Teachers Variables And Skills Acquisition Of The Students In Home Economics Among Junior Secondary Schools

Teachers Variables And Skills Acquisition Of The Students In Home Economics Among Junior Secondary Schools
Teachers Variables And Skills Acquisition Of The Students In Home Economics Among Junior Secondary Schools

Abstract: The main aim of this study was to investigate Teachers Variables And Skills Acquisition Of The Students In Home Economics Among Junior Secondary Schools. Specifically those teachers variables understudy were teacher’s academic qualification, years of experience and age/competences on skill acquisition in Home Economics schools. It was carries out in some selected secondary schools on Eket local government area of Akwa Ibom State. The designed adopted fort the study was a survey research design. The population of the study was consisted of all public junior secondary schools on the area. More so, three hundred (300) JSS2 Home Economics students were randomly selected and used for the study as a sample size. However, the main instrument used for data collection was ten (10) constructed questionnaire items tagged Teacher’s Variable Questionnaire (TVQ).

Three research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The null hypothesis formulated were analyzed using person’s product moment correlation coefficient (PPMCC) statistical tool. The findings from the analysis showed that teacher’s academic qualification improve the level of skill acquisition in Home Economics among secondary schools students. It is also revealed that teacher years of experience as well as age/competences has a greater relationship and influences in facilitating the skills acquisition of the student in Home Economics because those factors upgrade the level of understanding of the learners in the subject, thereby promoting learning skills meaningful to the students.


Teachers Variables And Skills Acquisition Of The Students In Home Economics Among Junior Secondary Schools




1.1       Background to the Study

The power of education is clearly seen when a child lives a responsible life in the society after school. This means that, education gives the child the skills to cope with life so that, he or she can be a productive member of the society. In addition, a good and vibrant educational system awakens the talent in every child and stimulates his or her development to the maximum level. In our school system, skills acquisition can be regarded as the corner-stone for any development of the nation. Meanwhile, they exist differently in the educational and professional background of teachers effectiveness or otherwise. In Nigeria, the national policy of education (FRM, 2004).

The policy targets at the inculcation of the right type of values and attitude for the survival of the individual and the Nigerian society. However, the training of a man is the ability to understand and gain more knowledge and acquire the appropriate skills and competencies both mental, physical and as well as equipped the individual with skills to contribute to the development of the society.

In Home Economics, the quality of education and the training of students is for them to achieve their sets goals and objectives. This depends extensively on the teachers. According to William, (2012) anything that helps to increase knowledge impact skills and change learners behaviour through learning constitutes teaching and it comes from teachers directly. In addition, Inyang (2011), asserted that, the level of skills acquired by teachers which enable he/she to teach the learners varies from one to another. It may depends on the educational qualification, their experience in the field, the competence in terms of mastering the contents and gender differences as well as their ages.

According to Fafunwa (2014), skillful teachers are expected to serve as a good citizen, a role model, transmitter of skills, a gender, a facilitator, an innovator, a disciplinarian, enlightened person and a researver of knowledge and skills. In these case, student have to be serious about learning and acquire more skills and knowledge from the teacher so that, they can use it effectively, positively to the development of the society.

Teacher’s variables imply those distinguishing personal characteristics or features that makes a teacher’s socially appealing. However, Okoro (2010), pointed out those characteristics to be academic qualification, experiences, and competence and others. Igwe (2014), asserted that teacher all over the world are very important in any educational system teacher make the school curriculum work by sharing the appropriate skills and ideas to the students in Home Economics. Hence, they say that, no educational system can grow above the standard of its teachers. Omoegun (2015), asserted that, those mentioned variables may either influence the skills acquired by the students in Home Economics positively or negatively.

Similarly, Umoren (2013) and Ukpong (2014), confirmed that, no quality of student can raise above the quality of the teachers hence, they say that, like teacher like students. He further stressed that, teacher’s variables and it needs in education cannot be over emphasized because, teacher’s is very important personality in the school system where he or she works and so his attitude to works tends to have a significant implication on the skills acquisition of students in Home Economics. Akinteye (2016), wrote on the code of conduct for the client, the teacher’s opinion that, one should be mindful that, the profession exist for the best interest of the client, the teacher should practices the profession for the students.

