Effective Utilisation of Chemistry Laboratory Equipments as Vehicle for Students Acquisition of 21st century competencies
1.1 Background to the Study
Education is generally considered one of the basic needs of human beings. Science has been characterized as a body of knowledge evolved by scientists while science education builds on the knowledge and skills acquired by the learners so that students can understand scientific principles, laws, and theories. The emphasis on teaching and learning of science is on ensuring that teachers not only teach the processes of science but also enable sensory learners to learn scientific concepts. By this, the “hands” and “minds” of learners must be on scientific activities such that learners will be able to learn actively and thereby participate in knowledge construction.
The science laboratory has a direct effect on both students’ attitudes and academic performance as per the instructional theory of learning interaction. It is generally believed that constant practice leads to proficiency in what the learner learns during classroom instruction; hence, the dictum “practice makes perfect” (Hager, 2021).
Science is the knowledge and understanding the world(Margot, 2020). It is a systematic enterprise that build and organize knowledge in form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe (Wikipedia, 2020). It is the knowledge obtained through observation, experiment and induction (Anderson, 2019). (Lyndsay, 2022) defined science as the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. Science plays a vital role in man’s life from the day a person starts till we go to sleep and we use machine in our daily life which works from the simple logic of science(Sagarika, 2021).
Among other importance, science seek to (i) provide knowledge of facts, principles, concepts and laws that govern the universe. (ii) develop skills in experimentations, observations, drawing problem solving and manipulation which provides basis for survival, (iii)develop ability to improvise and augment nature, (iv) develop the ability to appreciate contribution of science in the progress of mankind and its impact in day to day lives. Among other importance science seek to equip man with superand better grasps on nature by establishing a deep understanding of matter as well as other natural phenomenon that affect matter through the knowledge of chemistry.
Effective Utilisation of Chemistry Laboratory Equipments as Vehicle for Students Acquisition of 21st century competencies
Chemistry is the systematic and scientific study of the composition, property and activity of organic and inorganic substances as well as various elementary form of matter (Helmenstine & Anne, 2020). Azita and Hamid, (2009) viewed chemistry as the central science and mastery of concepts regarding to the structure of matter as well as how it is essential to further course work in all science. It is also a way to study properties as well as interaction between Matter and energy (lisbnet, 2021). It is a way to study physical and chemical changes of matter (Fridel & Christanlly, 2021).
Miller, (2022) defined chemistry as a branch of physical science that study the composition, structure, properties and changes of matter. Also, Emma, (2022) define d chemistry as the central science that can be related to other fields of science and technology. In recent times chemistry is one of the moist important subjects in senior secondary school science curriculum. Aside equipping man with better understanding of matter and its properties in relationship with the natural environment. Provision of (i)basic Theoritical and practical knowledge and skills,(ii)21st century competencies, (iii) applicable chemical knowledge, (iv)applied skills to meet societal needs of creating employment and wealth, Among others are some of the importance attributed to the knowledge of teaching and learning chemistry. Also, the applicability of the knowledge of chemistry to our daily life, in health sector, economy among others are in conformity with contemporary socio-economic demands accounts for more reason for the position chemistry occupies in the science curriculum.
Notwithstanding the importance of chemistry in our daily life and society, students’ in ability to exhibit skills that can transform classroom knowledge of chemistry as solution to real life problems appears worrisome. Absence of such skills capable of solving contemporary problems, improving values and worth of chemistry students overtime have continued to raise concern among chemistry educators and have continued to receive critical research attention. Evidence to this is the submission of WAEC chief examiner’s report of 2021 indicating that candidate show lack of basic chemistry skills required to maximize achievements. Among others poor communication, lack of team work, critical thinking, problem solving are some of the skills gaps and weaknesses as itemized by the chief examiner and assumed to contribute to overall under performance of chemistry students.
