Abstract: This study was to make an in-depth examination the relationship between teachers’ characteristics and effective teaching of social studies in primary schools. The main purpose was to assess the difference in teachers’ qualifications, teaching experience and gender bias. The study employed survey research design in carrying out the study. The population of the study was made up of all the teachers in the study area. One hundred teachers form the sample size for the study. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the respondents. Interment used in collecting the needed data for the study was Teachers’ Characteristics and Effective Teaching Questionnaire (TCETQ). The data collected was analyzed using Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient statistical analysis
1.1 Background of the Study
The teaching-learning process involves a vast array of interventional process at the center of which is the success of any educational programme. In spite of the technological breakthrough in audio-visual equipment, teacher has remained indispensable since they constitute a strong support in which educational machines are made to have meaning.
There is no doubt that there has been a growing concern about quality and intellectual aims of education in Nigeria society. The school is being looked upon to bring to fruition the attainment of society backed strongly by future citizens who are consciously and innovatively oriented, It is because of this that the teaching activities of the teacher falls under the search lights of the larger society. The National Policy on Education (2004) clearly recognizes the role the teacher which it declares that no education system may rise above the quality of teachers” this policy went further to say that teacher education shall continue to be given major emphasis in all educational planning and development.
According to Walter (2015), teachers are paid agents of cultural diffusion hired to carry out dark places while Hargreavelles (2015) in his contribution refers to the teacher as the communicators who keeps our cultural heritage from generation to generation. Walter conception of the teacher is worthy of being transmitted from generation to fact that in Africa and in Nigeria in particular teachers have onerous task of penetrating the village to teach in school established by the missionaries. Literary speaking most communities have as their first modernizing, influence the schools with the teacher as the torch-bearer of modernity although everyone is capable of learning something but certainly not everything for light is brought to dark place when the teacher introduces new knowledge ideas and concept to his pupils. This is what Walter refers to as dark places Ekanern (2016).
Each teacher, upon entering the teaching profession, assumes a number of obligations and ethical practices such as demonstration of the subject matter, skill and dispositions required for professional competence. Good teachers nurture their knowledge and skills through constant and deliberate effort nut only to the pupils, but society at large. Their roles are unique, complete, total package geared towards the molding of the pupils and building the nation. ‘These roles facilitate better appreciation of the teaching profession as well as the process of imparting education. Asukwo (2019).
Ekanem (2016) defined teaching as an act that has to do with an exhibition of certain characteristics of a person who is involved in it the teacher occupies a central position upon which all other activities within the school revolve, therefore, there are certain qualities expected of him to possess for effective executive functions.
Alaezi (2010) asserts that one mark of a professional teacher is the knowledge and application of methods of change, the wiliness and ability of change of human behaviour. He further stressed that one of the characteristics of a professional teacher is professional competence this ability consist of the knowledge of the subject matter, skills, teaching techniques which the teacher acquires in one way or the other through training Nkang (2002). A teacher is a pace setter for direction, his personality should be amiable to influence the climate of the class which will in turn affect the pupils general behaviour and the quality learning that take place on a daily basis.
According to Adeisoji and Olatudun (2008), they illustrate that pupils attitude was related to teachers characters personality. Adu and Olalunbosun (2007) contend that teachers’ characteristics are strong determinant of pupils’ performance in school they said that the teacher has a lot of influence on their classroom practices; teacher should have and apply specific abilities without which their influence may not relate to their performance in the subject. It is against this background that the study sought to find out how ‘teachers characteristic and effective teaching of social studies in primary schools in Obot Akara Local Government Area.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Over the years pupils’ achievement in social studies has prompted educational researchers to continuously make relentless effort at identifying mitigating factors that might account for the observed poor performance among pupils. Some research studies suggest that factors inside and outside the classroom affect pupils’ achievement and their interest in the learning. Among other characteristics identified are: shortage of qualified, teachers teaching experience, teaching methods, teachers’ attitude and learning facilities in schools.
There are complaints by the teachers, parents and educational stakeholders that the methods used by teachers in teaching the pupils are not effective and these have negated pupils’ academic performance. It is also observed that pupils cannot easily follow instructions in class, lessons become dull and boring, it also engender negative attitude, low interest and poor performance among pupils. In this vein, teachers’ characteristics have been linked to be one of the causes of ineffective teaching in schools. Therefore this study is designed to survey teachers’ characteristics on effective teaching of social studies in primary schools