The use of garment is one of the most important factors that differentiates humans from animals and it is not only used to provide micro-climate for the wearers body but also to conceal the body and reveals its wearers status and personality to others. Most human beings have never been contented with unadorned and uncovered bodies. Because of this they used a variety of articles such as animal skin, leaves and dyes to cover their bodies; storm (2009). Gradually, these covering and adornment items have become more sophisticated with plant, animal and synthetic materials being used to create fabrics, thus leading to the evolution of clothing. Kaizer (2012), garment (clothing) is a tangible impression of personal values and is recognized as one of the symbols of communication that lead to social acceptance and is important to the development of self concept and individual’s personality. Horn (2009), clothing is a factor in everyday human life and interactions. With others, it can transmit a vast array of meanings such as identify, value, mood, attitude and culture.

Garment making: is made up of units concerned with the production of pattern, accessories and the production of garments by Bull Winefride (2012). This industry like the other. Industries that are found in Local Government, State and countries, is confronted with many problems. This research seeks to discuss the contribution of parents to their children towards the learning of skills in garment making and their possible solution. It is also the aim and objective of the writer to help sort these problems and to suggest possible solution of combating with such problems so as to aid the expansion and location of new garment making industries in the state.

The greatest quest in Nigeria today, as in other developing countries, is for industrialization (Cohen 2010). Roe, A. (2011) add most if not all, West African countries now draw up National Economic development plans which include industrial development, despite the enormous problems; industrialization is emphasized in Nigeria because of the adverse terms of trade  that have been experienced for some time now. The prices of manufactured products have increased rapidly while the prices of agricultural products such as cotton and wool have been unstable and falling in the world market by (Jarnow 2010). Roe (2012) it is argued that industrialization will lead to greater employment opportunities for school- leavers. Barrowan (2012) with growth in industries for examples the garment making industries, people are likely to have employment because of many industries. Despite all odds, people have to but on garment (clothes) and look fashionable so as to keep abreast with time, for this reason and many others, the garment making industries still operated not minding the problem involve.

The parent used to have veto power on the occupational decision of its members. Speaking of that, Onyejiaku (2015) maintains that vocational guidance which used to be the prerogative of the parent no longer commands such influence, that is, the influence of parents, because of the changed and dynamic socio-economic condition in the country. Bear and Roeber (2013) State that through parent motive to their children there are exposed to acquisition of skills in many area which garment making is one of them, Roeber (2014) added that through parents influence, everyone is exposed to values, attitudes, feelings and a climate for learning skills. According to Roe (2011, 2012). The family has profound back up to their children on the evaluative aspects of their development include being industrious and the judgment of which occupation to pursue. Oshisami (2014). A child’s desire, his satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and his sense of value are influenced by the educational status in the family too. As the family is the social group with which the child has direct contact, it determines not only the individual responsibility but also his vocational interests, at least to some appreciable extent.

According to Switzer (2010). A child learning skills is in accordance with the value of the family and as he grows he learns. Paul (2011). The parent occupation, education and income also impact strongly on the occupational learning skills of the children. Children raised in a home dominated by a certain skill or acquiring the skill, the occupation are likely to be influenced by that occupation.

This research delves deeply into the contribution of parent to their children to acquire skills of garment making in the state. Specifically, it picks on the influence of parental variable and student acquisition of skills in garment making in Junior Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area. Of all the socio-economic forces shaping the child acquisition of skills in garment making pattern is the family unit has ever been among the most influential.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The problem of garment making has implications for national development. In every society, the quality of clothes and once personal appearance to work and their degree of job satisfaction contributes directly or indirectly to economic stability and the smooth running of the affairs of the nation Osho (2011).

Generally job now in our society have different types of dress (uniform) which are material made by garment making industries in the society and country, based on the job types that enquire different uniform with different style and pattern of dressing today. Certer (2012) state that the problem of garment making in our society is based on the child personal interest and learning ability. It also has to do with the parental income, educational background and the occupation. Denga (2013) added it is believed that primary motive behind the pursuit of various occupations and the income the family is the fundamental human need to make ends meet to satisfy needs. The educational background of the parent will be one of the factor that influence, affect the child learning ability about garment making by Oshisami (2014), what many significantly influence the garment making reference of one person may have less significance for another. A number of these factors tend to impact more strongly than other.  It is true that there is some form of interest and interaction among them where one modifies the other, some of these variable are psychologically and biologically rooted, other have socio-economic undertones still, it is not uncommon for individual to get into garment  making  by chance Onyejiaku (2001). Therefore this study investigates the influence of parental variable and students acquisition of skills in Garment Making in junior secondary school in Ini Local Government Area.

1.3       Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to find out the extent to which parental variable influence the students acquisition of skills in garment making in junior secondary school in Ini Local Government Area. Specifically, the study aims at finding out whether:

  1. Parents level of education influence the student acquisition of skills in garment making in junior secondary school in Ini Local Government Area.
  2. Parental income influences student’s acquisition of skills in garment making in junior secondary school in Ini Local Government Area.
  3. Parent’s occupation influences the student acquisition of skills in garment making in Ini Local Government Area.

Originally posted on April 29, 2021 @ 2:53 pm

About Peter Lawson 2732 Articles
Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.

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