School Variables and Teaching Effectiveness in Biology in Secondary Schools
School Variables and Teaching Effectiveness in Biology in Secondary Schools

School Variables and Teaching Effectiveness in Biology in Secondary Schools



1.1 Background to the Study

The school is a social and learning agent that provides the environment upon which a child may be formally educated in order to attain educational goals. Human beings, have unlimited capacity to learn, but May however be limited by the behaviour patterns and facilities that the immediate environment offers. According to Umoh (2008), nature only provides the raw materials in form of potentials, but it is the environment that determines the extent of development.

School Variables and Teaching Effectiveness in Biology in Secondary Schools

In furtherance to the menace of low academic achievement which had been on the high strain in the Nigerian academic system and cannot be over emphasized as it had eaten deep into the quality of students and eventual leaders produced into Nigerian economic. It could be deduced that there exist a vacuum in the quality of individual for various institutional need of the country.

In accessing the cause effect of the level of teaching effectiveness of Biology in secondary schools, the researcher consider variables of the school as those instrument that could tailor the level of effective teaching of Biology. The school ownership and library resource is deeming fit to affect the teaching and learning of Biology in schools. Hence, the school variables remain an important area that should be studies and well managed to enhance students’ academic performance (Hoyle, 2010).

The issue of poor academic performance of students in school has been of much concern to the government, parent, teachers and even students themselves. The quality of education nit only depends on the teachers as reflected in the performance of their duties, but also in the effective coordination of the school variables. It is believed that the school physical feature has a form of relationship with the teaching and learning of Biology in terms of the school location, ownership, teachers’ quality, library resources and instructional materials.

A school with high populated students may result in the teachers not been able to monitor the performance of the students and thus reducing the effective teaching of Biology and also, research has postulated a form of server relationship between the ownership of school and the students’ academic performance say public school and private school Abam (2011). Also, the location and availability of educational resources at the disposal of the students in term of school variable affect their level of effective teaching of Biology.

School Variables and Teaching Effectiveness in Biology in Secondary Schools

According to Mandu (2009), most excelling students tend to emerge from the public school in the old academic dispensation in Nigeria. To complement these studies, the present research will examine the aforementioned area of school variables as it affect teaching effectiveness. Ekanem (2006), states that the school is the first place that the child comes in contact with a large number of people. He therefore suggested that the school should be arranged in order to provide the child with the opportunity to develop self-independence and interact with people. Keeves (2011) states that effective teaching and learning of Biology depends on how and where the instruction is given to a child that is, whether the school environment, the atmosphere and other physical conditions of the environment is conducive or not, the school environment can therefore post either negative or positive effect on the child. Bassey (2010) states that school variables covers the totality of the material and human resource that have the capacity of affecting the teaching and learning process. These school variables include the school location, class size, instructional materials, library resources and the students. Socially, the schools variables include the teachers, students, sport ground, student-students interaction.

The interest in raising the level of achievement by students had led to the focus on identifying the range of variables in school environment that shape performance and encourage effective teaching of Biology as well as understanding how these variables operates to limit or enhance the performance of different groups of students, such major school variables to be consider in this study is the teachers’ quality, classroom setting, instructional material utilization and library resource have any influence.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Teaching effectiveness which is measured by the academic performance of a student in the examination results is one of the major goals of a school. Hoyle (2010) argued that schools are established with the aim of imparting knowledge and skills to those who go through them and behind all this is the idea of enhancing good academic achievement.

Teaching Biology effectively in school had in the past give a cause for concern for academician and school administrators and such variables that could tend to influence effective teaching of Biology. Therefore, it’s pertinent to investigate the composition of school variable and their effect on effective teaching of Biology in secondary schools.

School Variables and Teaching Effectiveness in Biology in Secondary Schools

Much as the situation described here causes concern. It is not yet known why some student fail to attain the standards expected of them. The researcher would therefore like to establish the influence of school variables such as teachers’ quality, instructional materials availability and utilization and library resource on effective teaching of Biology in secondary schools.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between school variables and teaching effectiveness in Biology in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area.

Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. determine the relationship between library resources and teaching effectiveness in Biology in secondary schools
  2. assess the relationship between instructional materials availability and utilization and teaching effectiveness in Biology in secondary schools
  3. examine the relationship between teachers’ qualification and teaching effectiveness in Biology in secondary schools.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The study will be significant to the following people in the following ways:

  1. The study will be important to government, stakeholders in education and donor’s bodies as it will provide a guide on the need to purchase instructional facilities for schools libraries in Uyo Local Government Area.
  2. The study will help parent and guardians to make good choice of school for their children.
  3. The study shall be important to students and the general public by enable them to be aware of those school variables that can positively or negatively influence their children academic performance.
  4. The study will help the teachers, the school management and the education ministry in assessing the social climate in schools.
  5. The study will be of great significant to policy makers in the area of school sitting.

Originally posted on April 30, 2021 @ 2:10 pm

About Peter Lawson 2732 Articles
Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.

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