Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate into the Environmental Variables And Teaching Effectiveness In Integrated Science In Secondary Schools In Esit Eket Local Government Area. Two (2) research questions were formulated to guide the research. The design adopted for this study was survey research design. The population of the study consisted of all Science teachers teaching integrated Science in all the public Secondary Schools in the study area. Three integrated science teacher were randomly selected from five (5) public schools through the use simple random technique which was sum up to fifteen (15) integrated science teachers used as sample size for the study. The instrument used for data collection was a research made instrument tagged integrated science teachers Questionnaire (ISCTQ). Data collected were analyzed using mean cut off point.
The result obtain from the analysis revealed that, home environments and the availability of information communication technology influence teaching effectiveness in Integrated Science among Junior Secondary Schools in Esit Eket Local Government Area. Based on the result obtained from the findings, it was recommended that governments and school administrators should ensure effective teaching of integrated science subjects such as integrated science. Parents should also ensure that they live in peace and harmony with their children as well as restricting them from joining bad groups as it promote the students interest and participation in class thereby enhancing effective teaching of Integrated Science in Schools.
Environmental Variables And Teaching Effectiveness In Integrated Science In Secondary Schools In Esit Eket Local Government Area
1.1 Background to the Study
Generally in the whole world, particularly in Nigeria education has been considered to be the bedrock for development. Integrated Science play a vital role in the societal development. According to the Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004), education forms the basis for literacy, skills acquisition, technological advancement and ability to harness human and material resources towards the achievement of societal goal.
Environment can be defined as a system within which living organisms interact with the physical elements while education environment is a learning place where the learner learn and interact with learning facilities in order to be socialized and face the challenges in the society. Ausieghe (2015) sees environment as consisting of all elements existing around man and which exert some influence on him. These include physical, biological and social attribute. Environment can also be seen as aggregate of all the external conditions and influences affecting the life and development of organisms.
In this study, environmental variables include all the external conditions and influences in the school that influence the effective teaching of Integrated Science. Among the variables are Home environment, technology, school environment, pear group influence etc. other environmental variables that affect the teaching of Integrated Science either positively or negatively includes, good administrative management, laboratory equipment, library facilities, qualified and competent teachers, furniture, school building, teacher-student relationship and school location, etc.
Environmental variables in this study can be divided into two parts, home and school environmental factors. The environmental variable of a setting helps to a large extent in ensuring attainability of the goals of such setting. Umoh (2014) asserted that, environmental differences and the difference in the quality of instruction from one school to another can create effects in the level of teaching Integrated Science in schools. However, Akila (2013) pointed out in his study that, environmental variable before now have not been considered as one of the factors that hindered effective teaching of Integrated Science in Junior Secondary Schools, hence, it has little or no attention in educational discourse and consideration. He further stressed that, over the past decade, remarkable studies have indicated correlation between the environment and the teaching of Integrated Science in Secondary Schools.
Environment plays major role in the teaching and learning processes. Though some people are yet to believe that environment bring about better performance as well as effective teaching in schools Udo (2010) in his article “The environmental Health problem in Nigeria schools” identified some unhealthy practice in our schools. These include setting of schools, inadequate facilities, poor ventilation etc. Most of our schools have no light, insufficient facilities, buildings and no ventilation. Under these conditions, the health of students and teachers according to Udo (2010) may be adversely affected which will in turn reflect on effective teaching of Integrated Science in schools.
Hence, it is pertinent to critically look at the environmental variables that influence the teaching and learning effectiveness in Integrated Science. However, there are some environmental variables which’ hindered the effective teaching of Integrated Science, such as: home background, school environment, peer group influence, inadequate school facilities, misuse of technology such as internet and school climate, such as teacher-student relationship etc. Based on this ground, this study therefore seeks to find out really if environmental variables affect the teaching effectiveness among Secondary Schools in Esit Eket Local Government Area.
1.2 Statement of Problem
The physical characteristics of the environment have a variety of effect on teachers, students and the teaching/learning process. Poor lighting, noise, high levels of carbon dioxide in the classroom, and in consistent temperature make teaching and learning difficult. Similarly, poor maintenance of environment and ineffective ventilation systems lead to poor health among students as well as teachers, which lead to poor lesson delivery and higher absentee rates among the teachers and students.
However, these variables or factors can adversely influence effective teaching in Secondary Schools and lead to higher level of frustration among teachers and poor learning attitude among students. Teaching effectiveness in Integrated Science, may not be guarantee when environmental variables such as home environment (parenting styles and socio-economic status) and school environmental variables (instructional space, workshops among others) are structionally defective In order to complete the above-mentioned variables responsible for environmental variables in teaching of Integrated Science. The researcher seeks to assess two effects of environmental variables on teaching effectiveness in Integrated Science among Secondary Schools in Esit Eket Local Government Area.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of environmental variables in teaching effectiveness in Integrated Science among Secondary Schools in Esit Eket Local Government Area.
Specifically, the study sought to:
- Examine the effect of students’ Home environment on teaching effectiveness in Integrated Science among Junior Secondary Schools.
- Assess the effects of information communication technology on teaching effectiveness in Integrated Science among Junior Secondary Schools.
Environmental Variables And Teaching Effectiveness In Integrated Science In Secondary Schools In Esit Eket Local Government Area
1.4 Significance of the Study
It is hoped that the findings of this study, if implemented will provide information for parents, educators and school administrators to reflect upon various variables that help students in achieving their academic goals both at home and in schools. In so doing, they can investigate the possibility of introducing those factors to their environment which may consequently lead to enhancing students’ outcomes and effective teaching in schools. The study will also provide a variable reference for other schools outside the study area for them to reflect upon the environmental variables as it affects the teaching effectiveness in Integrated Science among Secondary Schools. The result of the finding will also serve as a reference materials to other researcher who may which to carry out a research on this same topic.