Abstract: This research determined the influence E-Learning Materials Availability and Utilization in the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools. To carry out the research, survey design was adopted. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. The total population of the study was 23 Biology teachers from six (6) secondary schools in Ukanafun local Government Area. The sample size employed in the study was sixteen (16) Biology teachers in six secondary schools in the study area. The instrument for data collection was a twenty itemed questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on Availability and Utilization of e-learning Materials (QAUEM)”. The data collected were analyzed using chi-square statistical technique. Findings showed that availability (X2=139.4) of e-learning materials such as internet and mobile phones in secondary schools has a significant (P<0.05) influence on the teaching of biology; also utilization (X2 = 146.6) of available e-learning materials such as internet and GSM phones in secondary schools has a pronounce influence on the teaching of biology in Ukanafun Local Government Area.
It was therefore recommended that; adequate e-learning resources (human, materials and equipment should be provided in the schools by the government in order to promote creativity, innovation and learning. Moreso, government should organize seminars and workshops to sensitize Biology teachers on the effects of e-learning materials on Biology teachers’ and students’ performance.
E-Learning Materials Availability and Utilization in the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
1.1 Background to the Study
The concept of individualized instruction has become popular in education. This arose out of the general belief, supported by some research studies that individual’s differences among learners can influence the outcome of instruction. The experiment of individualization of instruction argues that learners differ in age, learning abilities, rate of learning and in general disposition to learning. The concern for individualization of instruction has been accentuated in recent years by large increase in enrolments at every level of education especially in developing countries.
The limit of this learning is in numerable. The most obvious of these limitations is the prohibitive cost of running it. Educators therefore, continue to look for ways of meeting the instructional deeds of the individual learners. One method being used to cope with this problem is utilization of e-learning materials which information are programmed for the independent use of individual learner’s (Ntuk, 2015).
However, the global wave in the use of c-learning materials and it’s revolutionary effect is a major attraction to many researchers. This is because in the classroom, the three elements stand out which are: the teachers, the learner and the instructional materials. These elements interact among themselves using appropriate methods to convey the content (lesson) which constitutes the aim of education which will be educative (Obot, 2015). E-learning materials which occupy a greater position in this modern system of education are instructional materials which have both sovad and visvad components at time (Jadal, 2012). The use of internet, computer, mobile phone, learning management system, televisions, radios, and others in the educational system enhance the teaching and learning activities.
Furthermore, e-leaning is a unifying term used to describe the field of learning, web- based training and technology delivered instruction. According to Oye, (2010), e-learning has become an increasing popular learning approach in higher educational institutions due to fast growth of internet technology. It has a competitive advantage and many universities and colleges have implemented it and this has impacts on student’s academic performance.
However, still there are other universities that use very low interactive E-learning due to lack of e-leaning materials enough to contribute to the performance of students as well as effectiveness of their teaching staff. Today technology is a tool used to remove geographical barriers and facilitates everybody to learn anytime and anywhere without the presence of the teacher. The availability of e-learning materials in schools increase the accessibility to education at a reduced costs and time as well as improving student’s interest in learning similarly, according to
Rodgers, (2013), e-learning materials facilitates different students at different continent to attend the same class almost at the sometime as well as accessing much information about a particular learned concept at a lowest cost and without stress. This technology is aimed to improve quality of education. This background above therefore motivated this research on e-learning materials availability and utilization and its effects on teaching of biology in secondary schools in Ukanafun Local Government Area.
E-Learning Materials Availability and Utilization in the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
1.2 Statement of the problem
Biology is a general subject offer by science and non-science students in the secondary schools and is written in these examinations. Quality education is evidenced on the performance of the students in external examination like West African school certificate examination (WASCE).
Unfortunately, it is observed that the academic performance of most students fall below expectation as noted by Momoh (2014) who attributed this fallen standard to many factors such as peer group influence, the methodology and teachers variables. However, Wales (201 5 have reported positive influence of the use of e-learning materials on performances of student in physics in secondary schools in Yemen when he investigated on factors affecting learning in Yemen: reality and ambition.
This raised the question, “could the use of e-learning materials influence the teaching of biology in secondary schools in Ukanafun Local Government Area’? The quest for provision of answer to this question and many others summarizes the problem to this study.