Abstract: This study was to assess factors influencing clothing selection, buying and practices among secondary school teachers in Abak Local Government Area. Based on recognizance survey, Ten (10) public secondary schools were randomly selected using simple random sampling method. Descriptive statistic of simple frequency table and percentage was used to analyze the data. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Simple random sampling method was used for the purpose of questionnaire administration. A total number of 200 questionnaire forms were administered to secondary school teachers in the selected schools in Abak Local Government Area. The result shows that teachers clothing selection is influenced by psychological, physical and social economic factors. The following recommendations were made: government should consider the modern factors that influenced clothing selection among secondary schools teachers and make policy to correct or improve the choice and chance of clothing section in Abak Local Government Area.
Factors Influencing Clothing Selection Buying and Practices among Secondary School Teachers
1.1 Background to the Study
The use of clothing is one of the most important factors that differentiates humans from animals and it is not only used to provide micro-climate for the wearers body but also to conceal the body and reveals its wearers status and personality to others.
Since prehistoric times, people in almost all societies have wear some kind of clothing. Many theories have been advanced as to why humans began wear clothing. One of the earliest hypotheses is the modesty/shame theory, which is based on the biblical story of creation.
In the book of Genesis 3:6-7, Adam and Eve, the first human beings realized they were naked after they ate fruits from the tree of knowledge.
Ashamed of their nakedness they sewed fig leaves together and made loin cloth (a strip of cloth wrapped around the waist and between the legs) for themselves.
Most human beings have never been contented with unadorned and uncovered bodies. Because of this they used a variety of articles such as animal skin, leaves and dyes to cover their bodies; Storm (2000). Gradually, these coverings and adornment items have become more sophisticated with plants, animal and synthetic materials being used to create fabrics, thus leading to the evolution of clothing.
Since then, clothing has been defined as any covering designed for the protection and appearance modification made on the human body.
Kaizer (2002), clothing is a tangible impression of personal values and is recognized as one of the symbols of communication that leads to social acceptance and is important to the development of self concept and individual’s personality.
Horn (2000), clothing is a factor in everyday human life and interactions. With others, it can transmit a vast array of meanings such as identify, value, mood and attitude.
Jensen (2003), emphasized that clothing was a systematic means of transmitting information about the wearer, meaning that multiple messages might be sent to the perceiver.
In most cultures, clothing was introduced as a method of protecting the human body from extreme weather conditions such as strong winds, intense heat, cold and precipitation.
People also wear clothes for functional as social reasons. Apart from the practical function of putting on a piece of garment above the skin, wearing clothes also caries specific cultural and social meanings. In the past the manner of clothing has been used to differentiate between the elites and non-elites, males and females.
However, to day clothing may be used to distinguish between those of low socio-economic status and this of high socio-economic status.
Dressing expectations relate to people’s psychological and socio-economic backgrounds. Within a given community, the elements of cultural identity and socialization may be altered from time to time due to various influence from the surrounding environment, such influences include mass media, changes in dress fashion and style among others, the system. Boss et al (2001), a system is set of element standing in the interaction among each other and with the environment. Thus, systems can only be understood as whole and affect each other through environmental feedback.
Clothing selection is a form of a system that can only be understood by studying the interrelation of element among themselves and the effect of the environmental feedback on it.
Many times in real life situations a person is judged upon how well dressed he/she appears and this is true for teachers, whether in the classroom setting or during a job interview. When teachers dress professionally they obtain the respect and credibility from students, parents and the community in general. The students will learn to opens the behaviour and appearance of their teachers.
An effective teacher will therefore dress appropriately as a professional educator for good growing. The code of conduct for teachers as stipulated in the teachers service commission code of conduct under regulation 28(6), provide dressing code for teachers while on duty. It states that while on duty, teachers are required to dress in a manner that reflects credit to the teaching profession and set a good example to their students.
The Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) believes that teachers should use their professional judgment to ensure their dressing is satisfactory and appropriate to their circumstances at their particular schools such a climate, age and maturity of students.
Teachers therefore need to wear clothes which is suitable for their duties at school since they are the role models in the society. Teachers in the rural areas are respected by members of the society and this respect is connected to their dress and how they carry themselves.
Among many factors that may influence teachers in their clothing selection are income, fashion, ages, socio-cultural factor and psychological factors, region factor. Since teachers have advanced levels at education and increases in their salaries, their social position. Therefore, many would select clothes which will provide an indication of their improved status.
Otieno (2000) pointed out although a lot of research has been done in the area of clothing, not much emphasis has been given in Abak. This implies that clothing selection is a worthy focus of research. Hence, owing to this it important to carry out a study in order to determine factors that influence clothing selection and practices among secondary school teachers in Abak Local Government Area.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Sometimes back in 1970s and 1980s, it was possible to recognize teachers by the way they dressed in rural areas and this commended respect for them. Teachers have lost identity and respect they used to command in society. Therefore, the study endeavoured to determine factors influencing clothing selection and buying practices among secondary school teachers in Abak Local Government Area.
1.3 Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to determine the psychological, physical and socio-economic factors influencing clothing selection and buying practices among secondary school teachers in Abak Local Government Area.
1.4 Research Questions
(i) Does psychological factors influence clothing selection among secondary school teachers?
(ii) Does physical factors influence clothing selection among secondary school teachers?
(iii) Does socio-economic factors influence clothing selection among teachers?
Factors Influencing Clothing Selection Buying and Practices among Secondary School Teachers
1.5 Objectives of the study
- To study the psychological factors that may influence clothing selection among secondary school teachers in Abak Local Government Area.
- To study the physical factors that may influence clothing selection in the study area.
- To study the socio-economic factors that influence clothing selection among teachers in the study area.
- Suggest and make recommendations that will enhance the choice of clothing selection among teachers in Abak Local Government Area.
1.6 Significance of the Study
It is the hope of the researcher that the findings of this study would help policy makers that is, government through teachers services commission to understand factor that do determine clothing selection and hence aid TSC in their implementation of 2006 dressing code for teachers.
Secondary school teachers will be educated on wise clothing selection and buying practices through the findings. They will be enlightened about the shopping outlets available and sources of information on their clothing selection of special significance, the findings of this study would aid clothing designers to determine specific clothing styles that would conform to teachers’ professional code of dressing.
The area of clothing selection and practices is less researched in Abak, hence, the researcher believed that the findings of the study would contribute significant research literature for scholarly work in this area.