Team Teaching and Academic Achievement of Students in Physical and Health Education

Team Teaching and Academic Achievement of Students in Physical and Health Education
Team Teaching and Academic Achievement of Students in Physical and Health Education

Abstract: The study of Team Teaching and Academic Achievement of Students in Physical and Health Education was conducted in Oruk Anam Local Government Area. Two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. There was review of related literature. The research design was quasi experimental. The population of the study was all Physical and Health Education students in public secondary schools in Oruk Anam Local Government Area. A total number of 200 hundred students offering Physical and Health Education in 2014/2015 academic session were involved in the study through simple random sampling from four (4) public secondary schools in Oruk Anam Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The main instrument used for data collection was Physical and Health Education Achievement Test (PHEAT).

The data generated were analyzed using independent t-test statistics. Based on the result of the data analyzed, it was found out there is a significant difference in academic achievement of students when team teaching and lecture methods of teaching are used in the teaching of Physical and Health Education. Also, there is a significant difference in academic achievement of male and female students when team teaching method is used in teaching Physical and Health Education. The study therefore recommended among others that PHE teachers should try to use appropriate methods of teaching during class lessons in order to enhance retention and understanding of the lessons by the students.   



1.1    Background to the Study

Research on teaching methods has for long been of interest to educationists. However, some studies have been carried out on certain aspects of the programmed but have not investigated the academic performance of learners in primary and secondary level of education in the use of some specific teaching methods. Again, research evidence shows that, the challenges confronting the secondary school teachers are basically on the methods of imparting the knowledge. It was argued by Adufe (2008) that teaching is based on methods which at the long run bring about effective teaching.

It is now being recognized that there are better ways to learn through traditional methods of instruction (Wood and Gentile, 2003). Universities and other institutions are beginning to show an increased awareness of the importance of the ways students learn. Many of the standard methods of conveying knowledge have been shown to be relatively ineffective on the student’s ability to master and then retain important concepts. Learning of Physical and Health Education through some methods of teaching is passive rather than active. The traditional methods (lecture, laboratory, recitation methods) do not tend to foster critical and creative thinking, and collaborative problem solving.

Wilkins (2001) posits that team teaching organization pools resources of teachers, and the facilities of the school breaks down the isolation of staff, economizes effort by eliminating repetitions, and should lead to better quality teaching and learning. A course in colleges and universities uses the system. Each teaching team comprises of lecturers and tutors within a department.

Team teaching as a form of teacher collaboration has long been implemented in education at all levels. Sometimes synonymous with co-teaching or collaborative teaching, it features teachers’ collective efforts that is aimed at improving teaching quality as well as student academic achievement. Many researchers have offered various definitions of team teaching: for example, Davis (2005) regarded team teaching as “all arrangement that include two or more faculty in some level of collaboration in the planning and delivery of a course”. On the other hand, Trump and Miller (2000) define team teaching as an arrangement in which two or more teachers and their assistant, taking the advantage of more teachers and their competencies, plan, instruct and evaluate in one or more subject area. This they believe could be done with a group of students of about two or more conventional classes in size.

As opined by these authors, the obvious advantage of team teaching is the economy of time, space and the rich variety of experience which the learners are exposed to and also shared by the team teaching members. Considering the advantages of team teaching, this study is undertaken to investigate the influence of team teaching on academic achievement of students in Physical and Health Education in Oruk Anam Local Government Area.

1.2    Statement of the Problem

Students’ persistent poor performance in Physical and Health Education has been the main concern of this research. Many methods of teaching exist in education; all the strategies are meant to make teachers succeed in their bid to disseminate knowledge. However, little are considered on some factors that are necessary before selecting the appropriate methods such as team teaching method in the class (Farrant, 2001).

If appropriate teaching methods are taking into consideration during the teaching and learning process, the low academic performance among learners would be reduced; therefore, this research work was set out to investigate how team teaching method influence academic achievement of students in Physical and Health Education in Oruk Anam Local Government Area.

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Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.