Abstract: The main objectives of this study was to investigate Utilization Of Audio-Visual Materials And Academic Performance In Biology Among Secondary School Students in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area. Two research hypotheses were formulated to guide this study. The researcher adopted a quasi-experimental research. The population of the study was the entire Biology students in senior secondary schools in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area. The result showed that students taught with the use of audio visual materials performed significantly better than their counterparts taught with the use of conventional materials. Also the performance of male students had no significant different from that of female students when both were taught using audio visual materials.
Utilization Of Audio-Visual Materials And Academic Performance In Biology Among Secondary School Students
1.1 Background of the Study
Schools all over the world emphasis student’s academic performance of students in a particular subjects is often used to measure the quality of the teachers in that subject. It is also used as an important determinant of the school in general. Hence, while schools administrators strive to employ teacher who have adequate knowledge and experience in teaching the subjects assigned to them, the teacher on their own part also strive to adopt methods which will ensure effective teaching and learning of the subjects. The use of audio-visuals to teach science in secondary school is advocated by many researchers in certain scientific concepts for the arousal of students’ interest in lesson and turning abstract concepts to real-life situation.
Websters Encyclopedia Unabridged Dictionary defines audio-visual aid as “training or educational materials directed at the sense of hearing and sense of sight as films, recording and photographs used in classroom instructions, library collection and the likes”. The term has also been defined by Churchill (2001) as “those materials which do not depend solely upon reading to convey meaning. They may present information through the sense of hearing as in audio resources, sigh as in visual resources or through a combination of these senses.
Biology is a science that studies living organism (Maduekwe, 2006). Science is the bedrock on which modern day technological breakthrough is hinged.
The major goal of science education is to develop scientifically literate individuals that are concerned with high competence for rational thoughts and action. The objectives of science education in this country according to Maduekwe (2006) include the need to prepare students to observe and explore the environment, explain simple natural phenomena, develop scientific attitudes including curiosity, critical reflection and objectivity, apply the skills and knowledge gained through science to solve everyday problems in the environment. Folorunso (2004) has linked poor performance trend in Biology particularly to the lack of instructional resources in schools due to poor funding of schools. The poor funding of schools has hindered the principals from providing the teachers with adequate audio-visual resources. The use of audio-visual materials have improved academic achievement (George, 2008) and Nwagbo (2006).
Audio-visual materials are wide varieties of equipment and materials used by teacher for teaching and learning to stimulate self activity on the part of the students. The teaching of Biology without audio-visual materials may certainly result in poor academic achievement. Poor academic achievement in Biology could be attributed to many factors of which is, inadequate supply and use of audio-visual materials. Biology as a science is activity based and students participation in these activities is therefore very essential for experience gained in the lesson to be retained.
According to Okebukola (2004), the poor state of laboratory facilities and inadequate use of audio-visual material have constituted a cog in the wheel of students achievement in Biology in Senior school examination. Verbal exposition alone does not promote skill acquisition, objectivity and critical thinking abilities that will enable the child to function effectively in the society as such the use of audio-visual material is necessary in the teaching and learning of Biology.
Jegede (2006), stressed that a professionally qualified Biology teacher no matter how well trained, would be unable to put his ideas into practice if the school setting lacks the equipment and material resources necessary for him or her to translate his competence into reality. WAEC chief examiner’s report leaves one in doubt about the effectiveness of audio-visual materials and teaching methods popularly used by Biology teachers for the teaching and learning of the subject. This study therefore seeks to investigate the relationship between availability as well as utilization of audio-visual aids in teaching Biology and the academic achievement of secondary school students in the subject in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State with a view to making recommendations based on the findings on the issues.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Biology remains one of the core science subjects offered in senior secondary schools by science and non-science students alike. In teaching and learning, instructional materials play a key note toward concretizing learning – instructional materials make learning meaningful and help to improve students academic achievement. Biology is resource intensive, and in an era of poor funding or scarcity of resources. It may be very difficult to find some of the original materials and equipment for the teaching of Biology in schools adequately.
Many workers and stakeholders have related these poor funding and performance on a number of factors including the non-availability of instructional materials like audio-visual materials. It is on the basis of this that, this research work is undertaken to determine the effect of utilization of audio-visual material in teaching and learning Biology on the academic performance of secondary school students in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of utilization of audio-visual materials and academic performance in Biology among secondary school students in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area.
Specifically, the objectives of the study were to:
- Determine the difference in the academic performance of Biology students taught with audio-visual materials and those with the conventional materials.
- Determine if utilization of audio visual materials has any gender effect on the academic performance of Biology students.
Utilization Of Audio-Visual Materials And Academic Performance In Biology Among Secondary School Students
1.4 Significance of the Study
The study will be significant in the following ways:
- It will enable teachers to understand the effects of audio-visual materials on students academic performance.
- It will also serve as base data in the field of Biology and related disciplines.
- It will enable students to understand the effects of using audio-visual material in teaching and how it can help improve the academic performance of students.
- It will equally enable educational administrators to re-strategize in their quests for qualitative education by ensuring their seminars and conferences are organized to show effects and usefulness of audio-visual aids and academic performance.
- It will help to develop problem solving skill in students and will also help students to be more resourceful during lesson.
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The following null research hypotheses were formulated and tested to guide the study.
- There is no significant difference in the academic performance of Biology students taught biology with audio visual materials and those with the conventional materials.
- There is no significant difference in the academic performance of male and female biology students taught with audio visual materials.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This study was delimited to audio visual materials and academic performance in Biology among secondary school students in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area. Analysis was on senior secondary two (2) Biology students in the selected schools.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
This study was limited due to the researcher academic work load, financial constraint and limited time frame.
1.8 Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined as used in the study.
Audio: It is connected with hearing and recorded sound
Visual: This is connected with seeing or sight
Audio Visual: It involves the use of recorded picture and sound.
Materials: According to the context is the vehicles or instruments that assist the teacher in the effective communication of the teaching and learning in a classroom setting.
Academic Performance: It is the actual grade, marks or scores required by students in test, examination and assignment which indicate their performance in term or strength and weakness in Biology.
Originally posted on July 31, 2021 @ 2:50 pm