Environmental Factors on Computer Literacy among Science Teachers in Secondary Schools

Environmental Factors on Computer Literacy among Science Teachers in Secondary Schools
Environmental Factors on Computer Literacy among Science Teachers in Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT: The study investigated Environmental Factors on Computer Literacy among Science Teachers in Secondary Schools. The survey research design was employed in the study. The population of the study was 28 Biology teachers in 10 public secondary schools in Abak Local Government Area. Twenty eight (28) Biology teachers from ten secondary schools were selected using purposive sampling technique as the sample size. The instrument for data collection was a forty itemed questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on Environmental Factors and Computer Literacy among Teachers (QEFCLT)”. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation statistical techniques.

Environmental Factors on Computer Literacy among Science Teachers in Secondary Schools

Findings showed that environmental variables such as location of the school and availability of computer centers to a very high extent influence teachers’ level of computer literaprocy. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that in-service training, seminars, workshops and conference should be organised by the government and professional bodies like Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN), Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), computer institutes on computer literacy programme.



1.1     Background to the Study

Information and Communication technology (ICT) is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is a more specific term, that stresses the role of unified communication and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio- visual system, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. The term ICT is also used to refer to the convergence of audio-visual and telephone networks with computer networks through a single calling or link system. According to Bushati, Barolli, Dibbra and Haveri (2010) Information Technology (IT) is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications.

It is the area of managing technology and pane wide variety of area that includes but is not limited to things such as processes, computer soft-ware, information systems computer hard-ware, programming languages, data constructs. The presence of technology in every aspect of our life in the 21st century faces up the people all around the world with new choices, opportunities and challenges that has emerged and developed. These have created a new global economy powered by ICT and driven by knowledge. While ICT has had great impact on this “revolution” of the global economy, traditional teaching and learning paradigms have been shaken by the impact of ICT integration in education (Buohati, Barolli and Gorishti, 2012).

However, computer literacy is a general term which involves the knowledge and ability to use computer and technology efficiently. Computer literacy can also be referred to the comfort level someone has by using computer programmes and other application that are related to computers. The occurrence of computer literacy continues to grow at an outstanding rate. A computer is an electronic device that has the ability to accept data, store data, process data by following a set of instructions (programme) to produce result. According to Lulu (2009) computer literacy is the ability for an individual to use computer and its technologies efficiently. This knowledge of computer can be utilized in the teaching and learning of Biology.

In Nigeria, over the past years there have been attempts by governments past and present to improve Nigeria’s information highways because of the realization of the relevance of information and communication gadgets as a tool for sustainable development, which is indeed significant. This has led to some improvements in Information communication gadgets though there is still room for further improvement. In many cases, information and communication gadgets have penetrated work and learning environments unplanned.

Many users recognize the potential of information and communication gadgets and the opportunities it provides, particularly for economic and social development where distances and traditional systems have tended to hamper progress. Information and communication gadgets has already invaded and dominated secondary schools in the developed world.

Furthermore, environment refers to factors within the school and the entire surrounding of the teachers that may influence the teaching-learning process. According to Ajayi, (2011) environmental factors like school location, availability of computer facilities are those factors within the surroundings which may influence the teaching effectiveness of teachers and the acquisition of computer knowledge. From this assertion, it therefore seems that these factors in the environment especially the (school environment) could also influence the acquisition of computer knowledge by science teachers in secondary schools in Abak Local Government Area.

Additionally, Usen (2011) asserted that there have been issues of lack of adequate computer facilities, lack of constant power source, poor maintenance of available computer faculties, lack of trained personnel to teach the teachers the use of information and communication technology in their lesson planning, preparation and presentation. Usen also posited that the environmental factors such as school infrastructures and availability of e-library have contributed to the ineffectiveness in teachers’ development in Akwa Ibom state. This is because the environment where some schools where these teachers serve are located in very remote areas where there are no facilities that enhance the use of computer.

Ekong (2016) also asserted that the environmental conditions such as infrastructures, availability of computer-support system and the people in the society influence the level of acquisition of computer knowledge by teachers. Ekong maintained that the available number of computer sets in schools is very poor thereby decreasing the teachers’ use of computer in lesson preparation. This therefore formed the background to the present study on environmental factors and computer literacy among science teachers in secondary schools in Abak Local Government Area with the aim of complimenting the studies of other researchers.


Environmental Factors on Computer Literacy among Science Teachers in Secondary Schools

1.2    Statement of the Problem

Education sector in Nigeria has series of challenges. The important area of teaching challenge is inability of the teachers to utilized Information and Communication Technology in schools in their teaching process. Improving quality in education requires adequate and competent teachers, appropriate facilities, materials and methods, which are lacking; these form part of the problems in the study. Thus, one of the major challenge of the educational system is the teachers’ knowledge of utilization of Information and Communication Technology for teaching at all levels, which also affect the quality delivery of educational institutions, teacher’s training and production.

The inability to use Information and Communication Technology in secondary schools is a problem to teachers’ effectiveness and students learning. This study therefore, is geared towards finding out if the environments the teachers find themselves influence computer literacy level among science teachers in secondary schools.

About Peter Lawson 2732 Articles
Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of onlineproject.com.ng. A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.