Social Media Usage And Learning Outcome In Secondary School Biology Students

Social Media Usage And Learning Outcome In Secondary School Biology Students
Social Media Usage And Learning Outcome In Secondary School Biology Students

Abstract: The study was designed to examine social media usage and learning outcome in secondary school biology students in Ukanafun local government area. Three research questions were raised and three hypotheses were formulated in the study. A quasi-experimental research design was adopted for the study. Total number of two thousand one hundred and five (2,105) students offering Economics in all the six (6) public secondary schools in the study area constituted the population of the study. The sample size consisted of One hundred and eighty (180) students drawn from the six schools were chosen for the study Area.

Social Media Usage And Learning Outcome In Secondary School Biology Students

A questionnaire titled; Social Media questionnaire (SMQ) and biology achievement test were used to collect data in the study. Data collected were analyzed using independent t-test. Findings show that the social media has a significant impact in the academic performance of students as it enables learners to reach varieties of instructional content through social media platform. Also, there is a difference in the performance of male and female students who uses social media in their learning process. It was recommended that Teachers/lecturers can adopt new strategies by channelling assignments or discussions on social media platforms to help inculcate the habit of using these sites for academic work.




1.1 Background to the Study

In recent times the world has witnessed a rapid increase in technological innovations, this era ushered in the advent of social media among other modern technologies in the society. At present the use of social has been linked to every part of human endeavours, such as industries engineering, agriculture, education etc. also, the inception of social medias has imparted positively in teaching methodology, research and developments, information and other related areas.

The integration of these Medias into the teaching and learning process in Nigeria Institutions (Primary Post-primary and tertiary) is a very welcomed development towards, improvement and advancement of education in line with the global standard. Akeem (2006) asserted that, the integration of social media in school system helps the students to learn independently, be updated with the school information and stand a better chance to obtain better academic achievement, since the world itself id technologically inclined. He went further to say that the use of social media  like the computer systems will help the teachers in preparing the lesson content, assist in curriculum design and stand a chance of delivery their lessons to the students in a more effective and comprehensive manner.

Braith, (2003) asserted that, social media are medium or channel through which students get involve with social networks like facebook, whatsapp, twitter and the rest of them.

Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks (Boyd, 2007). Students usually access social media services via web-based technologies on desktops and laptops, or download services that offer functional educational information to their mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) which help them in their academic  endeavors.

As users engage with these electronic services, they create highly interactive platforms through which individuals, communities, and organizations can share, co-create, discuss, participate and modify user-generated content that can help them improve both academically and otherwise. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010), defined social media as a group of internet- based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content.

The Oxford dictionary (2011), also defined social media as “applications used for social networking”. Another definition of social media is that it is a ‘’communication channel which is very popular, extremely fast and broad, has proven to be highly effective, as well as trusted by billions of people , to share and discover content concerning individuals, brands, information, entertainment and knowhow’’ (Dearborn, 2014). One theme that all these definitions underpin is that social media involves some form of communication between individuals over the internet.

Today, social media has taken a new dimension and has encouraged more participation through the introduction of mobile phones that support social networks. The use of mobile phones that are powered by Android applications for social network, with these developments in technology social networking sites have become more and more popular among students because of the use of social media, and a major concern have arose over how the use of social media sites among undergraduate students affects their academic performances.

It was on this background that the researcher was interested to examine the influence of social media usage and learning outcome in secondary school biology students.

Social Media Usage And Learning Outcome In Secondary School Biology Students

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In educational system, success is measured by academic achievement or how well a student meets the standard set out by the institution. The menace of failure among the young school students has stared parent, government and stakeholders in the face. There is a consensus of opinion about the fallen standard of education as a big problem that is hindering the posterity of the Nigerian nation in terms of quality man-power resources. Most students in secondary schools experience academic challenges that manifest itself in the form of poor academic achievement mostly in Economics subject. Many researchers have sought to find out the reasons for the downward trend in the academic performance of secondary school students.

Ogbemudia and Aiasa (2013) reported lack of good home foundation for students as cause of poor performance by students. Achieng (2014) found home factors, student’s factors and institutional capacity as the causes while, Adesehimwa and Aremu (2010) posited that factors resident in child, family, society, government and the school may be composite causative effects for these downward trend. Hence, this study seeks to examine the influence of social media usage and learning outcome in secondary school biology students in the study area.

About Peter Lawson 2732 Articles
Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.