Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Evaluation in Home Economics and Learning of the Subject in Junior Secondary Schools

Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Evaluation in Home Economics and Learning of the Subject in Junior Secondary Schools
Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Evaluation in Home Economics and Learning of the Subject in Junior Secondary Schools

Abstract: The study investigates Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Evaluation in Home Economics and Learning of the Subject in Junior Secondary Schools. Research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The research design adopted was survey research design. The population of this study comprised of junior secondary two students’ (JSS2) in the five pubic secondary schools in Ikot Abasi Local Government Area. Sample size of one hundred and twenty (120) students were employed for the study. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted for this study. 

Questionnaire on Student’s Perceptions of Teacher’s Evaluation Approaches in Home Economics and Learning (QSPTEAHEL) were the instruments for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and the results were tested at 0.05 level of significance and the result of the findings showed that; self-evaluation approach and peer evaluation in home economics significantly correlate with learning of the subject. It is therefore recommended that learners should be encouraged to carryout self evaluation and peer evaluation of their learning of Home Economics. 

Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Evaluation in Home Economics and Learning of the Subject in Junior Secondary Schools



1.1       Background to the Study

Perception deals with the way people interpret sensations, using knowledge and understanding of the world, so that they become meaningful experiences. The most common sources of evaluation data have been students, peers and teachers themselves. Mayya and Roff, (2004) asserted that; students’ perceptions of the educational milieu can be a basis for implementing modifications and thus optimize the educational environment. It influences how, why and what student learn. It also makes possible to assess and modify the educational environment. However, teaching is a goal-directed exercise, once objectives are set; the means to ascertain how well they have been attained must also be established.

Evaluation is the process that attempts to determine as systematically and objectively as possible, the relevance, effectiveness and impact of activities in the light of stated objectives. Through assessment procedures needed data about learners are gathered to pave way for sound judgment on their strengths and weakness. The increasing demand for accountability in education by stakeholders have led to increased testing in all field of learning with teachers focusing much on the curriculum, with no serious efforts at checking how learners learn and what they learn. Assessment or evaluation procedures are simply directed at acquisition of certificates, generally incentives to the improvement of teaching, learning and competence

However, the primary purpose of education has changed since the colonial times. To address this, Badmus (2001), have called for a redefinition of educational evaluation in schools. According to him, evaluation procedures must shift from the paradigm of tests and examination which sample too narrow a range of what learners know to an evaluation culture that calls for recognition of the characteristics learners and the curriculum of the educational system. Similarly, Stiggin (2004), in savage (2006), advocated the use of authentic evaluation as a means for providing learners the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned, exhibiting critical thinking and performance skill of what they have learned in the proficient execution, of about tasks in society.

Furthermore, it is the traditional practice in schools and colleges to assess the achievement of objectives. This tasks of establishing how (quality) and how well the process is expected to generate feedback data to enhance rational decision making about educational programmes. Though a variety of devices and approaches exist to systematically and objectively collect evidence of learner’s growth and progress, evaluation approaches adopted by teachers negate established standard and principles, this makes nonce.  The huge investigations in education learning to non-realization of stated goals (Ololobou, 2006).

However, in every learning and teaching situation, there is need to assess or evaluate how much has been learned or whether the teaching has been done properly. In the classroom, for instance, the teachers use a number of ways to do this. Getting to the end of a lesson he may use question to fine out orally from learners the extent they have learned the lesson. He may give them test weekly; also at the end of the term examinations are held to assess the learner’s performance in all their learning. In addition, there are number of ways of evaluating teaching and learning in the classrooms.

Yoloye (2000) pointed out this to includes, self-evaluation, peer evaluation in addition to evaluation of effective and psychomotor objectives. It is against this background that the researcher investigated the extent student’s perceptions of teachers evaluation approaches in Home Economics correlate with the schools in Ikot Abasi Local Government Area.

Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Evaluation in Home Economics and Learning of the Subject in Junior Secondary Schools

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Evaluation is generally understood as testing; a reliable procedure for collecting summative data, but it can also refer to the making of inferences based upon student’s performance on “authentic” learning activities, whether the inferences are for summative or formative purposes. Continuous quality improvement in formal learning depends upon well-conceived approaches to evaluation that have both formative and summative functions. However, Research into learning has strongly suggested that students’ learning approaches are affected by their intellectual environment of which evaluation is part (Erwin and Knight, 1995). The environment in this context could be regarded as a system.

Hence, if one part of the system (the goal of learning) is out of order with other parts (student’s perception of the academic activities, instructional strategies, learning tasks an evaluation processes) then it will be lacking in impact. Invariably, many of the researches ever conducted characteristics such as the study habit, attitude towards studies, gender, home background, school’s infrastructures, and teaching-learning facilities among other with little or no emphasis on evaluation approaches in relation to the improvement of students learning in school.

It is against the limited research work on evaluation approaches that this research project on “student’s perceptions of teacher’s evaluation approaches in Home Economics and learning of the subject in junior secondary school in Ikot Abasi Local Government Area was carried out.

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Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.