ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Relia Usage and Academic Performance of Secondary Schools Students in Biology. Research questions and hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A quasi-experimental research design was employed in the study. 1676 Biology students from the study area form the population of the study. Simple random sampling technique was used in selection of 100 students for the study. Biology Achievement Test (BAT) was the major instrument for data collection; the data generated from the Biology Achievement Test were analyzed using independent t-test statistics. The result showed that students taught Biology with the use of relia perform academically better than those taught Biology without the use of relia. The result also revealed that male students taught Biology with relia perform academically better than their female counterparts. It was therefore recommended that teachers should select and use relia always in school for the teaching of Biology as this will go a long way to develop their proficiency thereby increase students academic performance in the subject.
Relia Usage And Academic Performance Of Secondary Schools Students In Biology
1.1 Background to the Study
Societies all over the world have use education as an instrument for the administration of National interest and conservative. Education is an instrument per excellence for effective national development, it foster the worth and development of the individual and the general development of the society (National Policy on Education 2004). All these call for functional education. For the promotion of a programme needs to be relevant, practical and comprehensive while interest and ability should determined the individual direction.
Real objects which are educational inputs are of vital importance to the teaching of any subject in the school curriculum. Wales (2007) was of the opinion that the use of real objects dduring teaching will make the students to discover some facts glued firmly to the memory of students. Savoury (2005) also added that, a well planned and imaginative use of real objects in lesson would do much to banish apathy, supplement inadequately of books as well as arouse students interest by given the students something practical to see and do, and at the same time encourage them to store those items seen in their memory.
Selection and use of Relia that related to the basic contents of a course or a lesson, helps in-depth understanding of such a lesson by the students in that they make the lesson attractive to students and arrest their attention and thus, motivate them to learn effectively. Savoury (2009) maintain that using relia in class interaction will limit an imagination and stimulates the mind which will interned encourage creativity by involving the sense. Relia saves time as recognition of objects is immediate and so cuts out the need for lengthily explanations and drawing funny picture on the board.
Udoh (2009) agreed that using Relia in schools by teacher makes learning to become real, he also added that the utilization of relia during the teaching and learning of biology encourage practical education and discourage rote learning. Real objects make education to be more equal and practical to all learners.
According to Sunday, (2007) Relia are objects from natural source which help in the teaching and learning of Biology. It is very relevant in learning of science subject like biology, because the use of relia makes students to have interest in the learning of biology. Relia eliminate distortion in students’ knowledge on the topics being taught. He identifies the relevant of relia in the teaching and learning of Biology to include:
(1) Relia makes learning to become real and immediate.
(2) The utilization of relia emphasizes understanding and practical education and discourages rote learning.
(3) Relia have power to increase rate of learning and at the same time allow teacher to use more time on other gainful activity.
Relia Usage And Academic Performance Of Secondary Schools Students In Biology
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Student persistent poor performance in the subject of biology has been the main concern to all and sundry. It is a known fact that biology is a core subject required not only for placement into tertiary institution, but also form the foundation on which future programme of studies I science and technology is based unfortunately, for some years now, the performance of students in this subject (Biology) has been poor throughout the state beyond (Adebule, 2004).
This performance has been attributed to a lot of factors by which different researchers in recent years one of such factors is teaching method adopted by Biology teachers in teaching the subject. Experience has also shown that the use of relia in the teaching and learning of this important subject aids students to participate rigorously and about efficient learning experience.
However, this therefore made the researcher to carry out this study in Oruk Anam Local Government Area to examine is influence of the use of relia object and academic performance of student in Biology in Secondary School Students.