1.1 Background to the Study
Education has been recognized worldwide as the fundamental basic tool on which any nation could function effectively for a sustainable development politically, economically, socially. The viability of any society depends solely on the good and qualitative education given to its citizen. To this end one of the input systems which are the teachers needed to be well equipped with all the necessary material that would motivate them to perform the task effectively. This is because motivation is the key for effective performance and improvement. Vandiver,(2002).
Motivational strategies in education are those strategies apply by government, parent, teachers to bring the best out from the learners. These strategies are praise, punishment, reward and encouragement etc.
It is obvious that a teacher cannot bring the students in his class in a high academic performance without knowing what motivates the students. The importance of operating an efficient classroom system during the teaching learning situation, maintaining their roles must be built on knowledge of motivation. James (2000); class climate is very importance, and it does depend on the teacher. If a teacher, experience the classroom as a safe, healthy happy places with supportive resources and facilities for teaching, for optional learning, he/she tends to participate more than expected in the force of management administration and the overall improvement of the school. The teacher is one who improve classroom image through orderliness discipline and control. He makes diagnosis of student’s feelings and attitude inferred by their behaviour and response in the classroom environment. Thus lash and Kirkpatrick (1990) concluded that in the absence of school programmes that major responsibility of working with children in the classroom rest with teachers. Likewise Machr and Midgleg (1991) affirms that what takes place in the classroom, even though the classroom itself is not an island is critical, therefore, depending on the degree of congruence with classroom practices, and school environment, teacher teaching activities may dilute or enhance students’ performance.
Motivation on education is group into intrinsic and extrinsic which is both applicable to teaching and learning processes. Oneil (1995) explain that teacher have both intrinsic and extrinsic needs
The teaching/learning system requires effort of government, parents, teacher before any success could be accomplish and these can be accomplished through application of different motivational strategies. The government, parent, teachers are directly in the said effort that would bring about the accomplished goals.
From the above explanation, it could be concluded that, in teaching/ learning process, motivation is necessary for effective teaching to take place which will on turn necessitate effective learning. Hence this study is design to investigate teacher’s motivational strategies and students’ academic performance in Economics in Secondary Schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The general performance of student in many subjects including Economics has been observed to be very poor. This underlie problems is blamed on so many factors such as teachers’ motivational strategies, classroom size, teachers’ characteristic, school environment, resource utilization and others. Adedji,(2009).
The demands of learner’s nowadays are more complex than the past one. Before, a teacher was expected to be master with books so that he can impact same to his students. The teacher which act as an input system should be able not to manage only his students but to used different motivational strategies (such as tangible reward, encouragement, praises, punishment) in his/her teaching.
Lack of necessary teaching aids to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Hence this problem fall back at students and educational system in general in which the teachers are the anchor: this study is therefore aimed at investigating teachers’ motivational strategies and students’ academic performance in Economics in secondary school in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area (L. G. A.)
1.3 Objective of the Study
The general aim of this study is to examine Teachers’ motivational strategies and students’ academic performance in economics in secondary schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.
- To examined whether there is significant difference in Academic performance of students’ taught Economics with the use of reward and those taught without the use of reward.
- To examined whether there is significant difference in Academic performance of students’ taught Economics with the use of praise and those taught Economics without the use of praises.
1.4 Significant of the Study
Significantly, this study will be of benefit to the teachers’, school administrations and government as it would reveal the need of using variable motivational strategies (reward, praise, encourage).
The study was significant because of the following reasons:
Ensure teachers meaningful engagement in enduring effective and productive performance; inform government on the need for on-time releases of salaries and other connectives so as to motivate teachers to teach.
Help to promote the interest of students in the study economics.
It will help the school administrators to create conducive learning atmosphere for students.
Finally, it would also add to the body of knowledge or make way for further research.
Originally posted on May 3, 2021 @ 12:20 pm
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