Therefore, the teacher have to work to stimulate the understanding and thoughtful formulation of the skills. In this case, skills acquisition in Home economics sector depend significantly on the teacher’s characteristics. Getzels (2011) stated that, although some students seems naturally enthusiastic about learning those skills and knowledge in Home Economics but, some may need or expects their teacher to inspire challenges and stimulate them to learn effectively. Treece (2013), added that, effective learning in the classroom depends on the teachers ability to impact the interest that brought the students to the class and impact the skills they came to acquire at the stipulated time.

According to Oladele (2012), says that, the link exist between teachers variables and skill acquisition in learning of Home Economics is pertinent in teaching and learning situation and needs a thoughtful and crucial consideration. He further added that, no teacher no knowledge because, it serves as the center of epistemological knowledge, directing the learning process and controlling the skills acquire by the students especially in Home economics teaching.

Miller (200) stressed that, Home economics has been here in Nigeria as an integrated discipline: Since the approval, the subject it offered at the primary and junior secondary school levels. It is also offered at the tertiary level of education for Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) by Colleges of education across the nation. Also at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels in some Nigerian universities. It is a subject that captures the societal interest because it cuts across all public and private issues in the society. Hence, it plays a vital role in the national development to helps and provides employment opportunities to our teaming youths population.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

One of the aims of Home Economics at any level of education is to develop within an individual the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes that would enable such individual to use sound reasoning in making good contribution to the society in which he/she lives. Since it has been observed that, Home Economics is a broad field of study that deals with the economic and management of home and community such as, consumer education, institutional management, interior decoration or design, home furnishing cleaning, handicrafts, sewing, clothing and textile, cooking, nutritional food presentation, hygiene and family relationship.

With Akwa Ibom State, and Eket Local Government Area in particularly, it has been observed that the student in junior secondary school perform poorly in terms of practicalization the above mentioned characterize and also in their JSSCR and this made the researcher to ask whether the teachers in schools are not effective again in terms of equipping the students with the appropriate knowledge and skills of contents. However, this skills acquisition of the students on the subjects is a multi-faceted problem caused by many and varied factors. Some see this poor performance of students in terms of skills acquisition as a reflection of falling standard of education in our society, brought about by teacher’s personality variables. In addition, some see the teaches variables as the major factors, while others, see home background variables, society variables and even school variables. The list is endless.

The conclusion here is that, something is wrong somewhere hence, this research work, is the conclusion that has motivated the researcher to undertake a study of teacher’s variables and skills acquisition in Home economics among junior secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area. With a view of determining how much of the students’ skills acquisition at schools is influenced by teacher’s variables. This is because, the solution to this problems is a way out for the poor levels of skills manipulation of students, which of cause will bring about rapid development of our society.

1.3       Purpose of the Study

In general terms, the main aim of this study was to investigate into teachers variables and skills acquisition of the students in Home economics among junior secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.

                       Specifically the study sought to:

  1. Examine teacher’s academic qualification and students’ skills acquisition in Home Economics.
  2. Examine teacher’s experience and student skills acquisition in Home economics.
  3. Examine teacher’s age/competence and students’ skills acquisition in Home economics.

Teachers Variables And Skills Acquisition Of The Students In Home Economics Among Junior Secondary Schools

1.4       Significance of the Study

The findings obtained in these studies will be useful to the following: The finding will provide useful information to teachers, Educational administrators and policy makers on matters that will enhance better skills acquisition in Home economics. This will also suggest to government the needs for adequate recruitment of only qualified teachers and those that has at least one year experience in teaching to teach the subject.

This study would also create rooms for adequate selection of teachers that has the skills of the subject matter alone, to handle the subject so that, they will be able to deliver the skills to the students at the early stage.

Finally, the study will serve as a reference manual for further researchers and also add contact to literature review.

Originally posted on September 5, 2021 @ 2:30 am

About Peter Lawson 2732 Articles
Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of onlineproject.com.ng. A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.