ABSTRACT: The study investigated Classroom Management Techniques on Academic Achievement of Students in Business Studies. Three research objectives were drawn to formulate the three research hypotheses. The research adopted a survey designed. The population of the study consisted of all the Business Studies Students in Junior Secondary School Three (JSS3). A total of one hundred and twenty (120) students formed the sample size for the study. Random sampling technique was employed to select six (6) secondary schools. The research instrument used for data collection was Business Studies Achievement Test (BSAT) and Questionnaire titled “Classroom Management Technique Questionnaire” (CMTQ).
Classroom Management Techniques on Academic Achievement of Students in Business Studies
The findings revealed that there is no significant relationship between classroom discipline and academic achievement of students in Business studies, there is no significant relationship between teachers’ utilization of instructional materials and academic achievement of students in Business Studies and also there is no significant relationship between teachers’ communication skills and academic achievement of students in Business studies. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the school administrators should create enabling environment for students and teachers for effective teaching and learning in Business studies in secondary schools.
1.1 Background to the study
Over the years, educations are recognized as indispensable tools for national development. The vision of every modern society for social change tools up to be preceded by an educational revolution. In other words ant country that desire to bring about a new social order sees science and technology as instruments for such a change. To effect a desired change such a country must undertake modification of its curriculum as a first step followed by classroom instructions which is an avenue for implementing the curriculum by the teachers.
Classroom, management skills according to Dooloard (2004) is the action a teacher takes to create an environment that supports and facilities instructions, academic, social and emotional learning. It is the process of creating favourable conditions to facilitate instructions as well as that of regulating social behaviour of students in the learning of Business Studies.
Teachers in the classroom are by the nature of their profession, managers of classroom activities. The Business Studies teachers’ job unlike that of other professional is concerned with maintaining order, allocating resources, regulating the sequence of events and directing his own attention towards achieving educational goals in terms of teaching and learning of Business Studies.
Androga (2005) posits that, teachers are the most important factor in creating positive learning environment for their students. When the teacher adjusts the environment for to learners’ preference, the learners perform better behaved in the classroom environment. The students need to be mentally and physically stimulated and helped to mix and live with other as well as learn how to control their emotions. Androga added that classroom management is not an easy task but it requires a highly devoted and enthusiastic teacher.
Classroom management plays an important role in the teaching and learning process. It is veritable tools in the process of passing instructions from the teacher to the students. The success of any educational system is a function of the effectiveness of classroom management (Horton, 2003). Classroom teachers are managers and so ought to be in control from the beginning of the lesson to the end so as to ensure that the students benefit from the interactive business that transpires in the classroom situation. This to a greater extent would enhance smooth co-ordination and responses on the part of both the teachers and the learners.
Akpakwu (2003) stressed that, classroom management is the must neglected area in our secondary schools, and the success or failure of any teaching and learning process depends to a large in the way classrooms are managed. Failure to effectively manage, the classroom can have an overall negative influence on the entire schools, most especially in terms of academic performance of students in Business Studies.
When educator talks about classroom management, one of the first things that come to mind is maintenance of discipline, control, motivational teaching methods, leadership styles, use of instructional materials, participation and communication skills. Based on this fact, it is pertinent to transform the Business Studies curriculum which requires teachers’ motivational ability to adopt the classroom management skills to enhance effective academic performance of students which helped to conveys them to learn in a conducive environment (Bishop and Glymn, 2009).
It is upon this backdrop that, the researcher intends to investigate ways in which these classroom management techniques could influence students’ academic achievement in Business Studies. Recommendations are expected to serve as a solution to the issue of poor classroom management on the teaching and learning of Business Studies with regards to Junior Secondary Schools in Uyo Local Government Area.
Classroom Management Techniques on Academic Achievement of Students in Business Studies
1.2 Statement of the problem
There are evidences to show that, the level of achievement and students’ interest in Business Studies especially in Junior Secondary Schools are below expectation. Sometimes students see Business Studies as a difficult subject to study. As such the poor academic performance of students in Uyo Local Government Area is unwelcome development which calls for urgent attention. Many scholars like Akpakwu (2003) who supported that, most neglected area in our secondary schools and the successes or failure of any teaching and learning process depends to a large extent on the way classrooms are managed.
The problems of poor academic performance among students could led to indiscipline, lack of instructional materials, poor communication skills and lack of learners’ participation in the learning of Business Studies. Additionally, apart from poor academic performance, these are the other detrimental effects of poor classroom management observed in schools noisy class, over-population of class, poor class management, ineffective class leadership among others.
Consequently, upon the observation, deterioration and trend in the academic performance, attitude and values of secondary schools make one wonders, if the high failure in Business Studies is caused by poor classroom management skills. However, owing to the poor results of Nigeria candidates, almost every years, the researcher seeks to ascertain whether classroom management techniques is one of the contributory factors that influence the academic achievement of students in Business Studies.