Environmental Variables And Learning Of Biology Among Secondary School Students

Environmental Variables And Learning Of Biology Among Secondary School Students
Environmental Variables And Learning Of Biology Among Secondary School Students

ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to examine the effect of environmental variables and learning of biology among secondary school students. The population of the study consisted of all SS II Biology students in all the public secondary schools in the study area. Simple Random Sampling Technique was used to select one hundred and fifty (150) students from six (6) secondary schools in the area for the study Research design adopted was survey. Three research questions guided the study; data generated was analyzed with simple percentage and the instrument for data collection was questionnaire. Findings revealed that laboratory class size and library affect the learning of Biology. It was recommended among others that the school administrations and stakeholders should assist with funds for the purchase of facilities.


Environmental Variables And Learning Of Biology Among Secondary School Students



1.1 Background to the Study

An environment is seen as the natural and artificial forces which surround and interact with the living and the non-living. (Effiong, 2015) In Biology the environment is all of the natural materials and living things. It is further seen as the event and culture that people lives in. This can be classified in relation to the school and the home environment (Mark, 2014).

Home environment is a place of residence or refuge and comfort. It is referred to as a place where an individual or family can rest. It can further be seen as the various types of residential community institution in which people can live (Harot, 2013). In the other hand precisely, the school environment is broadly characterized by it facilities, classroom, school-based health support, and disciplinary   policies and practices.   It sets the stage for the external factors that affect students (Shans 2012). A positive school environment is defined as a school having  appropriate facilities, well managed classrooms, available school- based health support, and a clear fair disciplinary policy.

In considering e topic, School environment is the physical environment of the school buildings and school premises which are the key factors in the overall safety and learning of students. Markson (2010) stated that a proper school environment which constitute well equipped laboratories, good classrooms and libraries among others promote learning by the students. This study has shown that student’s achievement can be affected either positively or negatively as it is related to the topic. The schools and the home have been the major facilitating environment for learning. These are listed as the bases for environment towards learning which constitutes different variables that catalyze learning o f Biology (Effiong, 2009).

All known human societies past or present, primitive or advanced have est6blished a social grouping called home, which constitutes the family. While different parastatals and ministries established another social grouping called the school. These groups especially to school play significant roles in the learning of Biology among secondary school students, hence they are regarded as the environmental variables (Jeans, 2008).

Researchers ha e shown that, poor learning of Biology in schools is due to the inability of schools to provide the basic equipment such as laboratories, library and adequate classroom setting for learning. however, there has been a growing interest and concern about it: poor learning of Biology among secondary school students (Jensen, 2010).

The secondary’ school level of education is crucial in the educational system s it produces manpower for industries and supplies various ministries with the intermediate workers. it is the level at which the foundation in science including Biology and other subjects are laid and also prepare people for higher education. This justifies the great attention being paid to secondary education not only in the study area but in Nigeria and the World (Nsungurua, 2010). it is known that this present level of educational development, many   people including parents     will look on education as only  what goes on in the classroom and that learning depends directly on the ability and the effort of a student to learn.

Environmental variables are therefore referred to those factors or condition to which a particular activity is influences upon (Ben, 2015). The school environment or the school variables are specifically required D suite with such topics of this kind as it affect the learning among secondary school students.

In considering the factors enumerating above especially availability of laboratory, good classroom and well arranged library. This study is therefore undertaken to investigate the effect of environmental variables (School environment and learning of Biology among secondary school students).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Poor learning of Biology among secondary school students has constituted a serious problem and has call for concern to most parents in different ways. The external examination of Biology result of West African Senior Certificate in the past years made parents, teachers and school administrators to be anxious in the student’s poor learning ability.

Government and school heads have been unable to provide adequate solution to e student’s poor learning outcome. The problem has contributed to a loss or reputation affecting secondary school in the area such as the situation described here caused concern, it is not yet known why some students fail to attain the standard expected of them. The researcher therefore likes to establish the influence of variables such as: laboratories, class size and libraries on the learning of Biology among secondary school students.

1.3 Purpose the Study

The purpose of us study was to find out the effect of school environmental variable s (school environment) on the learning of Biology among secondary school students. Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. Find out the effect of laboratories on the learning of Biology among secondary school students
  2. Investigate the effect of class size on the learning of Biology among secondary school students.
  3. find out the effect of libraries on the learning of Biology among secondary school students.

Environmental Variables And Learning Of Biology Among Secondary School Students

1.4 Significance of the Study

This research was carried out because of the recent concern of parents, educators and teachers about their student’s poor learning ability. This environment has caused untold hardship both to the parents and Students. This research is to investigate if this poor learning is from the school environment of the students.

At the end of the study, it is hoped that, more light will be thrown on individual differences as it relate to the learning of Biology. This Will teacher realized that school should be provided with adequate facilities for the learning of Biology. The study will help students realize that their poor learning ability might not necessarily’ be their fault alone especially school who do not have up—to-date facilities. It will also help the educational administrators’ in mapping out different kinds of educational programs taking into account the provision of school facilities. The need for this study cannot be over emphasized as Nwagwo (2010), had proved that school variables have effect on   the education of the students.

Originally posted on September 23, 2021 @ 9:34 am

About Peter Lawson 2732 Articles
Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of onlineproject.com.ng. A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.