Definitions of guidance and counselling by Ten (10) different authors

Definitions of guidance and counselling by Ten (10) different authors
Definitions of guidance and counselling by Ten (10) different authors

Definitions of guidance and counselling by Ten (10) different authors



Guidance and Counseling is defined as a planned and organized work aimed at  assisting the trainee to understand himself/herself and his/her abilities and develop  his/her potentialities in order to solve problems and achieve psychological, social,  educational and professional compatibility, and also to achieve objectives within the  framework of teachings.


Traditionally, guidance entails activities designed to induce positive functionalities into abilities, interest, attitudes, aptitudes, and at the same time, turn around weaknesses.. Guidance traditionally involves provision of direction or advice as in a decision or course of action, showing the way; setting and helping to drive, lead, assist, pilot and steer ideals into individuals by counselling professionals to enhance the achievement of goals.

Counselling, on the other hand is an interactional process meant to enhance redefinition of stand for positive adjustment on particular issues of life. Counselling is an in-depth interaction between the professional counsellor and the counsellee students that focus basically on areas of nurturing and healing emotionality, problems management, decision making, crises management, and support and life skills training.

Definitions of guidance and counselling by Ten (10) different authors

  • Akinade (2012) defines guidance and counselling as a process of helping an individual become fully aware of his/her self and the ways in which he is responding to the influences of his/her environment.
  • According to Oviogbodu (2015) guidance and counselling   can be defined  as  a   number of   procedures   in assisting an individual to  solve his problems.
  • Guidance and counselling is an interaction or relationship between two or few individuals, the client counsellor relationship of trust (Adebowale, 2012).
  • Guidance and counselling is a learning process in which a counsellor helps an individual or individuals learn, understand themselves and their environment and be in a position to choose the right type of behaviours that will help them develop, grow, progress, ascend, mature and step up, educationally, vocationally and socio personally, (Egbo, 2013).

Definitions of guidance and counselling by Ten (10) different authors

  • Hong Kong Education Department (2012) define guidance and counselling as; “A cluster of services al aimed at helping a person to understand “self” and to take appropriate steps in educational, occupational and life planning generally”.
  • Nwonyuku (2018) defined guidance and counselling to mean “to direct, pilot, or guide”.
  • Ndum and Chinwe Gilean (2013) defined guidance and counselling as a family name for all the helping service within the general educational and community systems.
  • Bobga (2016) defined as a cognitive educational services (within or outside the school system), that help people understand themselves, provided the client, reveals accurate, reliable, and valid information about him/herself and his/her environment.
  • Mikaye, (2012); and Omoniyi, 2016), defined guidance and counselling to be a process, whereby a person is helped in a face-to-face relationship
  • Sani, (2014) defines guidance and counselling as a facilitative two way collaborative exchange of ideas with a supportive relationship that enables clients to explore their problems.


Guidance and counselling therefore is a compound twin word that is used to describe situations where a trained counsellor strives to steer a troubled student clients out of the typified problems. It is a helping relationship meant to ensure a sustainable adjustment and development of the individual clients. Guidance and counselling therefore is used in schools to enhance the optimal development of the school children in areas of academic, vocational aspirations and in resolving personal social problems.


Adebowale, E. K. (2012). Practical Guide to effective Teaching. Enugu: Hallmark publishers.

Akinade, E. A. (2012). Modern Behaviour modification, principles and practices. Ibadan: Bright Way Publishers.

Bobga, Tita-Nghamun Johnson. (2016). “An Appraisal of Effective Provision of Guidance and Counseling Services in Cameroon State Universities: Trends and Challenges” in IJHSSE: International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, Volume 3, Issue 9 [September], pp.75-90. Available online also at: i9/10.pdf [accessed in Ilorin, Nigeria: April 1, 2019].

Hong Kong Education Department (2012). Student guidance service: Implementation of Comprehensive Student Guidance Service. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Education Department.

Egbo, A. C. (2013). Development of Guidance and counselling. Enugu: Joe best publishers.

Lunenburg, F. C. (2010). School Guidance and Counseling Services. Schooling, 1(1), 1-3

Mikaye, Oyieyo Dickson. (2012). “Influence of Guidance and Counselling on Students’ Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Kabondo Division, Kenya”. Unpublished M.Ed. Thesis. Nairobi, Kenya: Department of Educational Administration and Planning, University of Nairobi. Available online also at: e39202acfb60b1420bb703aef4343c159047.pdf [accessed in Ilorin, Nigeria: April 1, 2019].

Ndum, Victor Etim & Onukwugha Chinwe Gilean. (2013). “Overview of Policy and Practice of Guidance and Counseling in Nigeria and the United States of America (USA): Role of Computer Technology” in International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, Volume 2, Issue 4 [April], pp.42-50. Available online also at: http:// pdf [accessed in Ilorin, Nigeria: April 1, 2019].

Nwonyuku, Kalu. (2018). “The Role of Guidance and Counselling in Performance of Post-Primary Education in Nigeria” in Regulatory and Theoretical Perspectives, on January 25. Available online also at: or http:// [accessed in Ilorin, Nigeria: April 1, 2019].

Oviogbodu, A. C. (2015). The Role of Guidance and Counselling in Effective Teaching and Learning in Schools: The Nigerian Perspective

Sani, S. (2014). Understanding guidance and counselling Zaria: ABU, Press Ltd.

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Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.