ABSTRACT: The study investigated peer group tutoring and students attitude toward the learning of government in secondary schools. The study was conducted in Abak Local Government Area. To achieve the purpose of this study, two hypotheses were formulated to direct the study. Literature review was carried out accordingly. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of this study comprises of all the senior secondary two (SS2) students from the study area. The two hundred (200) students were randomly selected as sample size using simple random sample technique of the study. The main instrument use for data collection was Government Achievement Test (GAT).
Peer Group Tutoring And Students Attitude Toward The Learning Of Government In Secondary Schools
The data collected from the instrument was analyzing using independent t-test statistics. The result of the study showed that students learn from the peer group tutoring performs better than their counterparts learn from individualized tutoring method. It also revealed that male students perform better than their female counterpart when peer group tutoring are used. It was therefore recommended that group learning should be used more than individualized learning in the schools so as to promote academic excellence.
1.1 Background of the Study
Student’s achievement is usually determined through tests and test and examination. A student whose academic achievement is high or impressive is a particular subject is rightly. Therefore learning is the basic raw materials for students’ achievement (Igbokwe, 1999). Learning is usually enhanced by a number of factors. Ngwke (2004) identified some factors that bring about leaning is more effective if the experience make sense to the learner, learning is influenced by the learners goals, values and natives.
It should be recalled that teaching is an essential aspect of teaching and good teaching with right method leads to better understanding and mastery of subject matter and eventual high achievement. Peer tutoring is a method of instruction that involves students teaching other students, a system of instruction which learners help each other and learning materials reinforce skills or practice a learned task.
A study conducted by Ajuba (2011) found that peers are more sensitive than adult learners to picking up on non-verbal cues students being tutored may give to revealed that they may not understand what a tutored is trying to communicate.
In peer group tutoring class, each student gets more attention from the tutor and more time to speak while other listens. This allows the students to take active part in constructing their knowledge. The main thrust of the study is to find out the effect of peer tutoring methods on academic achievement of secondary schools students in Abak Local Government Area.
In peer group tutoring, students study in small peer group to achieve the same goals using social skills. A part from government performance, student are also a major focus in peer group tutoring study.
A study conducted by Ifamuyiwa and Akinsola (2008) found out that student in the experimental peer showed a positive attitude towards government. Similarly Brush (1997) also found that students in the experimental peer showed positive attitude towards government. However, a study by Tarim and Akdenriz (2008) found out that no significant difference was observed regarding to students attitude towards government.
Based on the background of the study, it can be said that peer group tutoring is effectively in enhancing the performance and produce inconsistent result regarding attitude of students. When children move out from family to childcare centers, schools and the community at large, they begin to form attachments, and friendships merge through their play. These relationship influence behaviour.
Therefore, the researcher wants to conduct this research in the hope that teacher can use the peer group tutoring methods especially in their teaching.
Peer Group Tutoring And Students Attitude Toward The Learning Of Government In Secondary Schools
1.2 Statement of the Problem
It been observed that academic performance of students in Government m both NECO/WAEC are very poor despite huge amount of money by Federal Government on Education. Academic performances of students are still recorded poor. This poor performance, according to Danjuma (2005) might be due to poor method of teaching and insufficient instructional materials. Despite that using activity-based instructional method such as problem-solving instructional method, cooperative learning the students’ performance is still below expectation.
Unfortunately this method happens to be the one mostly used’ in our secondary school classrooms by the teachers thereby rendering the poor performance. Based on this issue, the researcher interest is to find out the influence of peer group tutoring on students’ attitude towards the learning of Government in Abak Local Government Area.