ABSTRACT: The study was conducted to examine Influence of Sports Facilities and Equipment in Teaching and Learning of Physical and Health Education. To achieve the above stated objective, three research questions were formulated. The population of the study was made up of one thousand, one hundred and two (1,102) Physical and Health Education students of Junior Secondary Two (JSS 2) class from the fourteen (14) public secondary schools in Abak Local Government Area. A sample size of one hundred and twenty (120) students was drawn from four (4) Public Secondary Schools in the area of study. The study adopted a quasi-experimental research design. The instrument for the study was a twenty multiple-choice question, entitled, Physical and Health Education Achievement Test (PHEAT). Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation.
Findings showed that, the use of sport equipment such as soccer ball and javelin influences the effective teaching of Physical and Health Education, as students taught with the use of sports equipment performed better than students taught without the use of sports equipment. Also, school location does not influence the effective teaching of Physical and Health Education when the necessary sports equipment are used in Secondary Schools in Abak Local Government Area.
Influence Of Sports Facilities And Equipment In Teaching And Learning Of Physical And Health Education
1.1 Background to the Study
The availability of adequate facilities, equipment and supplies as well as their utilization are important ingredients in any physical education and sports programme. In recent times it has been observed that physical education and sports seems to be losing steam in almost all the secondary schools in the study area. This is being considered as part of the reason why the state has not been discovering new athletes and performing well in national sports festivals. This situation may likely persist if there are not adequate resources, especially instructional materials or if those available are not adequately utilized. The level of success of most physical education and sports programmes is greatly dependent on the degree of availability, adequacy and utilization of up-to- date facilities, equipment and supplies. This is because they form the hub around which such programmes revolve (Akinsanmi, 1995; Mgbor, 2005; Mgbor and Anyanjor, 2005).
Physical education is one of the subjects in secondary schools which goal is the total development of the individual through physical activities. Educational activities in physical education are designed to promote not only the physical well-being but also the mental and social well-being of the participants.
According to the International Council for Health, Physical Education Recreation, Sports and Dance (ICHPER.SD, 2001), Physical education is an academic content area, which is composed of two major components namely human movement and Physical fitness (motor and health related) and is based on the following disciplines; motor learning, motor development, kinesiology, bio-mechanics, exercise physiology, sport psychology, sport sociology and athletics. Wuest and Bucher (2006) assert that it is the education process that uses Physical activities as a means to help individuals acquire skills, fitness, knowledge and attitude that contribute to their optimal development and well-being. The International Council for Health, Physical Education Recreation, Sports and Dance (ICHPER. SD, 2001) definition of physical Education was adopted in this study.
According to Singh (2011), the aim and objective of physical education is to develop human personality in its totality. This involves the development of the physical, mental, social, emotional and moral aspects so as to make the individual a good citizen. Such a person should be able to make contribution in the process of nation building in his or her own way. Oak (2011) noted that physical education help to instill in the students the value and skills of maintaining a healthy life style through physical activities. The person will learn skills necessary to perform variety of physical activities, is usually physically fit and participates regularly in physical activities as well as its contribution to healthy life style.
Physical educational resources are instructional and curriculum materials employed in physical education instructional classes or teaching learning experiences. The availability and utilization of resources are predictors to the successful implementation of any academic programme. According to Offorma (2002) teaching is usually facilitated and is more effective through the active participation of the learners and utilization of appropriate resources. Active participation of the learner in physical education is facilitated by the availability and effective utilization of adequate instructional resources personnel, facilities, equipment and supplies. Akande (2005) noted that teaching and learning are better and easier done through one’s interaction with one’s environment. Environment here refers to facilities and equipment utilized in teaching physical education.
Similarly, Egwu (2005) noted that it is obvious that teacher competency and available instructional facilities and equipment in a school determine the coverage of syllabus and curriculum of any subject including physical education. According to Ikioya (2008) the schools Physical Education programme require the availability and adequacy of facilities, equipment and supplies for the attainment of set goals. School resources have been observed as a potent factor to quantitative and qualitative education (Owoeye 2011). This is especially important in Physical Education because of the activity oriented nature of physical education.
Influence Of Sports Facilities And Equipment In Teaching And Learning Of Physical And Health Education
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Given the importance of facilities and equipment to the success of any given physical education and sports programme, it would be expected that secondary schools administrators would ensure the provision, availability, adequacy and utilization of up-to-date physical education facilities, equipment and supplies one of paramount interest in public secondary schools.
The prevailing problem in Nigerian secondary schools is that resources for teaching physical education may be declining steadily without the school administrators giving attention to it. This unfortunate development has become a source of worry to many stakeholders in the teaching of physical education in schools. The average physical education teacher is faced with a lot of challenges in teaching not only because of the increased number of students but also as a result of the scanty and often poorly maintained physical education facilities, equipment and supplies in the schools.
The downward trend in sports and physical education facilities and equipment in schools have continued unabated since the early 90s. Since then many governments, local, state and federal pay lip service to its resuscitation (Mgbor 2002; Abu 2012). The situation of scanty and inadequate physical education and sports facilities and equipment in schools have persisted over the years in spite of the fact that many Nigerians, especially former Nigeria Internationals have identified the return to school sports as the foundation to build the rebirth of sports development in Nigeria.
Observation by the researcher indicates that in schools where there are no physical education teachers or there is inadequate numbers of physical education teachers, non-physical education teachers in Physical Education or teachers that studied other subjects teach physical education. Such arrangement may affect the utilization of the available physical education facilities, equipment and supplies in the schools.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
The study will be significant in the following ways
It will enable the government, NGOS, and major stakeholders to understanding the decay in sporting facilities in secondary schools.
It will serve as base-data for future researchers in the field of Physical and Health Education and related discipline.
It will also enable teachers and students to understand the place of effective utilization of sporting facilities in boosting academic performance
The ministry of sports will find the information accuracy very retarding and it should be put in play to bring back the glory to Nigeria in global sporting competitions.
It will also enable educational administrators to strategize in their quest for qualitative Physical and Health Education and to organize seminars/workshops to show the relationship between sport facilities and performance.