The laboratory in the school has been defined by several authors in different ways. Maduabum (2012) sees a laboratory as a place where scientific exercises are conducted by the science teachers for the benefit of the students (learners). The laboratory exercises include; experiments, and other activities which help the students in acquiring scientific skills. Ezeliora (2011) defined science laboratory as a workshop where science is done or where scientific activities are carried out under conducive environment. She also sees the laboratory as a place where science equipment, materials or instruments are housed for security and safety.
Igwe (2013) observed that a laboratory can be indoor such as the sufficiently designed and equipped room found in most schools or outdoor involving such places as riverside, workshop, field and even market for carrying out scientific studies. He further stated that whatever the type of laboratory employed in science teaching, the same laboratory experience should be attained, that is a participation n the series of experimental, observational and demonstrating activities which provide opportunity for students to develop understanding of practical and theoretical concepts through solutions of problems.
According to Omiko (2017) “A laboratory is a room, or building or a special period of time equipped and set apart for practical or experimental studies to take place”. He sees the laboratory as the heart of a good scientific programme which allows students in the school to have experience which are consistent with the goals of scientific literacy. This implies that science teaching and learning cannot be completely done in a secondary school where there is no equipped laboratory. Ufondu (2009) observed that the laboratory is an indispensable organ of the school if effective teaching and learning of the science subjects are to be achieved.
Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Special Price Edition (1998) defined laboratory as a room or building used for scientific research, experiments, demonstration, testing and analyzing of data etc. However, whatever is done in the science laboratory is to obtain or acquire skills that would help to advance scientific knowledge which subsequently would lead to the development of the human society. Dienye and Gbamanja (1990) observed that laboratory method of teaching is an activity involving a two-way approach carried out by one or more persons through the exercise and experimental approaches both of which are useful in science teaching. The experimental approach provides an opportunity for students to seek information using experimental procedures. These procedures call for careful observations and interpretation of data. It has the qualities of questioning, investigating and confronting the unknown.
Laboratory is a place where scientific research and development is conducted and analysis performed in contrast with the field or factory (Britannica, 2020). Laboratory can also be seen as a physical place with real object, reagents and materials (Hawkins & Phelps, 2016). Laboratory according to oxford dictionary is a room or building equipped for scientific experiments, research, teaching, or for manufacturing of drugs and chemicals. Cabrine,(2019) viewed laboratory is a setting or place to try out specific scientific information and test, principles and theories in science. Hence, we can say that laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific and technological research, experiment and measurements may be performed.
Effective Utilisation of Chemistry Laboratory Equipments as Vehicle for Students Acquisition of 21st century competencies
1.2 Statement of problems
When one has the knowledge of Chemistry you not only benefit yourself but also benefit the people around you because Chemistry helps you to understand the world you live in. Everything you touch, smell, or taste is Chemistry related. Our nation Nigeria has seen how necessary Chemistry is for our development in the 21st century. Therefore, it is one of the essential subjects required for certification in Secondary Schools as well as compulsory for admission into certain fields of study like Medicine, Science, and Engineering in many Higher Institutions.
The laboratory has been identified as the heart of a good scientific programme which allows students in the school to have experience which are consistent with the goals of scientific literacy. Practical chemistry constitutes a major part in chemistry education, if it is not taught properly the education of the students in the other science courses will be affected negatively. Therefore secondary schools require properly equipped and functional laboratories.
When the students are taught chemistry theoretically, without the practical aspects done in the laboratory, the students will not learn properly. The implication of this means that the role of the laboratory on the academic achievement of the students in chemistry is being ignored. Consequently, the students will; Lack scientific attitude, Lack problem solving skills, Lack scientific inquiry skills, Lack acquisition of scientific skills, Lack scientific research environment, Learn chemistry poorly, Perform poorly in practical chemistry in internal and external examinations. This study intends to examine the effective Utilisation of Chemistry Laboratory Equipments as Vehicle for Students Acquisition of 21st century competencies