ABSTRACT: This study investigated the Influence of Environmental Variables and Academic Performance of Pupils in Primary Science. A survey research design was employed to carry out the study. The population of the study consisted of all the pupils in all primary schools in the study area. The total population was two thousand two hundred and seven (2207) pupils. One hundred (100) pupils formed the sample size for the study and a simple random sampling technique was used to select the respondents. Three research questions and three research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The instrument used in gathering the needed data for the study was the researcher’s made questionnaire called Environmental Variables and Academic Performance Questionnaire (EVAPQ) and Primary Science Achievement Test (PSAT).
Influence Of Environmental Variables And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Primary Science
The data collected was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient statistical method. The result of the findings revealed that there is significant relationship between environmental variables and academic performance of pupils in primary science in primary schools in Ukanafun Local Government Area. Based on the result of findings, it was recommended among others that Government should ensure that both urban and rural schools are provided with equal facilities so as to enhance the effective learning of primary sciences in all primary schools in the area.
Background to the study
Environmental variables and academic performance of pupils in primary school before now has been a cause for great concern. Primary school is no doubt the foundation of education, prominently been regarded as a fundamental human right. Education is an essential component of human capital and it plays an important role in economic growth and development of any country. Primary education therefore remains an important social service that should be carefully managed
Udom (2007) noted that environment of the learners is one of the strong determinants in learning according to him, factors such as qualified teacher, classroom buildings, sport facilities, laboratories, etc should be put in place to ensure effective learning and teaching for good academic performance and optimal level of achievement in a given subject area.
According to Inyang (2012) School is an environment which constitutes all that surrounds the learners in the course of learning. The environment of the school embraces such provisions as good internal road, spacious classroom, water and well equipped laboratories, workshops and libraries, etc. therefore, when the required facilities are not put in place in adequate quantities in the surrounding of the learners, they will have difficulty in understanding concepts because they are abstract to them. For instance, when the facilities are not available or if the environment of the school is not well equipped, the pupils may be forced to understand primary science concept shallowly and that would lead to poor performance.
Environmental variables before now have been considered as one of the factors that affect effective teaching and learning in schools. Hence, it has attracted attention in educational discourse and consideration. Environment plays a major and vital role in the life of every individual be it a pupil or a teacher. Through some people are yet to believe that environment bring about better performance, Udo (2010), in his study of the environmental problem in Nigerian schools noted that most of our schools lack the necessary amenities teaching and learning such as libraries, workshops and laboratories etc. under these conditions the training of pupils by teachers according to Udo (2010) may be adversely affected, which in turn may reflect on the pupils performance in school. Therefore for the pupils to carry out their learning effectively and efficiently, it is necessary that learning must take place in a conducive environment.
Studies have shown that both the physical environment and psychological potentials of an individual are contentious variables that may influence academic performance. Many pupils fail to develop their potentials clue to inadequate environmental stimulation Olaiton (2012), mentioned that lack of inadequate school buildings and the structure in the school environment affect directly the teaching and learning of primary science in primary schools.
Influence Of Environmental Variables And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Primary Science
1.2 Statement of the Problem
There is a growing rate of complaints of poor academic performance in both internal and external examination Udo (2010). These complaints are being made by pupils, parent and the general public despite the effect made by the government and relevant stakeholders towards the achievement of educational objectives. For instance, studies show that government has shown tremendous concern in curricular reviews, recruitment of teachers, and retraining of teacher, etc while the academic performance of our children continue to dwindle.
It is on the basic of these massive complaints that one wonders whether environmental variables could play a role in the dwindling academic fortunes of our future leaders hence, the investigation of environmental variables and academic performance of pupils in primary science in primary schools.