Abstract: This study Peer Group Influence and Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Students in Economics in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area. A review of related literature was used as a guide in establishing principles for the study. In other to achieve the stated objective, two research hypotheses were formulated for the study. A survey research design was employed in carrying out the study. The population of this study consisted of two thousand and thirty (2030) senior secondary one to three (SS1-SS3) students in all the eight (8) public secondary schools in the study area. A sample of two hundred (240) SS2 Economics students were randomly drawn from four secondary schools in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area. Two instruments were used in the study, Peer Group Influence questionnaire (PGIQ) and students’ examination raw score.
The generated data collected was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r). The result of the findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between study habit and academic achievement of students in Economics. This is in support of Grave (2011) when he stated that the time spent to study is positively associated with the grade of students. Also, there is a significant relationship between loitering and academic achievement of students in Economics. When students develop better attitude towards learning, it helps them to perform better than their counterpart.
Peer Group Influence and Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Students in Economics
1.1 Background to the Study
Peer group has come to be recognized as an association of those within the same age group, and concept of those within the same age-group and the concept can be applied to both adults and the young people irrespective of sex difference (Ezewu, 2008).
In socialization and education, it refers to a group of boys and girls or both sex belonging to the same age-group, and is an age-graded culture like the igbo and the people of guinea. In a society, one is expected to behave in a way that commensurate with his age, because in this, the cultural demand different behavior individual at different times of his lives (Ezewu, 2008).
Ezewu (2008) also noted that every child in the same peer-group has an equal stratus with other children, there exist to be an atmosphere of freedom in which each child easily learn the ways of the life from others members. Peer group relationships are commonly in school and these play an important role in socialization and learning of different aspect of life.
In secondary school especially, children come in contact with peers from different geographical areas, ethnic groups and social status, the opportunity to mixed with young people from different social group is likely to create condition for the establishment of friendship, even marriage, a state of affairs one may have many implication for the emergence of common culture and common bond in view, such context may prove useful to a young person in his social and occupational career.
Academic achievement of students which is measured by examination score or results is highly influence by peer group interaction. The child’s group directly influences child’s academic achievement.
The type of friends one keeps affects ones academic achievement in school. Morish (2004) observed that human beings have a story, needs to live and to work in proximate with other that is why peer group is important.
Morish (2004) also observed that, despite the fact that students have to get all forms of friends in other to live well students are expected to take seriously their academic demand of the school curriculum. Students with good peers offer encouragement and help in evaluation of school demands.
Inyang (2013) asserted that school depends on each other not only for the development of self concept but also for the satisfaction of basic academic needs. This shows that peer pressure is closely liked to academic achievement.
Umoh (2007) observe3d that peer group influence is a strong factors determining students academic achievement, showing that students get genuine pressure and satisfaction out of showing with their peers or classmates. This will in turn motivate their spirit of greatness in their studies and academic achievement.
Additionally, Adams and Kenneth (2012) stressed that’s studying with peer group helps students to progress in various subject and means of internal assistance, encouragement of students, good study habit can act as a motivator to students. Based on this background, the researcher‘s interest is to find out the extent to which peer group influences academic advancement of senior secondary school students in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area.
Peer Group Influence and Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Students in Economics
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Performance of students in Economics examination in recent years had been on the decline, many factors have been known to impede the success of students who offers Economics in both internal and external examinations. Akpan (2013) established that speed of text administration is one the factors.
Ekanem (2007) noted that poor facilities and lack of parental motivations is also a problem. Umanah (2005) stressed that lack of trained and qualified teachers in Economics posted to schools in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area. Is also a cause of this problem. The students no more show interest and group they belong. The parents also discharge their wards from studying Economics in the schools as an importance course. Some students and parent s said that the course go with mathematical and the teacher wonder whether the mathematical aspect of the course helps influence or peers group s. Based on these the researcher interest lead to find out whether peer group has influence on academic achievement of secondary schools in Economics in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area.