ABSTRACT: This study examined the Effects and consequences of leadership failure and corruption in Ayi’s The Beautyful Once Are Not Yet Born and Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun. Novels such as Half of a Yellow Sun and Arrows of Rain suggest that contemporary African writing is becoming increasingly reminiscent of the literature of disillusionment from the late 1960s. Not only do writers such as Adichie and Ndibe share an ambiguity towards national stability in their work, but the rejection of redemptive conclusions in their narratives is also a return to the disillusioned novels of the 1960s onwards. The twenty-first century African novel is already a stark contrast to the “magical realist”, playful techniques of the novels of 1990s. By situating ethnic conflict at the heart of their narratives, Adichie and Ndibe are part of a new generation of writers who are willing to address some of the difficulties in Africa’s recent history.
Leadership failure and corruption in Ayi’s the Beautyful Once Are Not Yet Born and Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun
1.1 Background to the Study
With postcolonial experience as an embodiment of socio-political turmoil, corruption, and political disillusionment, this study attempt to exposed how Armah and Adichie uses their literary drama to portray the causes and it consequences of leadership failure and corruption that had hindered the effective nation-building in Ghana and Nigeria society today. In the same vein, the ideals of nationalism and independence progressively degenerate as a result of bad leadership, endemic corruption, moral decadence, political instability and social insecurity. For instance, the eminent African novelist and critic Chinua Achebe in his famous book entitled The Trouble with Nigeria posts that the leaders are the causes of the Nigeria’s problems…and it their habits that inhibit Nigeria from becoming a modern and attractive country. He went further to states that:
The only trouble with Nigeria is the failure of leadership…because with help of good leaders Nigeria could resolve its inherent problems such as tribalism;lack of patriotism; social injustices, the cult of mediocrity; indiscipline and corruption. The trouble with Nigeria is simply a failure of leadership…The Nigerian problem is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to rise to the responsibility to the challenge of personal example which are the hallmarks of true leadership (1).
No doubt, Most of the issues Achebe discuss hold true to Nigeria, Ghana and other African countries as well- even in present day 2018. In addition, Corruption, indiscipline, tribalism, lack of patriotism, illiteracy and greed are killing administrations in several African nations today. Based on the above assertion, it is true that the trouble with Nigeria even in other African countries is simply a failure of leadership…unwillingness and inability of the leaders to rise to the responsibility of solving the challenges of the masses.
Delap Mick also opines that, in the face of appalling political mismanagement, corruption becomes an endemic monster that impoverishes and devastates the nation. He further states that, Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe and other literary writers of the 1960s and 1970s were the first to switch the focus of their creative writings towards such pressing “public political issues ruthlessly articulating a public and published resistance to the steady, often savage erosion of freedom and justice taking place around them” (5).
In discussing Iyayi’s Violence the author portrays how the working class not as passive but as individuals who believe in struggling for their freedom, who are conscious and are prepared to face their problems courageously.
Leadership failure and corruption in Ayi’s the Beautyful Once Are Not Yet Born and Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The statement of this study on the notion that, Armah’s The Beautyful One Are Not Yet Born and Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sunare novels that portrays a clear picture of leadership failure and corruption are the major issues affecting our African societies today.Today, corruption has remained a major challenge besetting the socio-economic and political development of most countries.