Parental Education Background and Academic Performance of Pupils

Parental Education Background and Academic Performance of Pupils
Parental Education Background and Academic Performance of Pupils

ABSTRACT: The study examined Parental Education Background and Academic Performance of Pupils. Chapter one focuses on the introductory aspect of the study, statement of the problem, significance, scope and limitation. Three research questions with three corresponding research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Relevant terms were defined and related literature from published and unpublished materials journals, textbooks and newspapers etc. were reviewed and used as a lesson from previous studies in chapter two.  Chapter three took care of the methodology and research design.

It discussed population sample method of data collection apart from the primary material was pupils questionnaire in public primary schools Based on the finding of the study the investigation revealed that the parental educational background and academic performance of pupils in the study area significantly influence the academic performance is therefore necessary to erect those parental factors and systems that will enhance better academic performance.

Parental Education Background and Academic Performance of Pupils



1.1     Background of the Study

Many factors influence a child’s academic achievement beyond a Child’s innate ability. The home environment in which the child lives in, the quality of the school the child attends and parent’s involvement in the child academic work; parent’s occupation and economic status all have effect. The level of parental education is a proven factor in predicting the academic performance of their children. Parents seen to depend only teachers with the believe that they can change or transform their children overnight and anything that falls below this expectation make the teacher’s conduct unacceptable, few people care to think of other possible factors that could be responsible for poor performance of pupils in school. Unfortunately, these factors are so weighty that, it renders the improvement pupils academic performance.

It is widely accepted that a child’s academic achievement is not only restricted to the school we attend but also the education and educational preparation that particular child has received outside the school. It could be from the family, in the community and from the peer group. From the beginning parents have been the major persons involved in raising children in every society, that is why the family is recognized as one important agent of socialization.

Adekeji (2002) observed that parents effort contributes greatly to the abilities of children to socialized top become productive citizens. So wherever parent possessed the resources and skills apply them effectively and joyfully in raising their children the entire society benefits. The child themselves fell good and bring happiness to their parents and the whole community. The level of educational achievement of parents influences the academic achievement of their children. For instance in a family were both the mother and father are educated, their children homework, academic progress is of interest to the parents.

The parents may go through their child’s work to teach them after school thereby ensuring that academic performance of the wards is improved where as in the case of illiterate family, the ability to supervise their children’s exercise books not there hence their have low academic performance in school.

Valencia and Renald (2005) also observed that the level of parents’ education is related, to conclude that parents who are relatively higher in level of than those parents who are illiterate or semi-illiterate.

Oqunlade (2005) opined that children of illiterate homes perform worse than their counterparts from the educated homes. From the Educated homes. Pupils from this home also study and concentrate in the class a lot more than the former.

Generally, however, parents are aware of the determining nature and effects of educational qualification in the present society. Most workout modalities on how to manipulate educational system of their children, so as to achieved their set of goals and objectives.

Parental Education Background and Academic Performance of Pupils

1.2     Statement of the Problem

The home environment in which the child lives in, the quality of the school the child attends and parent’s involvement in the child academic work; parent’s occupation and economic status all have effect. Report from primary six (2009, 2010, 2011) have shown that pupils academic performance has not been encouraging. Certain factors have been speculated to the cause of pupils poor academic performance in school. Such factors includes the level of parents education background, home environment in which the child live in the quality of school attend, parental involvement and many others.

It is not surprising therefore to see in every family in Nigeria that there is always a struggle on the parts of parents expect Vigorous effort to see their children attain the best educational affairs. It is on this note that the study is embarked upon to investigate the influence of parent’s educational background and academic performance of pupils.

About Peter Lawson 2732 Articles
Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.