Role Of Radio In Political Mobilization Of Electorates: A Study Of Akwa Ibom State Broadcasting Corporation Radio

Role Of Radio In Political Mobilization Of Electorates; A Study Of Akwa Ibom State Broadcasting Corporation Radio
Role Of Radio In Political Mobilization Of Electorates; A Study Of Akwa Ibom State Broadcasting Corporation Radio

Abstract: This research work examined the Role of Radio in Political Mobilization of Electorates: A Study of Akwa Ibom State Broadcasting Corporation Radio. The work examined factors such as medium, interpersonal communication exposure, objectivity and sycophancy so as to clearly determine the effectiveness of radio political news in mobilizing people for election. Useful theories which are the agenda setting theory, the social responsibility theory and the literature that constitute the basic framework of the study were examined. An empirical survey was carried out in four selected zones in Uyo metropolis. Data collected were analyzed in order to determine the effects of these factors on the efficiency of the radio political massages in mobilizing people for elections. The urban areas of Akwa Ibom were clustered into four zones; Uyo, Ibiono Ibom, Ikot Ekpene and Ikot Abasi.

The total number of 200 sample was drawn and strictly studied. Empirical evidence from findings revealed that the radio political information has been the engineering mechanism in mobilizing people for election. It makes up their political opinion and attitude, and leads them to political opinion formation. Although they did not regard the news as being objective. Nevertheless indicated that the government and its agencies distort the news.

Role Of Radio In Political Mobilization Of Electorates: A Study Of Akwa Ibom State Broadcasting Corporation Radio



1.1     Background of the Study

Media as an instrument of political mobilization explores the radio as a mobilization agency during the political transition period. It is thus, an important assumption that a systematic study of political mobilization of mass media should include an examination and the nature of operations of the mass media of communication in the radio as a tool for journalism educations, enlightening mobilization, culture propagation and entertainment, economics development, political participation and arouses national consciousness.

Radio is a vital force for social change through public enlightenment.  It exists because people must communicate with one another most especially in Akwa Ibom State that is made up of diverse ethnic groups. Communication is the activity by which people pursue the exchange of idea. An exchange is an effort to influence the situation around us. In the light of the above, the background of the study is designed to study the role, which the radio as a medium of exchange plays in mobilizing people in Uyo Metropolis towards active participation in polities.

Influencing people through communication is a mutual activity that is  why after considering other communication channels like television, interpersonal communication, traditional communication, (rituals and festivals gongs, drums and rites) newspaper and magazine and inview of how effective these channel could be used in performing the role of mobilizing of people in polities, its credibility is given to the radio in injecting political ideas and awareness into the blood stream of its audience.

Radio was originally founded in 1933 by the British colonial government and was named the radio diffusion services (RDS). It allowed the public to hear the British broadcasting corporation as foreign radio in April 1950, the (RDS) became the Nigerian Broadcasting Services and introduced radio station in Lagos, Kaduna, Enugu, Ibadan and Kano. This services was latter recognized as the Nigerian Broadcasting corporation (NBC) in 1957 by act of parliament.

The NBC was designed to serve the communication needs of the people in the regions in the same vein, the broadcasting organization of Nigeria (BON) was founded 1973 at and successful interaction of the broadcasting media in Nigeria. The organization is used as a rallying point for coverage of major national and international event. It is owned by the state.

Radio has the ability to serve both the illiterate and literate unlike the print media, radio has played major roles in greasing the wheels of the country’s political economy. Radio makes unbeatable contribution to the enhancement of the country’s political growth as exemplified in its massive political education, enlightenment, awareness, consciousness and provision of foray for discussion debates and presentation.

The mass media are organized, technical and chronological process of communication designed to reach and influence large number of people without the necessity of personal contact, radio is regarded as the guardian of the public that examines the political policies and programmes, educate the masses, motivate, mobilize and manipulate them into active participation in political programmes and activities.

According to Obiakuws, (2000: 28), the Nigerian political independence in 1960 had raised the hopes of many that the nation was being set towards achieving at free and fair democratic society. It is expected that the press as a whole and the radio in particular should be the market place of political ideas. Suffice it to say that the radio exists to serve the information needs of the citizenry in polities.

According to Agee Warren Kendal (2008: 22), that the  radio because of role as a mobilization channel for broadcast media  as technological device of mass communication are established to inform, entertain, and educate, these three basic functions are vital in  the democratization process of any nation whether in a homogeneous or plural society.

Thus radio as one of the electronic media has remained one of the greatest legacies of post independence in Nigeria. It uses and impact in public administration political enlightenment and general development which have made it an indispensable tool of information management and mobilization.

In Nigeria, the mass media of political information has become an instrument of political transformation of the entire masses and because of its effectiveness, has made those who were politically averse to become politically conscious. In view of the above, this work emanates to find out roles of Akwa Ibom Radio Broadcasting Corporation in Political Mobilization of Electorates in Akwa Ibom State.

Role Of Radio In Political Mobilization Of Electorates: A Study Of Akwa Ibom State Broadcasting Corporation Radio

1.2     Statement of the Problem

In democracies, the mass media are the watch dog of the people they usually mobilize and inform to create awareness on political culture by political culture, we refer to a system of polities where the traditional orientation of the citizen of a nation towards polities, affect their perceptions of political legitimacy. Nigeria secured independence since 1960 over four decades.

The 1979 constitution in Nigeria provides that every citizen male or female has the light as long as you have attained the eligible age to vote and to be voted for. However the direct opposite had been the case in the past.

In order to make citizens grasp a clearer understanding of what 1979 constitution stipulates and the note equal strength have played in polities of different nations in the world, the radio therefore has reasonable impact on audience primarily considering its immediacy and flexibility. 

In Nigeria, political system and all over the entire world, mass media as a communication channel has been so overwhelming that most times, we wonder what we would have done without it limiting this to the radio, the role of radio as an instrument of political mobilization cannot be over emphasizes, but despite all of them, it still has it weakness. We all know that of all medium of communication radio is the less effective mostly because of it audio talking about the most recognized and household communication medium we talk about the internet, other our various television programmes the magazine, newspaper. The researcher wishes to know why radio Akwa Ibom is a force to reckon with in the quest for political mobilization.

About Peter Lawson 2732 Articles
Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.