Teachers’ Characteristics and Teaching Effectiveness among Primary School Teachers
1.1 Background to the Study
The educational foundations begins from the primary school according to the Nations policy on Education (2004), is the education given to the children from the ages of six to eleven years plus (6-11 years). Primary education in Nigeria is the bedrock of the nation’s educational system since it determines the quantity and quality of subsequent education. This level of education according to NPE (2004) aims at inculcating permanent literacy, innumeracy, laying of sound basis for scientific thinking and others. Since primary school is the foundation for an individual’s education, therefore anything that is being done at the primary school level should be done with all sense of dedication and seriousness, because primary education is the gateway to whatever an individual can achieve through education (Maduewesi, 2005). And for an individual to have a solid secondary and tertiary education, a solid primary education is inevitable. This is the reason the National policy on Education (2004) States that the primary education is the key to the success or failure of the whole educational system. It is therefore, the responsibility of the primary school to ensure the attainment of the objectives of primary education, thereby laying the foundation for national development.
Teachers’ Characteristics and Teaching Effectiveness among Primary School Teachers
Essentially, teachers are the very sources of success or failure for the entire education process. No wonder the Federal Government of Nigeria (2004) declares that “no nation can rise about the quality of its education and no education can rise above the quality of its teacher”. To ensure high quality job performance by primary schools teachers, the various physiological and psychological needs of the teachers including health, feeding, social status, self-esteem together with teacher’s aspirations and self-actualization must be harmoniously provided for they serve as the measuring rod for successful job performances.
For Nigeria have a foundational and qualitative primary education, foundational and qualitative approach/teachers must be put in place to develop the primary education in Nigeria. In the light of this, this project will look into teachers’ characteristics and teaching effectiveness among primary school teachers in Uyo Local Government Area. Traditionally, teachers are regarded as a store or reservoir of knowledge, the store and sources of all transmission of knowledge. He is regarded as the conserved of all desirable values; the contemporary view of a teacher is today different. The teacher today is seen as a manager of resources for learning, a facilitator of knowledge, rather than a transmitter.
For these to be accomplished in the learning and teaching of primary school pupils, the teacher needs certain important characteristics to enable him succeed in the set goals/ targets. The teacher should be able to communicate effectively in the classroom to allow for easy lesson delivery and the understanding of the learners and when communicating should be able to reduce his language to the level of the learners, the teachers, having in mind the nature, the age, the psychological growth of the learners, should try to understand the challenges, weaknesses and their potentials.
The teacher must have knowledge of the subject matter, he/she should be able to understand the subject to be presented to the pupils, having a positive attitude to work and be enthusiastic in dealings with the learners. Since the characteristics of a professional teacher are in exhaustible, we will in the course of this project examine solving that recate to this study.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
An examination of popular beliefs about learning shows that there is a pressing need for teachers to understand the learning process. Not only because of the misinterpretation of what goes on in the classroom. Therefore, learning is a relatively simple process and what is needed are facts and theories about learning that have facts more of a scientific basis.
Learning and effective lesson delivery by the teachers become paramount in the mind of the teacher, failure of which renders the whole process of inculcating the values of education in the pupils become null and void. It is against this background that this study seek to investigate teachers’ characteristics and teaching effectiveness among primary school teachers in Uyo Local Government Area.
Teachers’ Characteristics and Teaching Effectiveness among Primary School Teachers
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study was to examine teachers’ characteristics and teaching effectiveness among primary school teachers in Uyo Local Government Area. Specifically, the objectives of the study are:
(1) To examine teacher’s qualification and teaching effectiveness among primary school teachers in Uyo Local Government Area.
(2) To assess the impact of teacher’s experience and teaching effectiveness among primary school teachers in Uyo Local Government Area.
(3) To identify the effect of teacher-pupils’ relationship and teaching effectiveness among primary school teachers in Uyo Local Government Area.
1.4 Significance of the Study
(i) The outcome of this study would help teachers to exercise enthusiasm with students.
(ii) The result of the study would enable teachers to establish good attitude.
(iii) Also, it will not only serve as a reference material for further/similar study, but will equally be a modest contribution to knowledge.
Originally posted on April 30, 2021 @ 4:22 pm
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