ABSTRACT: The study investigated Human Resources Availability and Teaching of Physical and Health Education in Secondary Schools. Research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The survey research design was employed. The population for the study was all teaching and non-teaching staff in all the public secondary schools in the study area. The instrument for data collection was “Questionnaire on Availability of Human Resources and Teaching of Physical and Health Education (QAHRTPHE)”. Data collections were analyzed using simple percentage. Findings showed that the availability of teaching and non-teaching staff influences effective teaching of Physical and Health Education Secondary Schools.
Based on the findings, it was recommended that government should provide in-service training, conference, workshops and symposiums to teaching and non-teaching staff of physical and Health Education to enhance effective teaching of the subject.
Human Resources Availability and Teaching of Physical and Health Education in Secondary Schools
1.1 Background of the study
Education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. It takes place under the guidance of educators although learners may also educate themselves. Education takes place in formal and informal settings. According to Coombs (1970) in Jekayinfa (2013) education consists of two components. Inputs and outputs. Inputs consist of human and materials resources while outputs are the goals and outcome of the educational process. Both the inputs and outputs form a dynamic organic whole. To Coombs, if one is to investigate and assess the educational system in order to improve performance, the effect of one component on the other must be examined.
Human resources which are educational inputs are vital importance to the teaching of any subject in the school curriculum. Wales (2005) was of the opinion that the use of instructional resources and availability of human resources to use them would discover facts glued firmly to the memory of students. Savory (2008) also added that a well planed and imaginative number of human resources in the school system should do much to banish apathy, supplement inadequacy of books as well as arouse students interest by swing them something practical to see and do and at he sometime help tem to think things out for themselves. Savory went on to assert that human resources when available lesson.
This well lead to in-depth understanding of such lesson by students as the lesson will becomes attractive to them thereby arresting their attention and enhancing effective teaching and learning of the subject.
Furthermore, it is very vital to have sufficient and adequate human resources in terms of teacher quality for the teaching of all subjects in the school curriculum. Without the teachers as implementing factors the goals of education can never be achieved. In order to achieve a just and a egalitarian society as spelt out in the Nigerian national policy on education(2013), schools should be properly equipped to promote sound and effective teaching. Also suitable textbooks and qualified teachers should be provided for schools.
Scarcity of these according to Okoye (2010) will negatively affect the educational system and hinder it from responding more fully to new demands. In order to raise the quality of education ensure efficiency and productivity, better learning and effectiveness in teaching, human resources are needed. Knezewich (2011) stressed the importance of having appropriate personnel plan and adequate physical facilities to support educational effect. It was on this background that this research work was conducted to investigate the influence of human resources availability and teaching effectiveness of physical and health education in Essien Udim Local Government Area.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Successfully management and realization of objectives of teaching to a large extent can be attributed to many factors. Some of these factors include availability of the human resources as well as effective performance of their duties. The role of the human resources as their integral part of teaching in the school system cannot be over emphasized. This is to say that the school will be grossly incomplete where the human resources to carryout the teaching process is not achievable or adequate.
Despite the crucial place of human resources in the teaching learning process, Ukege (2003), Ekanem (2014) and Amos (2014) have observed that there is serious inadequacy of human resources in the secondary school system in Nigeria and specifically in Akwa Ibom State. This has cause serious concern to parents, teachers, educational, stakeholders and the government. This then prompt the researcher to investigate on how the availability of human resources influences the teaching of Physical and Health Education in secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area.
Human Resources Availability and Teaching of Physical and Health Education in Secondary Schools
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
This study when completed will be beneficial to students, teachers, parents, guardian and the government to the study, the study will help them to see the importance of teaching and non-teaching staff in the learning of all secondary schools subjects.
To parents and guardians, this study sought will help them to appreciate the importance of the teaching and non-teaching staff in the education of their children. This will induce them to join hands with the government in providing teaching and non-teaching staff to schools so as to sustain the teaching of secondary subjects.
To the teachers, the study will help them to know their importance in the development of educational sector, thereby retaining them in the teaching-learning process.
The study will also help the government to understand the place of physical and health in the physical development of students. This will make them to provide all necessary human resources and motivate the old ones to perform their duties effectively.