One that easily comes to mind is the quality of instructional materials. A very important variable which has direct bearing on the quality of classroom instruction is availability and utilization of audio-visual materials as on institutional material by the teachers and students in schools. It is on the premises that the researcher seeks to investigate the effect of availability and utilization of audio-visual material and the teaching of Biology in secondary schools.
Audio-Visual Materials Availability and Utilization in the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
1.2 Statement of the problem
The incessant use of verbal or words in teaching by the teachers to convey information to the students is one outstanding problem encountered by the researcher, it is noted that students need a rich sensory experience (Akpan, 2013). The study is motivated by the fact that effective teaching do not occur and students do not retain for a longer period of time or understand what they are taught very well without. Audio-visual aids such teaching does not encourage participation and lack clarity, interest, motivation and stimulation. It is not based in sense experience nor does it extend their experience. Above all, such teaching cannot be effective and permanent. Yet, there is also evidence of material in schools.
The study will therefore investigate the effect of availability and utilization of audio-visual materials in schools in Mkpat Enin Local Government Area, so that the hindrance will be noted and worked upon towards promoting the effective use of audio-visual materials in schools.