Abstract: The study examined The Influence of Employee Motivation and Its Resulting Effects on the Organization Performance (The Study Of Anchor Insurance Plc Uyo branch). The researcher observed that employees in various business organizations are not given the proper job incentives that will boast their working morals in increase productivity. For this purpose, the study was set to investigate into some of the motivational techniques by which employers can use to lure their subordinates to work optimally. In order to achieve these objectives, three research questions and hypothesis were formulated. Some related terms as used in this study were defined. Related book were reviewed for the study. The literature review was written under various sub-headings with a chapter summary. The survey design used for the study was the survey design which allow the research to interact personally and gather date from the respondents. The area for the study was Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The population for the study comprises 50 staff of the institution which randomly selected to be used for the study. A random sampling technique was used to select the institution and the respondents.
The instrument adopted for the study was the “Motivational technique and Increased Productivity Questionnaire (MTIPQ)” which was designed by the researcher in two sections. Section A had personal data of the respondents and section B comprises 15 items that were formulated to reflect the research questions. The statistical tool used was the chi-square which test the influence one variable on the other. However, the null hypothesis testing shows that there exists a significant influence between motivational techniques in organization increase productivity. The second hypothesis also shows that employees and employers interpersonal relationship influences the productivity of workers. It showed that there is a strong significant influence between employers/employees interpersonal relationship and increased productivity. The third and final hypothesis result showed that conducive working environment has a significant influence on employees increased productivity of any given organization. Therefore it was concluded that employers motivational techniques has an influence on the productivity of workers in organizations.
The Influence of Employee Motivation and Its Resulting Effects on the Organization Performance (The Study Of Anchor Insurance Plc Uyo branch)
This chapter unravels the introductory aspect of his research work. It is arranged under the following sub-headings:
1.1 Background of the Study
In every organization, large or small, private or public enterprise, human resources (employees) are always the pillar to the success of the organization. Motivation may be rewarded as a function of the perceived relationship between what one wants from one’s job and what one perceived the job to be offering, (Erovosele, 1990). The usefulness of motivation cannot be over emphasized. Every organization depends on motivation amongst other factors for the attainment of their objectives. Organizational objectives cannot be fully achieved unless the employees are trained and motivated to acquire the necessary skill, knowledge and ability to perform their jobs effectively and efficiently.
It is not easy to motivate an individual, for the success of any motivational effort depends on the extent to which the motivator meets the needs of the individual employee for whom it is intended. A need create a tension in the individual who moves in a certain direction in order to achieve the desire objectives which reduces the tension, Nwachukwu (1998).
In every successful management in business organization and service oriented organization in an economy, the increase in productivity and the last rate of development are attributed to the combined efforts of the workers (Egbeogu, 1991). Motivation is that energizing force that induces or compels and maintain behaviour. (Nwachukwu 2006).
Apparently, job performance in an organization such as banks, schools, industries etc. are viewed in the way workers perform their duties. (Isangedighe 1996), working on disincentives and human resources (employees) role performance observed that employee’s job performance is a function of his ability and the motivation he receives. The effectiveness of productivity in an organization relies on the enhancement process that can satisfy employee’s needs.
The major problem of motivation is how to induce a group of people, each with a distinctive set of needs and a unique personality to work together towards the achievement of organizational objectives. The ability to understand why people behave the way they do and the ability to motivate them to behave in a specified desired manner are two inter related qualities which are very important for managerial effectiveness.
To induce or compel workers productivity, motivational techniques like regular incentives and promotions, interpersonal relationship and conducive working environment in the organization should be taken into consideration. Human resources’ motivation in any
organization is the prime concern and center of concentration of all managers.
Adequate motivational techniques in work place for employees would lead to efficient and effective job performance and increase productivity. For instance, Luthans (1998), posits that motivation is the process that arouses, energizing, directs and sustains behaviours and performance. That is, it is the process of stimulating people action, being committed towards achieving a desired objective, one way of doing this is to employ proper motivational techniques which makes worker more satisfied with and committed to their job. This centers on the fact that employees work well if superiors take notice of their work and reward them accordingly (Arubayi, 1981). Also, in addition, employee’s effectiveness and commitment to work are influence by both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors (Bess, 1981).
In a nutshells, Hekina and Jones (1967), posited that employees should he seen and valued as assets for the allocation of organizational resources. This project will be based on motivation technique for increase productivity in using Anchor Insurance Company Ltd Uyo.
The Influence of Employee Motivation and Its Resulting Effects on the Organization Performance (The Study Of Anchor Insurance Plc Uyo branch)
1.2 Statement of the Problem
It is obvious that the employees are the bedrock of any business organization. Organizations do not lay emphasis on the importance of’ understanding and applying various proper motivational techniques in designing and creating and environment for the performance leading to productivity. Hamilton (1994), noted that employees have inadequate infrastructural equipment at their disposal and have to contend with the recurrent irregular payment of’ salaries and entitlement, and denied fringe benefits.
Many organizations are apparently unaware of the benefits derived from motivating their employees, this makes their performance to be very poor. For instance, the employees of some organizations in Akwa Ibom State are owed close to a year salaries. Despite the many month salaries being owed, they are also deprived of good and conducive working environment and to crown it all, their options are not regarded in the employer’s scheme of things. The organizations lack an enabling environment for work performance, Poor incentives, tribalism and sentiments, bureaucracy and quote systems which assists in contributing to poor performance in an organization. Therefore, it is on these bases, that the researcher has been moved and compelled to investigate into the issues of motivation to see how employers can encourage and increase its workers productivity.