ABSTRACT: This research work investigates The Role of Communication on Organizational Performance in Champion Breweries Plc Uyo. This study was basically a survey research and therefore required the use of survey method of investigation. In this survey research, a questionnaire is designed to gather information on the role of communication in achieving organizational performance. Communication is essential to effective team performance and communications for any organization is like blood flow in the human body. Without the communication the business world will not be like the global village. The global village people are moving and sharing anything with the help of communication. So the communication bears the importance of job satisfaction and enhance job performances. The dominant perspective in literature indicated that communication as motivate employees as participant in decision making process; build organizational trust such as more positive attitudes, higher levels of cooperation, and superior levels of performance; enhances employee commitment to work; reduce uncertainty; enhances job security; a source of feedback, generate community spirit as well as building effective customer relationship.
There is therefore need for an effective communication channel between the employer and the employee as well as the stakeholders in the business organization like the employers, employee, suppliers, customers, trade union, regulatory agencies and government etc. When the communication is gap among the stakeholders, there creates a lot of problem because of miscommunication.
The Role Of Communication On Organizational Performance In Champion Breweries Plc Uyo
1.1 Background to the Study
Business all over the world today is very challenging. To stay profitable in the highly challenging and competitive global market economy all factors at production (i.e men, machine and materials), should be wisely managed (Deetz, 2003). Among the factors of production, human resource constitutes the biggest challenge because unlike inputs, employee management demands skillful handling of thoughts, feelings and emotions to secure highest productivity. organizational communication plays an important role in this challenge (Elving, 2008).
Communication or Business communication is a very crucial element in successful business organization. It is the mainstream of development or growth of the business organization. The business relationship is very important between management and employees. There is need for interaction and understanding of management employee relations hence it will impact on the organizational performances and organizational outcomes. According to Smythe, (2008), communication is a medium, a means to performance ends, or as constitutive, as the end in itself.
Communication is the transfer of information from a source to a receiver. It is effective when the sender of information and the recipient have a common comprehension of the message. The importance of communication in the world in which we live today cannot be overstressed.
Communication is derived from the Latin word “communicate” which means “to put in common” and “to share”. It then means the sharing of ideas, facts, thought and feelings for easy coexistence. It is a two way process which involves the sender and the receiver. Communication is, therefore, concerned with transmitting and receiving information which is the key to all aspects of organizational life, whether by planning, controlling, problem-solving, decision-making, motivating, interviewing and other management activities (Ijaiya, 2005).
Communication is a process of transmitting information from one person to another for supporting the organizational work. When the chain of command is very strong between management and the worker it will finally help in running the business organization. According to Kotter (2017), communication is a critical factor in directing and mobilizing the workforce towards the accomplishment of the organizational goals or objectives. By creating understanding it enhances co-operation and promote effective performance. According to Griffin, (2010), smart managers understand that the end effective, straight forward communication between managers and employees is essential for success. According to Cornelissen, (2008), communication is essential to effective team performance and communications for any organization is like blood flow in the human body.
According to Snavely as cited by Robins, communication process is initialed through the following means the sender encoding the message, the channel decoding- the receiver noise and feedback. It is estimated that managers spend over 80% of their day communicating with others. Since most of the basic management process planning, organizing, leading and controlling cannot be performed without effective communication. Civilization is impossible without the information or communication. Very importantly, without the communication the business world will not be like the global village. The global village people are moving and sharing anything with the help of communication. So the communication bears the importance of job satisfaction and enhance job performances.
Communication is an inevitable aspect of organizational functioning. The functions and importance of communication for organizations have been examined by researchers in various ways. Several studies emphasize that effective communication can enhance organizational outcomes (Garnelt, Marlowe, & Pandey, 2008; Pandey & Garnelt, 2006). Communication influence on the perception and opinions about persons, communities, organizations, governments, and even society. As a managerial tool, communication is frequently expected to share information with members, to coordinate activities, to reduce unnecessary managerial burdens and, rules and ultimately to improve organizational performance (Draft, 2000).
In order to accomplish tasks and achieve the organizational goals, every individual of an organization communicates with others about the various types of working the organization. Superiors deliver tasks to the subordinate; subordinates report results or make proposals to the supervisors; members of a group discuss how to achieve the group goal; and so forth.
According to (Mckinney,Barker, Smith& Davis,2004)communication is essential to effective team performance and communications for any organization is like blood flow in the human body. Therefore any organization that understands the importance of communication uses it in their organizational environment. Since, it ensures coordination of factors of production and most importantly material and human elements of organization as an efficient network of change and advancement. According to Ramah (2009), as cited by Ijajya (2005), communication process is initialed through the following means the sender-encoding-the message-the channel decoding- the receiver- noise and feedback. It is estimated that managers spend over 80% of their day communicating with others. Since most of the basic management process- planning, organizing, leading and controlling – cannot be performed without effective communication.
Furthermore knowing fully that poor communication rank as the single most important reason that people do not advance in their career as stated by Sverke & Hellgren (2002) it becomes necessary to research into the role of communication in achieving organizational performance.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
In the present age, Information technology has brought a great change in the era of industrial relationship between management and employee worker. Communication or Business communication is very important for the successful business in modern time. The organizations always seek to make the profit and carry on the business. When there is communication is gap between the employer and the employees, there creates a big problem of understandings in mind about the workers and employers. There are many stakeholders in the business organization like the employers, employee, suppliers, customers, trade union, regulatory agencies and government etc. When there is communication is gap among the stakeholders, there creates a lot of problem because of miscommunication.
Many industrial disputes rise because of miscommunication between management and workers. When the communication is less it creates the problem of performance appraisal, job advancement and acknowledgement. Hence, it is important to stress that in communication, emotions, environment, psychological and technical characteristics of the medium is relevant to enhance the organizational performance. In the view of Baran (2014), psychologically transmission goes beyond reception of information but understanding and feedback. Most organizational conflict has been traced to breakage in communication as supported by Lee.
According to Deetz (2003), in spite of the laudable roles of effective communication in improving organizational performances. Ineffective communication is detrimental for managers, employees and organizations; it can lead to poor performance, strained interpersonal relations, poor service and dissatisfied customers. For an organization to be effective and gain a competitive advantage, there must be an effective communication system to address both the internal and external affairs of the organization. Hence, this seeks to examine the influence of internal and external communication system in achieving organizational performance in Champion Breweries Plc., Uyo-Akwa Ibom State.
The Role Of Communication On Organizational Performance In Champion Breweries Plc Uyo
1.3 Significance of the Study
In practice, contemporary organizations have realized the importance of applying organizational communication to help organization management; thereby, organization performance is improved. These topics have been documented in many academic fields, such as organization management style, leadership behavior, work environment, psychological job satisfaction, and so forth. However, the current study is devoted to the field of communication studies. It examines the role of different types of organizational communication in the process of enhancing organizational commitment and provides knowledge about how to use communication to improve employees’ commitment to the employing organization. Consequently, this study contributes to the communication literature by providing information on the role of communication and employee-customer relationship. Moreover, information on this study will provides or serves as reference materials for the public and for the researchers in related areas.
Originally posted on October 13, 2021 @ 4:29 pm