The Major Justifications for the Inclusion of Philosophy of Education in the Teacher Education Programme
Philosophy of education provides original ideas regarding all aspects of education particularly educational aims. It is said that educational philosophy gives different views, but this situation is not harmful, rather it helps in providing education according to the need of society. Education can be called as the dynamic side of philosophy because philosophy is wisdom; education transmits that wisdom from one generation to the other. Education is the application of the fundamental principles of philosophy. Philosophy gives ideals, values and principles. Philosophy focuses on the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. Education focuses on the transmission of knowledge to the younger generations.
Method of Functioning: Instead, it transmits knowledge and develops individual personalities. Education is an important human activity. It was born with the birth of the human race and shall continue to function as long as the human races live. The importance of education may be summed up as an essential human virtue, a necessity for society, important for integration of separate entities, gives significance to life, sign of freedom, a controlling grace and the basis of a good life. Philosophy and education are closely inter-related. A sound philosophy of education is based on an adequate philosophy of life.
Philosophy and education are reconstructive; they give to and take from each other in ebb and flow of thought and action; they are means to one another, and ends; they are process and product. Philosophy attempts to value the objectives, goals, issues and conceptual frameworks of education in a specific branch referred to as the philosophy of education. Education is knowing or understanding something that is already known in the society. The medicines required for treating each disease are different so you need an education about it to know the medicines. But you contemplating about such topics will be philosophy. Philosophy is about self – knowledge. Knowing anything and everything of anything and everything for anything and everything but by yourself
Philosophy of education is an applied and practical philosophy not only for teachers but also for the administrators or educators. To them, it is a continuous search for better methods of solving educational problems. It is inevitable for teachers or educators to have the know-how of thinking things through without childishly accepting issues for granted. The teacher or educator through the philosophical thinking should be able to appreciate the implications and meanings of numerous educational issues. Philosophy of education is a systematic and rational way of sorting out facts, educational principles and theories and critically evaluating them. (Akinpelu, 1981).
Specifically, the inclusion of philosophy of education in a teacher education programme can be justified with the following points:
- The knowledge of philosophy of education helps the teacher in understanding the philosophy of education will teach them the need to know the whys. Along with the intellectual development of the students, it will also improve the standards of our society and make us more rational.
- The inclusion of philosophy of education in a teacher education programme enables the teacher to acquire a balanced sense of judgment and good organisation of classroom and enhances effective learning through the choice of acceptable methods.
- Philosophy of education in teacher education programme helps the teacher become more aware of the implications of the various issues involved in education. By engaging in thinking on the subject himself, he discovers other dimensions, which other educators have neglected.
- Philosophy of education in teacher education programme encourages the teacher to look at educational problems more critically, clearing them of the confusions that personal interests, prejudices and emotions usually introduce to educational discussions.
- Philosophy of education in teacher education programme helps the teacher/educator to better understand the objectives of his national policies on education. He can evaluate the worth whileness of his nation’s educational needs and achievement.
- It improves teacher’s level of maturity, proper knowledge of the child and environmental demands.
- The teacher with the knowledge of philosophy engages in any form of educational problems, issues and discussion and offers alternative options for actions.
- It enables the teacher to relate theory to practice.
- Philosophy of education in teacher education programme also helps the teacher to understand the national and educational goals of his country.
- Philosophy of education enables teachers to appraise their progress and shortcomings, against the background of the aims and objectives of an educational programme.
- The educational process relies on curriculum for guidance while philosophy constitutes the base of curriculum design.
- Philosophy of education gives the teacher the professional tool and provides high quality performance in educational activities.
- It gives the teacher a personal intellectual education which he really needs more than others since the job of a teacher is mainly to stimulate the intellectual anxiety of the students.”
- For the teacher, philosophy is very important in developing meaning and conventional wisdom in education issues.
- It enlightens the teacher as to the origin of educational difference.
- It rationalises pedagogical theories being used, examining them for their worthwhileness.
- It improves the teachers’ work by helping them to clarifying their personal philosophies; offering them personal intellectual educational and enabling them to influence educational policies which they operate.
- It helps professionalise the teaching job.
- It clarifies values and aims in education.
- It critically examines assumptions underlying all schools and educational practice.
Above all, the teacher can competently scrutinize the principles, laud practice of different schools of thought especially on school curriculum, pedagogy and administration by the knowledge of philosophy. Therefore, philosophy of education is the use of philosophical tools, theories, methods, and principles for the explanation and solutions of educational problems.